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WARNING: These are just rumors I have recived and have found throughout the internet.The are in no way going to be in the game.

Return to SR388

You are supposed to somewhere in the game leave TallonIV and return to SR388, Metroids anyone.

The suit

It is rumored to be that you are going to learn the entire origin of the suit that Samus wears.It is also rumored to be that the suit now has special features,Like a defense sheild and jet pack.

Return of the brain

It is said that the Mother Brain will return to do battle with Samus one last time.How, you say.Well supossedly the Mother Brain is not an original organisim,it's a clone.So you will fight a clone of the Brain.If this is true,who created the clone of The Mother Brain.

Talking Enimes

It is also rumored that some of the more advanced enemies can talk to you,like the Zebsians.They are also supossedly going to work to gether to try to lure you into traps and other dangers.

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