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Welcome to the homepage of Borac!

(Formally of Osric, and before that Techun, and before that Virvius)


Hello and welcome to my new homepage! My name is Borac the Assassin and I live on the Harvestgain server of Asheron's Call.

Currently I'm a level 79 Tank Xbower and I only have item magic. I like it this way because I hate buffing, so I have a full compliment of dual items to cover all my critter and life spells, as well as some critter armor. The only important spell I'm missing is Endurance, but I don't miss it too badly. With a buffed Melee D of 407 hardly any melee critters hit me, and I even have Magic D specialized to thwart the magic slingers (only buffs to like 165 currently though). By Xbow skill buffs to 350 I think, so not too many critters dodge my attack.

My favorite places to hunt are the Direlands (for loot) and Tusker Tunnels (for XP). I also occasionally go to the Valley of Death or on quests if my best friend Ner'zhul goes too. He's a level 110 mage, which is quite an acomplishment considering he started playing AC months after I did!

I currently belong to two monarchies: DragonStar and Avatars of the Lost Light. Originally I joined Dragonstar, but two of my characters followed Ner'zhul when he broke allegience and swore into AOLL. Being dual monarchied has its advantages and disadvantages. Although I enjoy having two groups from which to get help if needed, I feel very guilty going on quests in one group when my character is sworn into the other group. I do tend to try and avoid this, but Borac is in Dragonstar and is my main character, and Ner'zhul is in AOLL so he leads mostly AOLL quests. This is also the reason why I don't do many quests unless Ner is leading: I feel better going as his friend than just going as a non-monarchy character.


I also enjoy working with Photoshop. Here are some samples I did for possible logos for the Knights of Winchester.

Just spent three hours following along with a computer coloring tutorial, and I'm damn proud of the results! I had the basic ink drawing but all the color is me baby! Find it Here.

Later maybe I'll post some logos I created for Dragonstar.