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Last Updated 6/7/2003

RaiLWaRz Mod Description:

RaiLWaRz is a fast-paced, rail-only, Instagib Q2 CTF mod which couples both speed and reflex-skills together to form a cohesive unit of action and intensity. From the get-go, RaiLWaRz bombards its players with adrenaline pumping, fast action gameplay that, once experienced, makes all other mods look slow and dull in comparison.

RaiLWaRz features a lightning-quick offhand hook, extremely similar to the popular Lithium-style hook, which allows the player to stream through the air, almost seamlessly, while gutting and railing opponents during the process of this delicate ‘flight’. With this type of hook, the player is able to access, in the blink of an eye, any and all portions of the map from top to bottom. Firefights take on a whole new dimension as players do battle high in the air, on the ground and while chasing each other at breakneck speeds. There is NO OTHER mod in Q2, Q3 or any OTHER game that offers such an elevated level of sustained intensity and action.

Not only is the mod great for players, it's also extremely admin and operator friendly, with the inclusion of admin menus allowing swift 1 to 2 stroke selections to help settle disputes, set-up matches, and do regular maintenance towards the server (reboots, restarts, etc…). You can even turn off the lights in the map for some hair-raising night fighting!

As a result of this user-friendly menu, the CFG configuration is also easier to use. With easy to read labels and configs, a server-admin is able to tweak the server in a matter of minutes to their liking. CVAR options such as rail_only, rail_speed, hook_speed, hook_pullspeed, bot_check and others give a wide range of options to admins who wish to perhaps create their own custom style of RaiLWaRz, such as "machine gun rails", "no hook rails", etc.

And best of all, aside from the gameplay of course, RaiLWaRz is a server-side mod (for both Linux and Windows). Which means no downloads are required to play it. You just find a server and hop in. It's that simple. Most servers running the mod also use standard QII maps, which makes it even easier for newcomers to get started right away.


RaVeN, the creator of the mod, and formerly of Matchmod, grew tired of Quake 2 DM and CTF’s tendency to hold back players during their rush of adrenaline. So with the help of a few select friends he began to work on "Matchmod", the parent of RaiLWaRz. Matchmod brought both speed and competition to a once lucrative gameplay industry. Finding that controlling players was a difficult thing to do while not on the server, RaVeN decided to integrate several of his ideas together, as well as a previous mod structure, which he helped create beforehand "Viking MOD", thus creating an intense and administration friendly mod that grew in popularity almost overnight.

RaiLWaRz soon began to develop into its own entity as Matchmod evolved throughout the months. New tweaks, ideas, and cleaner code was implemented into Matchmod’s design, to the point where RaVeN, and Matchmod players alike, decided to morph the mod into something newer and exciting. RaiLWaRz soon came to light not long afterwards and Q2 has never been the same since. The RaiLWaRz mod has now been in existence for over 5 years and the RaiLWaRz community is still growing on a daily basis.

Additional Info:

To add to the great gaming experience offered by the RaiLWaRz mod, there is also a full featured website and active community messageboard system where players can go to get the latest news, clan information, files, tech support, socialize and even participate directly by adding their own content. Such as reviews, scrim and match reports, etc. And for players with clans, or wishing to start a clan, there is a clans page to display their info and offer free forum space to help get them started and visible to the community. also has an IRC channel on where new players can come to get information directly from the Railwarz staff or other veteran members of the community. This means that if any player has a question or a problem, help is never more than a few clicks away.

And for those clans that like a little competition, a RaiLWaRz ladder (Open Team & 2v2) was created on the World Online Gaming League,

Official RaiLWaRz Website is:

RaiLWaRz IRC Channel: #railwarz on

RaiLWaRz server files, q2 maps, etc. can be found at the RaiLWaRz site. Technical support can be found in the IRC room and on the forums, @, which are monitored regularly by the staff.

Written By Cyon for

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