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This is VoidTech, a programming community.
It is also the home of Doug Effler, the Better Programmer.
If you have anything to say, email me

Main Site Index



I'm not dead! Just...differently alive...
Ok. So...let's sum everything up: So, there you have it. I'm not abondoning this site! Not until my great projects are complete! MWAHAHAHAHAHA! 3/6
I will update daily...I will update daily...I will delete old mail...Anywho. Still working on d20. I work on Legend during my free time at school. Might have found a possibility to finish Puzzle Fighter for school's Tech Club, yada yada

Long time no type. Oh well. Yes, I am still programming. No more flash for a while, and Legend of Star Knight has been put on hold, but I am making another RPG (well...two, but they use the same database) in RPG Maker. I am working on the joint database right now, but it looks like more fun (more fun for me, at least!) and seems more balanced than Legend (I mean, in Legend, that Star Knight guy, woah!). And yes, I will finish Legend some time. I hope.

Just in time for Christmas: Puzzle Fighter Star Demo v0.2! (As in, not finished yet)

And here's Firewall's Animations:

Don't you hate it around this time of year when you want Christmas to come, and time seems to slow to an agonizing crawl? Sigh. At least I finished Star Knight's animations. I have posted a gallery at the end of this paragraph containing working anims of all SK's moves. Also, I should have up a solitare demo of Puzzle Figher Star featuring SK as the only playable character in the next few days. Keep watching (if anyone out there is watching, God bless you :-) ) 11/22
Thanksgiving is upon us! Soon we eat large, clumsy birds and praise some guys from the 1700s who shared a peaceful meal of thanks with the natives in our country to celebrate them saving us. Then we nearly wiped said natives of the face of the Earth. Real smooth move. Anywho, in celebration, two new things are up: I have made a portfolio on CD which holds some of my flash and shockwave work over the past half-year, and soon it will hold my freeware version of Puzzle Fighter Star! On the subject of PFS, I have almost finished the demo (solitaire mode with only one character, Star Knight). And on Star Knight, here is a working pic of two of the game's fighter's which were drawn by the great artist, Jordan Davis: Star Knight and Firewall. Oh and yes, they are supposed to look like that.

Today I post a file with great pride: my first graphical game from (almost) scratch. This game, the board game Risk, was made in shockwave and is a great step-up to my next project, a Tetris-clone called Puzzle Fighter Star. Enjoy.

Sigh. Halloween's upon us soon. Oh well. My only treat for the online community is this new flash file I made. We had to do a music video, and though the animation is bad at times, it's a good song and I like it. Thanks to Jordan Davis (scroll down to see his community page) for giving me a sketch of the mech, I can't draw mechs for anything! My next file, by the way, will be a Shockwave game demo, then later the full version. I can't say much more than that, but it will be my biggest work yet!
Yay. New flash file. This one is an educational flash on Nikola Tesla.
NOTE: If you want to watch a flash, turn off the page music! Or else both will play and they will mix and that is bad.
Well. Not much new. Except for a new flash thing! NOTE: If you want to watch a flash, turn off the page music! Or else both will play and they will mix and that is bad.

Hey, guess what Doug has learned? Why, Flash Animation! That's right, I know some nifty Flash stuff now. It very cool. There are two (one has two versions, though) files up on my site for now. Here they are! (NOTE: Be sure to stop the MIDI file playing at the top of this window or the sound will be confusing!)

Two things: One, school is back, and I gotta go (at least I have some nice computer classes) and I know my game has problems. To solve them, you MUST download RPG Maker 2000 from a link on the Legend of Star Knight page and then download my workspace. That should do it.

SURPRISE! I'm still here! And guess what else? I've got a new game for me (Doug)! And guess what! It has GREAT graphics and MIDIs for music! So what if I cheated and used the phenomonal RPG Maker 2000 software, but it is great! So far all I have is a demo for the first half-hour or so of game. But I will keep working to finish it! Have fun!

I'm...not...dead...Yep, I'm still around. I have started work again on the D&D program and, despite my speed, it will take a long time. However, the soon to be released Neverwinter Nights is a good alternative to my game; my game is basically Neverwinter Nights without the graphics or nearly as much fun, but with more customizability (if you know how to program...).


As of now, there are 3 members of the Voidtech community:

Douglas Effler, the Better Programmer
Master of this website and creator of Dungeon Crawl.

Chris Block, The Infinitely Spiffy One
My great friend in programming, and foremost rival.

Chris "da real GC13" Spindler is the resident crazy guy. He will learn programming (and hopefully sanity) soon.

Jordan "Nacho" Davis
A friend of mine, not a member of the community, but has some talent.

Joint Projects
Projects where multiple members work together.


In this section, I will teach what I know about the sacred art of programming.


Pick a song. Any song. Though small now, will grow.

My main page music

Great Warrior Techno
A remix of the FF7 song; Doug's community page music.

A song from an old shareware game; Nacho's community page music.


You know, it's kind of hard to get links when no one knows about you. When I get a few more games, I will start to post some links.