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Boulder Air Show – Champion of the Skies Dogfight Tournament!


  1. Tournament Rules
    1. Each round players receive $15,000 to make additional purchases
    2. Each round will be a simple “Control the Skies” dogfight between 2 teams
    3. Each round the teams will be changed to maintain balance
    4. The tournament will last until the participants decide to end it
    5. The player who has earned the most “Prize Money” at the end of the tournament shall be the winner
  2. Dogfight Rules
    1. Players may fly as many planes and pilots as they can afford
    2. The round will last until one team controls the skies
    3. Leaving the engagement will be considered fleeing and will incur the -20 XP penalty regardless of plane condition
  3. Prize Money
    1. Pilots receive a prize of $10*(Experience of Pilots Shot Down)
    2. Pilots still in the air at the end of the round receive a bonus of $500*(Planes in Air)*(Starting Enemy Planes)
  4. Pilots
    1. Cost to hire pilots is (Experience Points)2/$100.
    2. Players build pilots from their starting experience points.
    3. Pilots do not receive any free CN points
    4. Pilots who survive to the next round cost $(Experience Points) in living expenses
    5. Injured pilots heal 1 pt of CN between rounds
    6. Turrets require a separate character as a gunner
    7. Air Action Weekly will pay a bonus of $500 to pilots who sell them a short bio for publication
  5. Planes
    1. Any plane off the plane list may be purchased (including bombers!)
    2. Aircraft costs per the aircraft list
    3. Custom planes not on the list have a 10% additional surcharge to purchase
    4. Planes may be modified/upgraded/repaired between rounds at the costs in BTCV
    5. Planes that survive to the next round cost 10% of the cost in basic maintenance
    6. Planes may be sold for 2/3 their value
  6. Ammo/Rockets
    1. Ammo and rockets are purchased at the prices in BTCV
    2. Ammo must be bought every round
    3. Unused rockets are carried over to the next round
  7. Ground Turrets
    1. Players may purchase ground turrets and place them in strategic positions on the map.
    2. Ground Turrets require a character as a gunner
    3. Destroying a ground turret is worth 10 XP
    4. Turrets that survive to the next round cost 10% of their value in basic maintenance