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A10K's Zone ---Take a Ride to the next Dimenitsion--- For those of you unaware of what this site does, this is where I (A10K) put up Quake 3 Arena maps I have made.

  • 8-23-04 Woohoo! An update! Don't expect any Quake3 mapping from me anymore- sorry to everyone.
  • 7-27-02 Well, this site will probably be dormant for a while, since my "fit of mapping" is burning out and I am losing interest in vanilla Quake 3 altogether, focusing more on mods.
    Speaking of which, I am currently working on an Escape From Hell map for the Hunt mod. Nice concept, but I think the type needs more maps.
  • 6-26-02 (still on vacation) For those of you expecting Linear Acceleration, it won't be ready for a while, since I left my vacation out of my estimates.

    Huh? 50 megs of web space again and I was over my 1 gig bandwidth limit once this month? Angelfire does strange things.
  • 6-22-02 Well, vacation and other affairs have put back most of my mapping,
    but has given me plenty of ideas. This site is going to undergo some major changes, so stick with me.
  • 5-16-02 I got rejected by Planet Quake for hosting again, so I'm again graphically redoing this site. Hope you( and Pappy-R :-) like it.
    I've got to run like the wind! My Angelfire filespace is going to shrink from 50 to 20 MB at the end of this month.
  • 5-15-02 I am nearly ready to start the actual mapping of Linear Acceleration FFA. It's soon to leave the planning stage. Check out the new page below.
  • 5-2-02 The update is in!
    I have an updated version of Linear Acceleration
    Tourney posted, head over to the featured page and check it out.