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The Original Sims Homepage

The Guild News/about this page

Guild websites

Paintbrush Contest
Referal Contest

The Battledome!

The battles will start as soon as everyone who wants to fight is signed up. I will keep you posted here.


Here is the news so far. I will keep you updated here!

All of the np raised from nymphes quests will go to a good cause. It will be used to buy paint brushes, petpets, codestones, and faeries for the guild to giveaway FREE! So if spending 2000 np to buy an item to help the guild out is too much, then you can check out my shop for cheaper donation prices. Thank you and have a nice day!!!

Next, click on the pumpkin to go to the halloween page with spooky contests and givaways!!!!

Thats all for now! 10/29/02

Here is how your stock is doing.

nymphes: 350

housewife200241: Lupe:400 Droo: 400

If anyone wants to sell their stock, tell me and put it in your shop 4 the amount here. Good job housewife and nymphes, your stocks have risen 50-100 points!!! I suggest you watch the news more carefully now....

The Stockmarket!

The stock market is doing fine,but i predict BAD things in the future!!!(hint hint) Just go to my shop and buy the following for the right stock listed here:

  1. RED sand for CHIA stock
  2. BLUE sand for DROO stock
  3. GREEN for LUPE stock
  4. Sandals for BOOM stock