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  Mod Team

Welcome to my Depths of War Fan Site

New layout is now up and running!
Posted on Sunday, September 1, 2002 by DeMoNiaC
I have the new site layout up and running now. I hope you enjoy it. This is my cheap fan site for the Depths of War Modification for Half-life. Please take part in the community on this site. The more people who take part, the more fun it will be. Below I have posted up the info about all the pages on this site, so check it out.

The "current news" page tells you what all is going on with the site and will talk about people who participated in the POTW's, the ideas forum, ect. I will be posting there from time to time just to let you know what all will be going on in case a page doesnt come up when you dont expect it and it will prevent you from having a heart attack.

The "Mod Progress" page is where I post up info about whats going on with the mod from my point of view. The news that wouldn't be posted on the official site. I will also include lots of inside pics of maps, models, screenies, ect. I will usually give you info on everything. Models, mapping, coding, textures, sounds, all of it.

On the "Interviews" page, I take interviews of each mod team member and post them up there. It will let you know their opinions and whats going on with their part of the work.

For the "Random POTW" page, I will be posting up a new pic every week and I'm going to have people send me pics that they would like to have up there for the pic of the week. Please help participate in the Random POTW especially if you're a good 2d/3d artist. I know that about 60% of the people that will be viewing this site, make artwork on their comp. The pics must be war related or have something to do with the mod itself. Check the page for more details.

For the "Mod POTW" page, I will post up "in game" pics once a week for people to check out. Sometimes I will post up pics of finished models/maps/ect. The mod team and beta testers for the mod are allowed to send me pics for that page and can find out more details about sending me pics on the page itself.

The "Submitted Pics" page is where I post up the pics people send me if they are too damn good to throw away, so if you send me a pic and I like it enough, I'll post it up there permanently. I would especially like to recieve fan art/banners and things of that sort from you guys. Those will almost always be posted on this page.

The "DoW Files" page is where you can get your beta 1.0 of Depths of War along with the FGD file and the wad files. Simple as that.

The "Maps" page is oviously where you can download maps for DoW and I'll also accept maps contributed by fans. They must be clean and they must be good.

The "Models" page is oviously where you can download models for DoW. I will also accept Models that have been made by fans. They better be 1337.

The "Forums" link directs you straight to the Depths of War mod official forums. You will need to register to post or reply on there. You can also sign up for beta testing in those forums if there are openings. That is also where you can talk to the mod team yourself and ask questions if you want.

The "Your Ideas" page is where you will be able to post your ideas and discuss them with other people, including me.

The "Official DoW Site" link directs you straight to the official site of this mod.

The "Half-life Editing" link is where I post up links for mappers/coders/modellers/ect. If you have any you would like me to add, just let me know.

"Submitted Links" is where I will post up any links submitted by fans. They dont have to be mod/war related. Check the page for more details.

The "My contacts" page is where I have posted my email and instant messenger handles in case you want to contact me.

The "Mod Team" page is where I have posted contacts for the whole mod team...err most of them at least. The ones I could get.

I encourage all of you to check out this mod called Conflict in 'Nam. They are very close to completion and have some nice screenies to show. Here's their sites:

Conflict in 'Nam Official Site

Conflict in 'Nam Central Fan Site