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The next generation in Federation gaming.
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  What is AutoFed?

    AutoFed is a telnet front-end, or client, designed to interface with the telnet servers of Federation. Basically this means that you can use AutoFed to play Federation, just like you can use FedTerm, POTerm, or any other telnet-capable application. The difference is that AutoFed has extra features in it that those other programs don’t have, which are designed to make it easier and more enjoyable to play Federation.

Who should use AutoFed?

Anyone who plays Federation can benefit from AutoFed; however, the main features of AutoFed are designed specifically with planet owners (PO’s) and factory owner's (FO's) in mind. If you are not a PO or an FO, you can still take advantage of some of the features of AutoFed, but the more advanced features will be useless to you; however, plans for future releases of AutoFed do include special features designed specifically for the lower ranks, so be on the lookout for future updates.

What do I need to use AutoFed?

AutoFed is a Windows 32-bit application, which means it should work on all Windows operating systems after Windows 3.11:  NT/95/98/2000/ME/XP. AutoFed has only been tested on Windows 2000 and ME; if it doesn't work on your system, please let me know. No other special hardware or software is required.

Why should I use AutoFed?

With so many telnet clients available, from the very basic to the very advanced, what makes AutoFed better? AutoFed includes a combination of features that you will not find on any other telnet client, including:

  • Movement macros which allow precise movement between points on a planet, or between two planets, with a few mouse clicks
  • Optional separate windows which separate XT, COMM, and TB messages, making communication easier
  • An AutoHauler which can buy and sell commodities from your planet’s exchange, or haul in inputs for builds, based on your customized settings
  • A player list and buddy list

There are many other features planned for future releases, including:

  • Contract management features for giving out or accepting and completing contract work
  • Auto-mapping as you walk
  • Specialized windows for different types of output (spying, exchange info, etc)


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The next generation in Federation gaming.