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David's Journal
[Most Recent Entries] -- Note: what is written in this page is the truth the way I see it, please don't be offended by any of my posts.
Pictures from England
Pictures from Sam's House (the night of Eve's b-day)
The Dance
Saturday Night at Austin's House
Pics from Shaun's party and stuff
Insight from Robby
THE BORED CENTER (if your bored click here)-Updated
Funny Sex test
Insight from Ira(my crazy math teacher)

October's posts
September's posts

    Thursday, November 20th, 2002
    Today at school I brought the hot sauce. I planned on tricking people into eating it. It's great because people don't realize how hot, hot sauce can be. We got Dano to eat so much on a french fry. Oh god the look on his face of pain makes me happy. Then we got Josh Gallner (the kid who ate out this chick on austins toilet) to eat a spoonfull. The funny part was autin told him everyone did it, but nobody was dumb enough to do it and he believed us. He ate the sauce and almost passed out. His hands were shaking so bad he couldn't open the milk to drink it. Then Paul, this acene faced kid who knows nothing about hot sauce, did the same but he just had to sit for a moment and take the pain. Why is other peoples pain to funny, if i'm the only one just tell me. "Kris- This stuff makes me have to shit so bad" Dave-"Coming from a person who eats alot of hot sauce it burns worse on the way out" Kris-"I think I'll hold it"
    Monday, November 18th, 2002
    AHHHhhhh today at lunch Kris put a carrot in Jeremy's drink and he didn't notice...this was funny because jeremy is self-conscious so he freaks and goes to the bathroom to see if their something wrong with his face. He comes back and still doesn't know whats going on. He then drinks from the cup and everyone bursts into laughter. he saw the carrot and felt dumb and if he didn't he fucking should have (Snatch). Then on Sunday I got fucked from going to the dolphin game cause the schedule says 1 pm the tickets say 1pm but the game was at 4pm and I didn't go cause nobody else could go. Then my dad gets home at 3 and we realize at 5 we were screwed from going to the game. -Tip: to not die, don't shoot your self!
    Saturday, November 16th, 2002
    Well last night we went to the ghetto fair at mission bay where we had a good time with the rest of the mexicans. I spent all my money on those rigged carny games. Then we went to the machine gun game where you shoot an automatic B.B. gun at small taget trying to shoot out a star. Robby and I came very close but surprisingly the person that came the closest was Nicole. I don't know how but it happpened. Robby and I felt serious lacking in our man hood. Then we went on the ferris wheel where same mooned everyone. Oh Paul there was this game where you had to run four balls on a pool table. You would have ruled it. we should go back tomarrow and take all the prizes. "easy I have sensitive knees" -Jeremy
    Thursday, November 14th, 2002
    AHHHHHHHHHhhh.... its nice to have internet access again. If you hadn't heard my dsl was down for th first time and now its up again. Well today I didn't have any school becuase i went to the PTA lunch meeting thing. To miss school i had to talk to Mr. M then, Austin and I talked to Mr. L, the gay, miget, band teacher. He didn't believe us(because he's a gay miget) and drags us to Mr. M's office. Mr. L bursts in and starts talking about perrmission slips and scares Mr. M into saying he didn't authorize us. Then we go to Ms. A and she says she can't authorize us to go off campus. So now Mr. L is telling us not to bullshit him and we are like what the fuck you little fag. Then we go to the 500 building and try to get ahold of Mr. Mac. but he isn't there. So now the secratary makes like 20 phone calls and tells us he's in the 400 building which is where we started. Then finally he tells us we can go but we have to call and get permission from our parents(we did). We accoplished all of this within a 40 minute period which is not and easy thing to do. anyway thats what I did today. Oh ya there was this hot girl there GiggidyGiggidyGiggidyGiggidy.
    Saturday, November 9th, 2002
    Well this week was the NBPS film festival and I guess my movie was good because eveyone keeps on telling me they liked it. I'm applying to NYU just to piss off Edlman cause well i've got nothing better to do. I also beat Paul at pool. Yes I'm a pool god. It's true(york heheh jeremy) Anyway check out the new link dedicated to my psycho math teacher. He's an old crazy bastard that speaks with out a shred of thought. laterz
    Saturday, November 2nd, 2002
    Hey, you know what sucks. When your accused of doing something you didn't do and when you eat too much. Both of those things happend to me and they suck. So if you eat, don't eat to much. and if you accuse someone of something, you better fucking make sure that they did it. you can always tell by a persons eyes. "You are not your fucking khakies" laterz