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Hello and welcome to -Hoe-'s Counter-Strike Web page below you will find info about the game and us.

 Check this link to see Pictures of us in action


  Here you will find great links to web pages such as the CS page, CPL world, and more!!!



As I would like to welcome you to a new page for us I must hurry and go onto our information. –HOE- means Haters Of Everyone. Why? We’re not racist we just hate everyone. Not to mention they don’t like us J –HOE- has been around since 2000. The clan members in the link below have been playing various amounts of time. Some of the members date to the 2.0 beta that’s even b4 the pre-public release of CS in the form of beta 2.1 We are a clan also ranked in the CPL CS world but not on the weblink you’ll find above with that CPL link. That’s the world ratings and they play all forms of games from Quake 3 to Unreal Tournament to Half-Life. We however are based on Counter-Strike and only CS. We are the top in our Class for CS based clans in CPL. For all you newbies CPL stands for Cyberathletes Professional League.

To get into CPL you must pass a series of tests there are two routes to get in. The harder way is to sign up for the yearly held tryouts. There is an approximate of 1000 contestants per year. And only the top 5 make it. From there you will have to go to the CPL members area and apply to singles or you can apply to join a clan. This way, however, is much harder to do then the second way but is the only way to go to singles directly.

The second way is to find a clan in CPL and hold a try out. Don’t be fooled this will be hard. After all the clans were (for starters) the top players in each year’s admission to CPL. Once you get the clan you will be monitored for cheating by an administrator. Where you will have someone from CPL monitoring your files overtime you login and play. There is no substitute for actual skill. If you cheat to win you’re just another loser in our book.

We take pride in our game play if you got what it takes to be a –HOE- member e-mail me at: for a try out


Click here to find current members and rankings


Here you will find color logo makers, over views of maps, weapon skins and packs, and other useful tools.


-HOE-® Is an official member of CPL® and is a registered trademark of CPL® and the Clan itself. If you intend to imitate or copy you’re a FOOL!!! I will hunt you down and gut you like a fish. Ha ha ha… anyway thanks for reading the page!