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United Admins - Game Server Admin Association

I Own You - IOU-Radio

C S - M A P S . C O . U K

iou.jpg (1K) - Site Down

Monday, July 16, 2002 - 10:23 PM

Our regular site is down, should be back up in the next few days. Recruit practice is tomorrow (wednesday) at 8pm, meet up with RedNek in irc a little before that so we know how many are going to show and we will give you the ip address to the server then. Hopefully our new private server will be up by then, if it is not up, we will have to postpone the practice until the server gets put up. Thanks.


Posted by admin

iou.jpg (1K) - Recruit Team

Monday, July 8, 2002 - 10:23 PM

I started building the recruit team today. This is how it is going to work for now. Anyone that has been trying out will be on the recruit team, and they will be in clanbase league, with -=[IOU]=-Rednek in charge of helping and leading them. And after the first few weeks of that , I will filter out who stays and who leaves based on their performance. If you are interested, email me at with the five info questions we have in our members section (i.e. fav. gun/map etc) I am currently looking for another member to help rednek run these guys and help train them for more serious leagues we compete in, contact me if you think you are up for it. thanks.


Posted by admin

iou.jpg (1K) - New Leagues

Sunday, July 7, 2002 - 8:20 PM

Finally gonna start rolling in other leagues, findscrim league is getting started pretty fast check out that league at , we are registered with them and waiting for our first match to be setup. Second league is RGL , we are registered just waiting for authorization. Third league is XGL , and I am still waiting for them to contact me to see when we start. Stay tuned for the latest on this.


XGL accepted is and now needs all of the participating members wonids. If you wish to play in the XGLeague , email me your wonid a.s.a.p - thanks

Posted by admin

iou.jpg (1K) - Servers

Friday, July 5, 2002 - 3:45 AM

Alot of problems lately with our servers, Holdouts went down sometime last night, I emailed when I found out, so it should be up soon, our dust only server went out of business, and so did one of our private servers. Leaving us with one server working and hopefully our holdouts public server will be back up shortly. Expect our new public server up around friday of next week, check back here frequently for more news as I receive it , sorry for the inconvenience.


*update* Holdouts is back up, he will be changing the cases of our server saturday or sunday, so expect it down again for the last time for about an hour on one of those two days.

Posted by admin

iou.jpg (1K) - VAC Updated

Tuesday, July 2, 2002 - 4:28 AM

Valve anti-cheat was updated yesterday, this is what was said:

*** This only affects Counter-Strike servers. ***

We've updated the public security modules again. If you were helping us test the beta security modules over the weekend by adding "-testmodule " to your command line, you can now remove that command line option and restart your server.

If you weren't testing the beta security modules, your Counter-Strike servers should update themselves automatically. If you find your servers are suddenly having problems, try restarting the servers.


Eric Smith

And for those of us that were waiting for the cs:condition zero to be released, it was pushed back even further, this is what was said:

Counter-Strike: Condition Zero was originally slated for spring, then pushed back to summer, and now, via an updated release schedule, Sierra has revealed in that it won't be with us until November. Bah.

Reason for the delay is unknown, and when contacted earlier today a spokesperson for Sierra UK would give no comment.

Posted by admin

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