Welcome to GAME GENIUS
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GAME GENIUS-(soon to be) The Best Site For Your Gaming Needs

Game Reviews

Cheat Codes

Affiliates/Linked Sites-

Send your game-related website adress to giyamon@hotmail.com. If you have a URL linked to a banner we would prefer that, if not, that's OK too.


Site currently under construction!


5/31/02-This site is still under construction. Once completed, we hope to have everything from codes to tips from gamers just like you. You cans submit your codes by e-mail to drewby_shucko@hotmail.com, Stephen_Carlson2000@yahoo.com, or Aragorn1090@aol.com.

07/08/02-This site is getting closer to opening day. Hope to see you all there when we unleash our information on the internet world. Thank you for your time and support.