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The Reunion
Roses are Red












          Sybourn St. Infant and junior school were where the great journey through life really began. These were the good days before pressure , finance and need to achieve became paramount. This was the last place where naivety and innocence ruled the roost. No bad life experiences, no complicated relationships just days that lasted all summer and friends were for life. Neither were true but some of us are now finding that all things are possible. This and the following pages are dedicated to the 59ers and the friends that I have rediscovered. 

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             After Sybourn St. our lives changed forever and we were forced to conform and mature. The following is an example of this. Here are two of our 59'ers moving into a more mature phase of life.Barb1 ie Barbara Waite (Spooner ) and Barb2 ie Barbara Wright. Nice to see that time had a calming and sophisticating influence on them isn't it.    Click on the photo for an enlarged view.

The Two Bs.jpg (4078 bytes)


Juniors The Reunion Roses are Red Infants