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Map of the area:

Map marking political boundries:

Lands of Bahoze
Ruler: The Powerful and Maginificent Bahoze (LE male human Ftr18)
Government: Tyrannical dictatorship. Bahoze is deathly afraid of divine magic and does not allow any divine spellcasters in his region. He is also suspicious against arcane spellcasters, though he has a few serving him.
Capital: Unknown. Originally, Blaktag was thought to be the capital, but now there seems to be no evidence.
Major Towns: Blaktag (pop 1, 800).
Resources: No exports.
Coinage: Sword (gp), axe (sp), copper (cp), shiny (tin piece; 1 tp = 10 cp), soft (lead piece; 1 lp = 10 tp). Most people in the lands of Bahoze are extraordinarily poor. Average daily wage is 1 tp.
Population: Not known for certain - estimated at 350,000 or more. Human 36 %, Orc 24%, Goblin 16%, Halfling 11%, Half-orc 7%, Gnome 1%, Other 5%
Languages: Common, Orc, Goblin, Halfling
Alignments: NE*, CE, LE, CN, N
Religions: All religions are suppressed, even cults of evil deities.
Allies: None.
Enemies: Yodru Empire, Country of Sintik.

Yodru Empire
Ruler: His Supreme Excellency, the Infallible and Unquestionable Lord Quint of Deeproot. (LG male human Clr6/Ftr9)
Government: Hereditary Aristocracy.
Capital: Deeproot (pop. 23, 300)
Major Towns: Brindinford (pop. 4,807), Abbire (pop. 1,200), Nokaihl (pop. 4,800), Sardon (pop. 2,700).
Resources: Foodstuffs (especially planted crops), lumber, fine jewelry, small amounts of ores.
Coinage: Sphere (pp), Circle (gp), Angle (sp), Square (cp)
Population: 2,712,500 – Human 38%, halfling 21%, gnome 19%, elf 9%, dwarf 6%, half-orc 4%, half-elf 3%, lizardfolk 1%, other 1%.
Languages: Common, Halfling, Gnome, Elven, Dwarf.
Alignments: LN*, LG, NG, N
Religions: Heironeous*, Mayaheine, Merikka, Pelor, Pholtus, St. Cuthbert, and other gods. Evil religions are not tolerated at all. Chaotic followings, even Good ones, are occasionally stamped out as well.
Allies: Country of Sintik, Free State of Sashef (weakly)
Enemies: Lands of Bahoze. Also not on friendly terms with the Kingdom of Vopraba.

Country of Sintik
Ruler: The Generous and Worthy King Wubreque the Wise.(NG male human Ftr14)
Government: Autocracy.
Capital: Cape Lowandru (pop. 18,300)
Major Towns: Bispatul (pop. 1,500), Orrestown (pop. 2,500), Maydem (pop. 2,600), Pelstin Matto (pop. 154), Oakhurst (pop. 901), Karkasse (pop. 97), Golainville (pop. 3,700), Ryffsberg (pop. 9,900), Kaverns (pop. 4,300), Jadre Koyt (pop. 132).
Resources: Lumber, foodstuffs, ore, gems (I)
Coinage: Glow (pp), Golden Crown (gp), Silver Crown (sp), common (cp)
Population: 2,034,000 – Human 40%, halfling 19%, elf 17%, gnome 11%, dwarf 8%, half-elf 3%, half-orc 1%, other 1%.
Languages: Common, Halfling, Elven, Gnome, Dwarven.
Alignments: NG*, CG, LG, N, CN, LN
Religions: Pelor*, Heironius, halfling and elven pantheons, Rao, St, Cuthbert, nature gods, Farlanghn.
Allies: Yodru Empire, County of Gimyu (weak)
Enemies: Lands of Bahoze, Kingdom of Vopraba

Kingdom of Vopraba
Ruler: His Omniscientness, the All-Powerful King of Kings, his Imperial Majesty, King Lungordia the Magnificent. (LN male human Clr16 of Wastri)
Government: Tyrannical Autocracy
Capital: Brapamon (pop. 16,000)
Major Towns:
Resources: Gold and Silver ores, gems (III-IV)
Coinage: Bone (pp), fold (gp), bead (sp), common (cp)
Population: 1,947,300 – Humans 96%, 2% hobgoblin, 1% half-elf, 1% other
Languages: Common.
Alignments: LN*, LE, N, NE
Religions: Wastri*, Wee Jas, Bralm, Istus,
Allies: None
Enemies: Free State of Sashef, County of Gimyu, and the Country of Sintik. Unfriendly towards the Yodru Empire.

Free State of Sashef
Ruler: Her Majesty, Beckina the Liberator (CG female half-elf Rgr7/Holy Liberator 6)
Government: Difficult to define; currently ruled as a sort of monarchy, with a cabinet of supervisors making most of the decisions.
Capital: Freeston (pop. 9,100)
Major Towns:
Resources: No exports
Coinage: Most coins in the country are of Vopraba mintage; eventually, the country will get around to making it’s own coins.
Population: 280,000 – Human 35%, elf 22%, halfling 18%, dwarf 10%, gnome 7%, half-elf 5%, half-orc 3%.
Languages: Common, Elf, Halfling, Dwarf, Gnome, Orc
Alignments: NG*, CG, N, LG, LN, CN
Religions: Elven, halfling, gnome, and dwarven pantheons, Kord, Pelor, Olidammara, and Trithereon*.
Allies: Country of Sintik, Yodru Empire.
Enemies: Kingdom of Vopraba

