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If monkeys ruled the world I would be king = Rimmer
!John = Hairy Cabbage = alot of other aliases
Ẳţђ - Čøŗřрŧ = Anton

Sparckman says:


hi LM


Sparckman says:




LukeyM says:




Sparckman says:


Titan got mad cu'z of John


Sparckman says:


that's all


RyGuyX says:


not exactly


RyGuyX says:


he got mad cuz you didn't ask him about making the DB board first


RyGuyX says:


or Dines, or I


RyGuyX says:


and because you took away his Asst. manager position


Sparckman says:


But I have been talking baout it for the longest time


Sparckman says:


YEAH but


RyGuyX says:


And why do people keep thinking I'm complaining about theDB board?!


Sparckman says:


that don't afect him in anyway


RyGuyX says:


the DB board is fine, although I don't like it


Sparckman says:


just his pride maybe


Sparckman says:


DARK basic


Sparckman says:




RyGuyX says:


And it takes away all the stuff he can do


RyGuyX says:


Anyway, let's get off the subject of Titan, he's gone


RyGuyX says:


Why do you want an MMB board?


RyGuyX says:


It's not a game-making tool


Sparckman says:


No no Dark Basic Can't do the stuff TGF can do MAN



RyGuyX says:


Sparckman, are you high on something right now or something?



 <<<Ẳţђ - Čøŗřрŧ>>> has been added to the conversation.


LukeyM says:


dudes, please...


RyGuyX says:


well would ya look at all the people here


LukeyM says:


Where did these all spring up from?


Sparckman says:


Ok there is no MMB board


Sparckman says:




RyGuyX says:


Sparckman, why do you want an MMB board? It's not a game-making tool.


Sparckman says:




!John says:




RyGuyX says:


but why do you want one?



 !John has left the conversation.


<<<Ẳţђ - Čøŗřрŧ>>> says:




If monkeys ruled the world I’d be king says:


Sparckman says:


Man you guys are funny


RyGuyX says:


answer my question


<<<Ẳţђ - Čøŗřрŧ>>> says:


whats that?


RyGuyX says:




Sparckman says:


Ok what was your Question?


RyGuyX says:


Why do you want an MMB board?


RyGuyX says:


it's not a game making tool


LukeyM says:


Why have a board on GAMEMAKERS that is about a program that doesn't make games?


Sparckman says:


MMB is cool


<<<Ẳţђ - Čøŗřрŧ>>> says:




RyGuyX says:


but it doesn't make games


Sparckman says:


Well you could make games with it


RyGuyX says:


It's for making Cd's and autorun programs


Sparckman says:


and it's easy to use


RyGuyX says:


I checked it out


<<<Ẳţђ - Čøŗřрŧ>>> says:


but GameMakers is for games, mmb makes apps


RyGuyX says:


I've made plenty of apps with MMF, but I don't post them up here


Sparckman says:


sorry guys I was on the phone


Sparckman says:




RyGuyX says:


Sparckman, do you know why there were 17 votes for MMB when I checked this morning? It was 7 hours after I last checked when here was none.


Sparckman says:


MMF was made for APPz right?


RyGuyX says:




Sparckman says:




RyGuyX says:




Sparckman says:




RyGuyX says:


it means somebody cheated


Sparckman says:


I has more votes


RyGuyX says:


check it now


Sparckman says:


Well I didn't


RyGuyX says:


it took 1½ days to get 6 votes


Sparckman says:




RyGuyX says:


then over the course of 7 hours there were 17 votes


RyGuyX says:


do the math


Sparckman says:


May be all the members changed their mind


RyGuyX says:


somebody tried to fix the results


Sparckman says:


MAN strange things happen in life


RyGuyX says:




Sparckman says:


why would they do that?


RyGuyX says:


listen, let's get back to the subject of the boards


Sparckman says:


how can they cheat?


RyGuyX says:


who ever asked for MMB, VB, C++, or JAVA?


Sparckman says:




Sparckman says:


Oh man


Sparckman says:


C++ can make games


Sparckman says:


so can Visual basics


RyGuyX says:


yes, but who in the group wants another board?


