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Breath Of Fire 3

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Im a very big fan of Breath of Fire. Ive beaten the game many times and have found some cool things that i would like share with anyone else.

UPDATE! I have redone the site and moved it to it's own domain!
Although the new site is not done yet, go HERE to view it.

If you have any questions about any part of the game that your stuck on and i havent put it up on the site yet, just send me an email with a description of your problem and what point your at in the game. I'll get back with you as soon as possible, i usually check my emails daily. If you send me an email, label it "BOF3"... i'm having trouble sorting through legitimate and bogus emails, thank you

* Site best viewed if resolution is set to 1024 by 768 pixels *

*Need to take a short break from BoF3? Check out the Links Page, maybe you'll find something interesting.*

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Boss Fights
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Links Page
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Email the Web Masters:
Tyler Cutler
JT Steel
Kyle Hilden