County of Gimyu
Ruler: His Solidarity, Duke Xeharidu of Gimyu (LG male human Ftr14)
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Jiycostte (pop. 8, 700)
Major Towns:
Resources: Foodstuffs, extensive libraries.
Coinage: Emperor (pp), duke (gp), knight (sp), commoner (cp)
Population: 857,000 – Human 79%, halfling 8%, elf 6%, gnome 3%, dwarf 2%, half-elf 1%, half-orc 1%.
Languages: Common, Halfling, Elf, Gnome, Dwarf.
Alignments: LG*, LN, NG, N
Religions: Heironious, Pelor*, halfling and elven pantheons, Kord, St. Cuthbert.
Allies: Free State of Sashef, Yodru Empire, Country of Sintik.
Enemies: Kingdom of Vopraba.

Historical Overview
This region of Oerth was settled approximately 400 years ago. No one knows this for sure, nor does anyone know where the settlers originally came from. Wherever they came, all records of their origin has been lost, though occasionally an old document or somesuch item shows up, hinting at their origins.

But that is immaterial. The initial settlers spread out very rapidly, as few native tribes existed in enough numbers to oppose them. At first, it was one large kingdom in name, but very shortly, this large kingdom began to fragment, as it was simply growing too fast to keep together. The Great Empire of Yodru formed north of the Bleak mountains, while the Kingdom of Vopraba formed in the south, occupying the areas that the Free State of Sashef and the County of Gimyu does now. That lasted for many decades. Then a powerful new leader arose in the north-eastern portion of the Great Empire. His name was Bahoze, and he was extremely ambitious. Allying himself with the Orcs, he quickly raised a small army through sheer force of his powerful personality.

Although some political decay had occurred, the Empire was not completely oblivious. They formed up an army to drive off the orcish hordes. However, they underestimated both the size of the orc army, and the cunning and tenacity of Bahoze, as well as his sheer power. Bahoze personally led his troops into battle, and after a bloody melee that ensued for days, The Empire’s army was shattered. Bahoze was not stupid; he took this opportunity to “request” a free state of orcs to the north. The Empire, glad to be rid of such a menace, agreed. Unknown to them, Bahoze’s army had nearly been wiped out in the massive battle, and could have actually been defeated by a second attempt. Rumors tell that spies had informed the king of Bahoze’s situation, but he had decided against action.

The consequences of this were far from over. A few years later, the south-eastern portion of the Kingdom of Vopraba, after seeing the success of Bahoze, decided to split. The consequences here were much more dire. An army from Vopraba was sent in, and it was not opposed by any significant force. Within a year, the attempted split off had failed, and the duke incarcerated.

Unfortunately for the King of Vopraba, this did not end his troubles. The duke was seen as a living martyr by the people he had intended to save. The nonhumans in the kingdom, who had been oppressed for years under the teachings of clerics of Wastri, rose up and started a ferocious guerilla war. No caravan could approach the forests, for fear of elven rangers. The kingdom could not spare troops to clear the forests, for his armies were occupied by the dwarven army that was forming in the north. In deep winter, the dwarves attacked, bringing the full fury of three delves to bear on the human army. The battle was long and vicious. It is said that the blood of the dwarves has stained the ground of that battlefield for all eternity.

After the carnage was over, it was a loss for both sides, but mostly for the humans. The dwarves had been almost entirely anihilated, as they had been outnumbered but refused to retreat. However, for every dwarf that fell, at least two humans fell with him. The cost to Vopraba had been horrendous, making it a pyhrric victory at best. The release of the duke a month later by a clever band of halflings and elves finished it. The King forced himself to face reality, and granted independence to Gimyu. (more to come later)

Riverhills: This collection of hills is split down the middle by a small but fast-flowing river. This canyon in the middle of the hills is mostly unknown. While friendly dwarven clans make their homes at the bases of the hills, in the center it is quite different. Exploration parties have reported back conflicting sightings. Some parties are stopped by intelligent Ogres or Trolls that merely warn the scouts away. Others have fallen ambush to hordes of skilled elven archers or gnome wizards, that proceed to kill without warning, showing no reaction to the party’s cries of mercy. Some expeditions have fought with dragons, while the great majority have never returned. It seems that the responses groups get when entering the Riverhills is extremely varied, most of them dangerous or lethal. With the current unrest, most countries are content to let the Riverhills remain a mystery. Especially the Country of Sintik, as it forms a very effective barrier between it and Bahoze.

Yodruali Ruins Once the massive, proud capitol of the Yodru Empire, it was conquered by the orcish army of Bahoze, and reduced to rubble. Not much is known of it’s current condition; the occasional spy that gets through the lines reports very little activity.

Forests of Contention These once-pleasant woods were called the Yodruali woods, until the war with Bahoze. The name was changed to represent the fact that it is a place of constant skirmishes between elves, humans, and orcs. Early in the war, it looked like the orcish hordes were going to make their way through the forests, when they made the mistake of burning several square miles to the ground. The druidic society, which normally stays out of conflicts, rose up in anger, and let the invaders know the full wrath of nature. The decimated orcs withdrew for a while, and now only occasional skirmishes happen in the woods. The druids have sworn to aid in the downfall of Bahoze, to exterminate such a foul menace to nature.