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GREETINGS Saturday, November 10, 2001
A lot has happened in the last couple days. I am now going to be writing articles for CS Central and Multiplayer Central. In February, I'll be starting a job as a news poster at Counter-Strike Canada. I love being busy. Also, on a totally unrelated topic, I suggest that you have a gander at this hilarious movie. I laughed for about 15 minutes straight!

READER MAIL Friday, November 9, 2001
I recieved an email from LoneStar. He's great at Counter-Strike and he's had some encounters with people who thought he was cheating. Here is his email.
I've been playing CS since beta 7 and have seen some of the best and worst cheats out there. The hardest part is telling whether or not a person is actually cheating, becuuse it sucks if the scumbag really is cheating or worse... it sucks to boot someone who isn't cheating. I can honestly say I've never used any type of cheats, but I have been booted multiple times from servers just because a couple of dopes get everyone else to assume that I was cheating. Frankly, it sucks. Here's a couple of things I noticed that are usually qualities of a good player that gets turned into "He's cheating!!!" by a newb. A veteran player learns the common hiding places on a map, and generally checks them with caution, and sometimes take corners firing with anticipation. Some players accuse this of being a wallhack, because how else would they know there was someone behind that box or corner or door. They need to see it's their own fault for hiding in a dumb spot. Another action that comes under question is the headshot. It seems, nowadays, that whenever someone scores a headshot it means they're auto-aiming. Players need to understand that good players know that they greatly increase their chances of survival if they aim high, resulting in a nice shot to the head... it's basic knowledge, not a hack. Players also have to accept the luck factor sometimes. It is true that if someone is lucky far too often that it gets suspicious, but a headshot from cross-map distance is not unlikely when using a high powered rifle, Desert Eagle or occasionally the MP5. It seems that ever since CS went retail, all hell has broken loose. The cheating problem exploded and the fun level dropped. Once a game goes retail it cries for cheaters who are in it just to beat it with no effort and self-proclaim them champions. It's a world where everyone is looking for shortcuts so no matter what anti-cheat programs come out, something will be developed to find the loop holes. As long as there are loop holes, someone will be taking the blame for any action that may appear out of the ordinary. It's unfortunate for the skilled player, but it's part of the game.
Thanks for taking the time out of your life to write that up, LoneStar. In other news, I recieved an email from Multiplayer Central. They said that they'd like to put my article up on their (very spiffy) site. I agreed and I'll probably be writing more stuff for them in the future. Yay! Counter-Strike Canada is a decent web site that is looking for a couple talented people to help out. Enjoy!

FIRST ARTICLE Thursday, November 8, 2001
I just put up the first article of hopefully many. I'm not going to send out the press release to the elite folks at Planet Half-Life until later because I have to go out. If you want to view it just have a clickity click right here.

OPENING Wednesday, November 7, 2001
I guess I should introduce myself. I am some guy and I made this site because I had nothing better to do at the time. I hope to provide you, the Internet, with a whole bunch of informative stuff regarding Half-Life such as mod reviews, mod previews, articles, et cetera.
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