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Faceless_Cl0ck's Jedi Outcast Site so STFU and LISTEN

SO YOU WANT FLAGS IN YOUR NAME EH?? You've come to the right place friend. If you've ever heard "I can't tell you, I promised I would'nt" from anyone, I understand your frustration (Hell, you might have even heard that from me). Anyway, here's the long and short of it.....I'm not gonna tell you how to do it...because it takes too damn long, and I'm not gonna type it all out here, 'cause I'm just too damn lazy. But what I WILL do, is offer you this: You e-mail me exactly how you want your name to look. This means changing font colors and whatnot, also..use # to represent a solid block (a.k.a flag) So a standard 3 block flag name would look like "### JoeBlow" with the appropriate colors changed to how you want them. Then I will create the file for you, and e-mail it back to you with the final instructions on how to use it in the game. My e-mail address is The bottom of the page might still have my AOL e-mail address because angelfire is run by monkeys with dartboards.....uh yeah...just use the adelphia address please. Why am I doing this? Simply because I'm sick of people asking me how to do it, and yes, I could be like every other a$$hole and just tell people to screw off when they ask, but I'm not that I'm hoping this will simplify my life just a little bit. This is my final offer, there is no compromise, take it or leave it. And above all, have fun! :D - From your friendly neighborhood Faceless Cl0cK
