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Welcome to the Boddy Mansion

This is a birthday party held July 22, 2002. The person celebrated for, Emily M. Her real birthday is July 23... but the 22nd was the better day to hold it. It was a celebration for her 9th birthday, and we had a Clue-like theme. The kids came and dressed up as characters from the popular boardgame, Clue. They had to solve the mystery of who killed Mr. Boddy. Here is what happened!


Madame Green (Played by Amber W.)

Col. Mustard (Played by Cole B.)

Mrs. White (Played by Rachel S.)

Mrs. Peacock (Played by Loretta S.)

Ms. Scarlet (Played by Emily M.)

Mrs Plum (Played by Emily S.)

Butler (Played by Natalie M.)

French Maid (Played by Holly M.)

**July 22, 2002**

::All 6 of the guests arrive, and after they finish introducing themselves to one another, the butler comes into the room::

Welcome to the Body Mansion,

I see you have all recieved the same invitation. Please take note of all the other guests so that you familiarize yourself with each other. Take a few moments to introduce yourselves.

Now that you are all accquainted, if you are all wondering why you have all been invited to the Boddy Mansion it is because there has been a murder.

Mr. Boddy, the owner of this mansion has been found dead at the bottom of his cellar staircase. Each of you may be one of the suspects along with 5 other suspects.

Madame Green, you are an amusing, unique character who constantly tries to rip everyone off and steal money. You are a suspect because you want revenge since Mr. Boddy owed you alot of money and never paid you back.

Col. Mustard, you are delightfully likable and unique. On a consistent basis you march around challenging everyone to duels, even the women, for whom you also hold open doors and insists be ladylike. But, you are a suspect because you wanted Mr. Boddy dead so you could marry his wife.

Mrs. White, the always cheerful maid who enjoys the company of the guests very much: on the outside. Behind their backs, in her mind, under her breath, Mrs. White can't seem to stop insulting them. You are a suspect because you are resentful that Mr. Boddy didn't treat you fairly.

Mrs. Peacock, a manners-minding woman. You waltz around pointing at people and puffing, "How rude!" You also like to collect books about etiquette; read books about etiquette; talk about books about etiquette; and play the piano. You are a suspect because Mr. Boddy knew a secret about you that would embarrass you very much.

Ms. Scarlet, always preoccupied with cosmetics, mirrors, and vanity in gereral. You think you are beautiful and like to make funny remarks. You are a suspect because Mr. Boddy made you a promise that he didn't keep.

And finally, Mrs. Plum. Your husband is everyone's favorite absent-minded professor. You have come in his lace since your husband forgot all about the party while he was busy working on another invention. You are quiet and shy, but very polite. You are a supect because Mr. Boddy stole one of your husband's inventions and you want to stop him from making it.

As one of the suspects, it is up to you to find out three things: who killed Mr. Boddy?, In what room was he killed?, and with which weapon was he killed?

The six suspects are Col. Mustard, Mrs. Peacock, Mrs. Plum, Miss Scarlet, Madame Green, and Mrs. White.

The nine possible rooms are the Study, the Hall, the Lounge, the Library, the Dining Room, the Billiard Room, the Conservatory, the BAllroom, and the Kitchen.

The possible weapons are the knife, revolver, rope, lead pipe, candelstick, and wrench.

It is your job to find the three clues. Good luck.



Mrs. Plum, in the Library, with the knife!!

***Behind the Scenes (kinda.... o.o;;;)***

Videographer/"Statue" (Tomoyuki K.)

The butler and maid (Holly and Natalie M.)