

Welcome to Excelsior, A DBZ/Sailormoon Email based Role Playing Game. Ever wonder what would happen if the Magical Girl stars of anime met the shonen fighting stars of anime? Well, so did we! Out of this crazy idea sprang Excelsior, where the senshi meet the warriors of DBZ.

Here you'll find an enclave of warriors. Most of them are just regular bums off the street. A lot of them don't want to fight. What can they do, though, when their universes are thrown together, causing the release of nine of the most heinous villains of all time? The only problem is...who are the real enemies? Who is fighting for what?

This is what all four groups must discover before time runs out on the fused universes...or before they eliminate each other.

Excelsior is a DBZ/Sailormoon ropleplaying game. It takes place in a fused world, one that was born out of power and chaos...and one that needs to be protected. To learn more about the setting and feel of the game, why don't you check out the Information section? Or, you could take a look at the cause of this mysterious fusion at the Story page. Why don't you take a look at some of the4 finished stories at the Epics page? If you'd like to put in an application, you can check out which characters are open at the Available page, and you can check out the other characters's profiles at the Taken page. Perhaps you'd like to join? Go to the Joining page, but be first to study all the Rules first. Already put in an application? Check out the Results page. Resources are pages that have valuable information, and the Links are for member links or pages and people that we just want to thank

Excelsior...haunting the net since August 26th, 2001

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