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 Welcome to Honorbound Elite Guild

Monday, June 16, 2003

The guild website is currently going through major updates, please bear with us. We are currently looking for webmasters and graphic artists. If you would like to apply please e-mail, include any samples of your work and all detail of you experience of the appropriate field.
posted by Charisma (Faustine07) on 9:47 PM

Wednesday, March 19, 2003

I'm looking for people who would like to write neopet guides for the site. You need to be entertaining and informative and have been on neopets a pretty long time. You must be good with grammar etc. I'm looking for things like:

Guides about how not to get scammed
Guides about what to do if you get scammed
Guides about where to make the most np
Game guides(guides with tips and help for games)
Guides about neopian world secrets

Those are just some examples. I think it would be neat if we could have articles that would be informative and entertaining for neopians to enjoy. If you have any articles or guides you wish to submit please send them to
I am also looking for any neopets material related things like:

Stories(fiction or non-fiction)

You will be given credit will be given for all accepted submitted work. All submissions will belong to this site, please do not submit them to other sites. We ask this to avoid people thinking we have copied their material. If your guide or material is already being displayed on another site please do not submit it to us.

posted by Charisma (Faustine07) on 10:00 PM

.: News Updates :.
Updating of webpage
New Guild Layout
Council openings
.: Meetings :.
No meetings planed for this Month
.: Birthdays :.
We wish you the very best :) 
~*Happy Birthday*~
(We apologize if we have missed any birthdays.)
.: Ideas :.
If you have any comments or ideas about the HBE guild or site; send them to Faustine07.  Can't wait to hear from you.
.: Administration :.
These are the names of those with extreme qualifications.
.: Invite :.

Help us gain members by inviting.


Neomail: Faustine07 or Ventralis

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