Sparckman says:


ah... me


RyGuyX says:


beside you


Sparckman says:




RyGuyX says:


stop being self-centered


LukeyM says:


Right - make the votes again. But make it CLEAR that they are voting for Multimedia Builder not Multimedia Fusion. I hadn't even heard of MMB until today.


RyGuyX says:


Yes, i did that allready


Sparckman says:


ok how about this



 <<<Ẳţђ - Čøŗřрŧ>>> has left the conversation.


LukeyM says:


Dines isn't here to speak for himself.


RyGuyX says:


so nobody can say anything about what he said


RyGuyX says:


I'll make a note to ask him


RyGuyX says:


Now, why do you feel you can go and announce new boards without asking anyone else first?


Sparckman says:


but Jonh has to in charge of the DB board


Sparckman says:


Well I did


RyGuyX says:


lemme ask you something, is english your first language?


LukeyM says:


Dude! keep to the subject


RyGuyX says:


or french?


Sparckman says:




RyGuyX says:


Now, why do you feel you can go and announce new boards without asking anyone else first?


Sparckman says:


on frances


RyGuyX says:


But who did you ask that was an asst manager, that said you could make a DB board?


RyGuyX says:


(this doesn't include John)



 <<<Ẳţђ - Čøŗřрŧ>>> has been added to the conversation.


Sparckman says:


I told every one in the board


RyGuyX says:


Does anyone remember that?


Sparckman says:




RyGuyX says:




RyGuyX says:


Sparckman, nobody remembers that


Sparckman says:




RyGuyX says:


What's that say to the logicl mind?


RyGuyX says:


You regret it?


Sparckman says:


Oh Yeah maybe I dreamt that


RyGuyX says:


dreamt it...



 If monkeys ruled the world I'd be king has left the conversation.


Sparckman says:




Sparckman says:




Sparckman says:


I someone changed your role as Manager


LukeyM says:




RyGuyX says:


are you... ok?


Sparckman says:


I'll be restoring you in 10 sec



Sparckman says:




Sparckman says:




RyGuyX says:


"I someone"?


LukeyM says:


I got deleted when Neblenone went crazy.


LukeyM says:


Had to rejoin... lost my status of being first member aswell...(SOB!)


Sparckman says:


MAN that stupid son of his mom


RyGuyX says:


I think it was before that, actually.


Sparckman says:


what's your name?


RyGuyX says:


well you had to rejoin though


Sparckman says:


That was scary


LukeyM says:


Yeah, did happen before that. Think it was TITAN - because I hadn't sent a message for ages.


Sparckman says:




RyGuyX says:


Anyway, Sparckman: are you going to make an MMB board, a JAVA board, a VB board, a C++ board, etc?


Sparckman says:


We gotta talk to titan


Sparckman says:


but he has to acept john as Manager too


RyGuyX says:




Sparckman says:


they will be in separete board


RyGuyX says:




RyGuyX says:




Sparckman says:




RyGuyX says:




RyGuyX says:


nobody wants them!


Sparckman says:


They could be there as a bakcup resource or something


RyGuyX says:




Sparckman says:


It couod be right at the button


Sparckman says:




RyGuyX says:


Waht button? What are you talking about?


Sparckman says:


It could be a link to anotherboard


LukeyM says:


Assistant managers should be appointed through three things - Dedication, Capability and Experience...


Sparckman says:




RyGuyX says:


Yes, let's discuss that: Why don't you make more GROUPS for all these different things?


Sparckman says:


that's what Iwas thinking


Sparckman says:


John knows this program like the back of his hand


RyGuyX says:


What program?


RyGuyX says:


We're not talking about DB


Sparckman says:


Now can ryguyX do it better than Jonh


Sparckman says:




RyGuyX says:


do what?


Sparckman says:


If there was to be a C++ board in GM


RyGuyX says:


We're not mind-readers here


RyGuyX says:


No, why don't you make a separate group for C++?


RyGuyX says:




RyGuyX says:


Because nobody here wants a board for C++


Sparckman says:


We would have to have a C++ expert


Sparckman says:




RyGuyX says:




Sparckman says:


cu'z how can he be the one if he is dead


Sparckman says:


C++ is cool


Sparckman says:


well so I heard


RyGuyX says:


are you a complete moron, Sparckman?


