The Main D2 Page!!!

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This is the main page... WELCOME!¿!¿

Yes, Welcome to THE BEST D2 SITE EVER!!!

I now got a very useful Thing called a GAMBLE HACK!?!?! You can now download it here
There has been an update!!! you can now download the maphack for diablo II Click Here I have also changed the links (in the corner) to now when you click, the one you clikced on will turn into a link back to the index. I have also got some music and i have changed the ask your name thing to be in cookies so that it wont ask you everytime! thats all folks!!!
I have dedicated some of my time to crating this site towards the game that i hae so faithfully played for a many hours. Yes, this site is for Diablo II. As you may have noticed getting to this point!. Lol. Anyways I am still constucting this page and so therefor it is not fully operational :*-(
So check back soon for I am working on it and it is quite time consuming. if you have ever made a website it is very time consuming so I will be updating more and more over these next few days... See ya lata...
Btw my (charachter) name in DII is Joven_thethief(barb) and... Brenus (necro) and last but not least... Ice_mages (you guessed it! sorc)