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Zelda Page

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We have new affiliates and the website is looking better than ever. Game Cube is finally out so we can await the new Zelda game. I have no record or set date of when the new Zelda game should come out, but I will keep searching. I am also adding a backround to this website because having just old boring green just doesnt cut it. I am continually learning HTML and now I am working on FTPs and possible layouts, using tables, bars, etc. Well, just wait for the new stuff, it should be on sometime soon.


April 4, 2002-Zelda Page now has a new chatroom instead of that skinky Beseen chat I had. This one is an IRC chatroom and is sooo much better. Plus, when you enter the chatroom, you can talk to so many other Zelda Fans from around the world! That's so cool. Thanks Dann! If you want to go chat right away, click on the Chat link on the bar above or just click here

April 3, 2002-Look at this! Go to Windfyre, the site that will make a Zelda Union! This is an awesome site! Visit there to find out more information.

April 3, 2001-Is the famous and best game console GameCube making a price cut? Look here to find out more!

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