Sparckman says:




<<<Ẳţђ - Čøŗřрŧ>>> says:


1 MMB board, 1 MMF board, 1 TGF board, 1 DB board 1 C/C+/C++ board, 1 JAVA board? a whole network of boards?


Sparckman says:


no are you?


LukeyM says:


Not an expert as such - just someone who has a good idea. Or someone who is learning along with them,,,


RyGuyX says:


are you even reading anyone else's messages?


Sparckman says:




Sparckman says:


that would work out@


Sparckman says:


ThanX Anton


LukeyM says:


Well TGF. MMF and KNP would all be in the same forum. as they are basically the same prog.


Sparckman says:


Well yeah I do but... some stuff don't make sence


LukeyM says:





RyGuyX says:


Sparckman, try to stay on the subject for at least a minute at a time


Sparckman says:


TGF MMF DB are the main sources for Game Making in GM


Sparckman says:




Sparckman says:




Sparckman says:


This is what GM will do


Sparckman says:


if you guys don't mind


RyGuyX says:


Can't you make more GROUPS for DB and VB and MMB and such?


Sparckman says:


DB stays


LukeyM says:


I'm still a bit dubious about DB.


RyGuyX says:


ok, but for VB and MMB and all the rest


Sparckman says:


MMB won't be created


RyGuyX says:





 If monkeys ruled the world I'd be king has been added to the conversation.


RyGuyX says:




RyGuyX says:


don't you think DB should be in a separate group?


If monkeys ruled the world I’d be king says:




If monkeys ruled the world I’d be king says:




RyGuyX says:




Sparckman says:


Visual Basic will be in a section


Sparckman says:


as read only


LukeyM says:


Y'see - with TGF,MMF and KNP. ANYONE who can use windows can pick up a mouse and make a game in two minutes...


Sparckman says:


YEAH I mean


RyGuyX says:


Yeah sparky get rid of the DB board or we'll all leave and go to titans new group

rimmer - a DB user


Sparckman says:


TGF is still the main source for GM


Sparckman says:


That is your choice


Sparckman says:


Game Makers Will make 3D games


Sparckman says:


and 2D


Sparckman says:




If monkeys ruled the world I’d be king says:


and 4D


Sparckman says:


See ryguyX


<<<Ẳţђ - Čøŗřрŧ>>> says:


you could make a network of boards with a main site then a community for klik products one for db and so on


RyGuyX says:


ok, let's get off getting rid of boards and stuff


LukeyM says:


With DB, C++ and VB - you need to know a little about the programming language to even get started..


Sparckman says:


we need to be open minded


RyGuyX says:


What anton means is a whole network of GROUPS


RyGuyX says:


Boards are the different sections


Sparckman says:


DB I'm picking on my own with help of john


RyGuyX says:


Sparckman, can you just leave the board alone for now?


Sparckman says:


That could be an alternative


RyGuyX says:


not making any more boards?


RyGuyX says:


not making any more announcements?


Sparckman says:


Ok I'll chnage it



 <<<Ẳţђ - Čøŗřрŧ>>> has left the conversation.


RyGuyX says:


change what?


LukeyM says:


ANTON - In or out?


RyGuyX says:


he's gone, he can't hear you, lol


Sparckman says:


I'll be cutting stuff off to transfer to another Game Board


Sparckman says:




RyGuyX says:


you mean group?


RyGuyX says:


there are boards and groups, i wish people would get them straight


Sparckman says:


I'm gonna create another group


RyGuyX says:




RyGuyX says:




RyGuyX says:


is everyone ok with that?


Sparckman says:


Happy now


If monkeys ruled the world I’d be king says:




Sparckman says:


Tell you the truth that's what Iwas gonna do


Sparckman says:




RyGuyX says:


DB will stay, but for anything else Sparckman wants there will be more groups


Sparckman says:




Sparckman says:




RyGuyX says:


sure it was sparckman, sure


Sparckman says:


hey I brought I lot of posts from all the readers eh?


Sparckman says:




If monkeys ruled the world I’d be king says:


ok looks like UGM wont be needed


Sparckman says:


My god people


Sparckman says:


Don't worry


Sparckman says:


I don't even know if the Tutorial section will stay


Sparckman says:


may be cut pictures


RyGuyX says:


yes, it will


RyGuyX says:


it will stay


Sparckman says: