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The official home of The Games Factory, Klik & Play, Multimedia Fusion, and all those other game creation tools. Here you can buy the programs for yourself. But there are no games here.
If you don't know what this is allready (I, personally, couldn't imagine anyone who visits this site not knowing)... You'll need Winzip or something along those lines to download my games. It's free, here.
Chris and I have been friends for a few years now. He's quite good at making games. Although he's not good at finishing them. He's got some cool games and tutorials and stuff. I consider him my equal. We both been making games for about the same amount of time. Though he seems to be more into the technical stuff :).
Aerosol Games
This is yet another guy named Chris. He is the owner of this site. He put me on his links so I put him on his. And he called me his inspiration :D. Help the guy out, visit his site, inspire him more, give him hope, and hits. He's got a demo of one game and soem tutorials up.
Scorpian Entertainment
Well he's got a nice site, better layout than mine, I suppose. More themed, it is. He's got a few games and previews and demos and such. He's got a comic and he says he'll make more and he's got a good collection of links and some stuff for Roller Coaster Tycoon. It can be a tiny bit tricky to get to the actual games, though. Very much worth a visit.
Very nice site design. Anyway, this guy has a few games and libs and links. He also has emulators and some cool roms. Right now and a guestbook and some other cool stuff and a forum. This is definately worth a visit whether you're there for the games or the emulation. This really doesn't have anything to do with Game Making, but it's a friend's site. He has some Flash games up there, right now. And hey: there's no ads!