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Member of the 49th Fighting Pirates, Virtual Fighter Squadron.

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W E L C O M E !

 __ _
__In the 49th I'm in command over the different 49th wings. We play the following online flight sim games : "Janes Fighter Anthology" "Janes WW2 Fighters" "Falcon4" "Janes USAF". Since the Jane's Server has closed, we now play at If you would like to join us in the 49th Fighting Pirates Virtual Fighter Squadron, then click on the link below and goto the 49th Fighting Pirates main Homepage to sign up. If you have any questions you can ICQ or E-mail me.


Adml. Digital-Jet49th __



Other Links

 We play at



Link :  Other Squads

You can reach me Digital-Jet at my ICQ# 6381624 or E-mail me.