How to do...

Admin's Status
  • Tony - Working on the site

  • Thank You
  • Raisen_Hell
  • Dark Aeon
  • Tony

  • Debating
    We have yet to decide what this will be for.

  • Boardnation

  • Administrator: An Administrator is the controller of a Board (see Board), the Administrator has the powers to do everything on the Board. Admin is usually used for short for Administrator.

    Board: A board is a group of Forums (see Forum). The Administrator (see Administrator) is the controller of the Board.

    Moderator: A Moderator has control over certain Forums (see Forums).Moderators have the control to Move a Topic (see Move a Topic), Delete a Topic (see Delete a Topic), Edit Posts (see Edit Post), Delete Posts (see Delete Post). Mod. is usually used for short for Moderator.

    Global Moderator: A Global Moderator has control over all Forums (see Forums).Global Moderators have the control to Move a Topic (see Move a Topic), Delete a Topic (see Delete a Topic), Edit Posts (see Edit Post), Delete Posts (see Delete Post).Global Mod. is usually used for short for Global Moderator.

    Forum: A Forum is a place where Posts (see Post) are made. Some Forums are only for Administrators (see Administrator) or Moderators (see Moderators).

    Post: A post is somewhat like an email that you put in a Forum (see Forum) or a Topic (see Topic). People will the reply to your Posts.

    Move a Topic: This is a control Moderators (see Moderator), Global Moderators (see Global Moderator), and Administarator (see Adiministrator) have. This option will alow them to move a Topic (see Topic) from one Forum (see Forum) to another.

    Delete a Topic: This is a control Moderators (see Moderator), Global Moderators (see Global Moderator), and Administarator (see Adiministrator) have. This option will alow them to delete a Topic (see Topic) from a Forum (see Forum).

    Edit Post: This is an option all Members (see Member) may use, Members are limited to editing their own Post (see Post). This is a control Moderators (see Moderator), Global Moderators (see Global Moderator), and Administarator (see Adiministrator) also have. This option will alow them edir a Post.

    Delete Post: This is a control Moderators (see Moderator), Global Moderators (see Global Moderator), and Administarator (see Adiministrator) have. This option will alow them to delete a Post (see Post).

    Topic: This is where Posts (see Post) are made.

    Member: A Member is someone who has joined and goes to your Board (see Board).

    Join: A Member (see Member) will do this to join your Board (see Board).

    Avatar: An Avatar will apear under your name on the left side of your Post (see Post). An Avatar is a small picture, the Administator (see Administator) will have the option of how big an Avatars size may be.