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Updated December 17, 2008


  1. These house rules will be reviewed from time to time, and sometimes changes will be necessary.  However, no rules will be changed in the middle of a game.


  1. Whenever these rules conflict with the published rules, these rules take priority.


  1. Whenever these conflict with the rules for a specific mission, the mission rules take priority.


  1. Once results are posted, I cannot allow players to change their orders for any reason.  I will correct errors if I did not process your sent orders correctly.


  1. Sometimes mistakes happen.  Once a turn phase is posted, any mistakes made during the previous turn phase that were not detected will stand “as is.”  It is not worth the effort to try to go back and fix something. 


  1. To perform an S maneuver safely, a plane must have the necessary G-rating on both wings.  Push rolls for S maneuvers use the G-rating of the weakest wing.


  1. When a rudder is damaged, a plane can only go in that direction or perform S maneuvers.  If both rudders are damaged, a plane can only perform 0 g S maneuvers.


  1. A plane can always perform 0 g maneuvers safely.   (No push rolls required).


  1. When a maneuver requires multiple rolls, they will be made in the following order.  STALL >> ACCEL >> REDLINE >> PUSH.  (A maneuver cannot require both a stall and an accel roll).


  1. Stress fractures always go towards the outside end of the wing.


  1. The Steady Hand rule is written is impractical for PBEM.  Instead pilots with steady hand greater than 6 will ‘aim’ for a specific damage profile and column.  The damage profile roll will be adjusted towards the target profile.  Then all shots will be adjusted towards the targeted column.

Example: Two enemy pilots are firing on each other, nose to nose.  Each has SH=6 and aims for nose, col 5 of the enemy plane.  Pilot A fires first and rolls an 8 for the hit location.  The target to hit the nose profile is 4-7, but under this house rule, the hit location is modified by steady hand as well, so 8 becomes 7 and the hits are applied to the nose.  All shots are modified by one col towards col 5.  Pilot B fires next, rolling a 9 for the hit location.  Even with the SH modifier applied, pilot B hits the enemy plane in the starboard wing.  All shots are modified by one towards nose col 5, or one col to the left.  Hits that land in col 1 cannot be modified further and stay in starboard wing 1.


  1. Each pilot shall have at least 10% chance of avoiding shock each turn phase.  To accomplish this, each plane will make only one shock roll each turn phase, using the formula 9+Number of Shock Tests-CON.  All normal modifiers apply.  Pilots will also make a shock roll after each time they are fired upon if the pilot or canopy is hit.  (Combined roll for all tests caused by the same firing pilot).


  1. Continuing MG damage to the canopy or pilot shall cause a shock test.


  1. In PBEM games with 2 teams, tailing info will be distributed to the entire group.  There is no reason not to share it with your teammates, and the other team is going to share it anyway.  Sending it to everyone from the start greatly reduces the time lost to forwarding emails.


  1. When calculating tailing info, a plane will be considered shocked or smoking if it will be shocked or smoking during the movement phase of the next turn.


  1. Planes may tail planes within 3 hexes of one another as stated on page 28.  (Not 2 hexes as shown in the picture).


  1. For mid-air collisions, each plane will take flak damage equal to 14-BTN of the other plane.  All damage is applied to the same damage profile.


  1. Kill Definitions:
    1. A pilot is awarded a kill if a plane is shot down as a result of immediate damage caused by firing.
    2. A pilot is awarded a kill if a plane is shot down as a result of continuing damage from MG rounds or drill rockets.
    3. A pilot is awarded half a kill if a plane leaves the map before it can be destroyed by continuing damage from MG rounds or drill rockets.
    4. A pilot is awarded a kill if an enemy pilot makes a non-combat bailout when facing imminent destruction by continuing damage.
    5. A pilot is awarded a kill if a plane is destroyed as a result of an intention collision (plane used as a projectile).
    6. No kill is awarded if a plane is destroyed as a result of an accidental mid-air collision.
    7. No kill is awarded if a plane is destroyed by stress fractures caused by a failed push or redline roll.


  1.  All bailouts that take place off the map are considered non-combat bailouts and do not require rolls.


  1. The maximum number of hardpoints an aircraft may have is 11-BTN.