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To help anyone who is brave enough to venture to visit Tallon IV is going to need to know how to defeat any advisary that will confront you, and if you are not careful, they will do more than confront you.

The one thing any hunter will need to know is that only the quick will survive, so When you lock on to the enemy dash from side to side to prevent taking potebtially deadly damage.Once you find the Space Jump Boots you can do a double dash!

Under no cirumstances are to ever approach an enemy that appears to just be standing there, chances are they have a hunting party near them, use your visors to discover ones that are cloacked or hidden in the dark.

Whenever you see Autoturrets chances are there is a panle to turn them off, use your scan visor to locate them.

Use charge beams instead of missles on lower grade targets, due to the time it takes to fire a missile and reload, you can have two charge shots off in the time it would take to fire one missile and reload.

When fighting Space Pirates never assume they are all dead there is usually one hanging around(Hint Hint).

Save as often as possible, the save points also recharge your energy.

Try to get a 100% completion rate, you will love the ending.

Metroid Evolved