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Yves Rocher 88x31 Logo 


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Submit your site for our award


  • No adult sites,only family friendly sites please
  • No illegal stuff,that means sites that tell about bomb making ,drugs in a negative way,or other illegal activities
  • No hate,racism,or any site that promotes hate
  • Site must not be under construction
  • All sites welcome except adult pornography sites
  • You must be over the age of 14 to enter your site or have a parent submit the site
  • Please before enter make sure your site is working,graphics all there, spelling all right


How your site is judged?

  • Spelling
  • speed
  • links
  • graphics
  • originality
  • over all look
  • is your site informative?
  • Does it serve a need or purpose?
  • Use of Technology

 Spelling is judged on a 10 point system if all the words are spelled right you will get the full 10 points,if a few words are wrong 9 points ,and so on

Speed is judged on a ten point system,the faster your sites load the better your site will do?Exceptions will be made for sites that are heavy in graphics

Links must all work,go to the right page

graphics must be all present,and crisp and good looking

Sample of our Award

Sample of Award




Website :



Does your site have?

 Comet Cursors:    Javascript:     Flash:     Special Fonts:

Category of site?

Audience of site?



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