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Clan Meeting
We are holding a clan meeting Tommarow May 26, 2002 at 7:00 central easter time zone. Bring good topics, and The council structure will be discussed.
The Tourny today turned out to be a huge sucess... Odie takes the championship from a new member named DW)Chilln (was just chilln at the time).

Very exiting next one will be better :)
Posted by {DW}Ryder on Sunday, February 26 @ 1:39:49

Updates Updates Updates...
I've been falling behind on the updating, I plan on climbimg out of my update hole today... I'll have alot of new stuff up by tomarrow, so check stuff out.

Whats ^

3 New Members
Recruiting All The Time
2 Strategys Being Wrote
Working On BWTL
Posted by {DW}Ryder on Wedsday, May 19 @ 8:41:49

Brood War Tournament League Possibly Comming Soon
I am working on a Brood War Tournament League (BWTL) It will be a website that creates tournaments for you, without any knowledge of html. I will be constructing this using cgi/perl. It will even have a tournament record, for long time BWTL members. A specific amount of points will be given per each tournament placing.
I am about half way done with the perl coding, and the structer is about 4/5th the way done (just needs content added).

Well, anyway's... here is whats ^...

4 Replays being reviewed.
1 Replay added.
3 Strats added.
**New** Honors Given Link.

Posted by {DW}Ryder on Wedsday, April 09 @ 8:41:49

New Rank Sys. Up
Thats right, new ranks added... head over to ranking sys. to check it out. Also, we now have pictures for all medals, and medallians (exept faclessman medallian).
The recruitment map is up.
2 New strats added, sent by DW)Ender (aka DW)loser)
More replays soon to come.

Posted by {DW}Ryder on Wedsday, February 28 @ 12:24:06

Sorry bout map...
Members updated, And the recruitment map needs to be modified... it'll be done in a few days... g2g bell just rang... l8t0rz
Posted by {DW}Ryder on Friday, march 15 @ 11:14:30

Clan Prospering
RECRUITMENT MAP DONE! Head over to the UMS Map section to check it out... If you want to join the clan... all you have to do now is beat this map and your in.
I'll have join section secured with a password by tomarrow. The password is on the end of the join map, btw.
New recruits.. sorry I've been supa buizy so, u'll be on the site by tomarrow, thanx for waiting.
Posted by {DW}Ryder on Monday, March 11 @ 8:10:03

More Prosperity!
We've been growing better and better in the past week, and I would like to thank DW)Freeza for his activity, and hard work.
Alliance rules and terms are up under rules section. I'm nearly finished designing the squad sys I'll probably be realeasing the basic layout in a week or so. I'm working very hard on the UMS, it's just been giving me so many problems I cant get it done fast... I'll work harder though ;P.

Prosperity Records...
1 Replay added
2 Strategys Being Reviewed.
1 Replay being reviewed.
5 new Good clan members... Welcome them.
#1 on
#13 on
#13 on

And thats about it...
P.S. VOTE!!!
Posted by {DW}Ryder on Monday, March 04 2002 @ 4:12:08

I've been getting 5-9 e-mail's every day about people asking to join our clan. Here's the answer. You must test to join. Just ask one of our clan members to give you a test, and they will test you. After I get this UMS Map done it will auto test you so you wont even have to ask anyone to be tested. But incase you think your gonna cheat... we will review your replay and if you cheated we'll dishonorably discharge you from the clan. It is nearly finished, sorry it's taking so long but it's gonna be the best clan recruitment map ever (for the best clan...)
Squad sys. is under way, and i'm putting up the honors sys. (aka: awards) right now!
Posted by {DW}Ryder on Sunday, February 27 @ 8:41:50

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