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Welcome to the USS Mage
The USS Mage

Greeting History Ship Layout Latest News Recent History Plans Trade Diplomatic Relations Ship Log Links Disclaimer & Thanx

The Standard Greeting:

Greetings from the Captain and crew of the Technomage Empirial starship USS Mage. The USS Mage, and its sister ship the USS Agamemnon, are both Scout class vessels of the Technomage Empirium. The Empirium is located on the opposite side of this galaxy approximately 35,236 light years away. We are both here on a find allies and friends among the stars to fight the forces of Evil. For Evil in our sector of the galaxy has run rampant, destroying countless civilizations. During our travels around this sector we will also trade and help in humanitarian affairs such as curing planetary plagues and protecting those who need protection. We are also a highly scientific and curious crew, so we will also participate in adventures. Both of our ships have excellent diplomats, as is needed for our primary mission. Because of this fact, we have many allies and friends among the native civilizations and alliances in this sector. If time and circumstances denote it, then our primary mission will change to the then current conditions, be them good or bad. Keep in mind that our intentions are good, and we expect the same from those we encounter. Also keep in mind that when it is necessary we will defend ourselves with great force. If you would like to contact us for any reason at all please do. Here are our COMM frequencies:
USS Mage or USS Agamemnon . The following is further, more detailed information on the ship USS Mage. For further information on the USS Agamemnon, please go here: USS Agamemnon.

"We are dreamers, shapers, singers, and makers. We study the mysteries of laser and circuit, crystal and scanner, holographic demons and invocations of equations. These are the tools we employ, and we know many things...Fourteen words to make someone fall in love with you forever, seven words to make them go without pain, how to say goodbye to a friend who is dying, how to be poor, how to be rich, how to rediscover dreams when the world has stolen them from you." -- Quoted by Technomage Elric.


It had all begun close to 10,000 of your years ago. The first sentient race to evolve in this galaxy were the ones we call the Great Old Ones. Shortly after them were the ones called Dybuks. For millennia these two ancient races fought, until they eventually drove each other across the galaxy. In our part of the galaxy, the Sagittarius sector, several civilizations arose over the millennia after this. One of them was the Technomage Empirium, an ancient race of beings closely resembling those known here as Humans. They soon formed a vast alliance of over 150 other races in that sector. There were a few races as old, or even older, then the Technomage Empirium and its allies. One of these is known as the Drahk, whose ancient ancestors were the Dybuks. The Drahk and their followers did not like the period of peace that the Great Alliance created. Soon, they had run amok through the sector attacking the smaller races until they had finally turned towards the Technomage Empirium itself. Several great battles ensued, costing thousands of lives. In the end the Drahk and their dark allies were driven back to their isolated home worlds were they stayed for centuries, amassing their forces. Several of the allied races forgot about the dark forces, but the Technomage Empirium never did. They awaited the day that the Drahk would return.
Dybuk Dybuk

Then, three years ago, some of the youngest and most foolish races sent several expeditions to the home worlds of the dark forces, and awoke them..... Soon, evil once again plagued the sector, but this time there was not as many allied races as before during the First Wars. It was decided that several expeditionary forces were to be sent out to other sectors of the galaxy, to find allies before evil does. Two of these ships, the USS Mage and the USS Agamemnon, were sent here to the Orion sector to explore. Unfortunately, to our dismay, evil is already here in this sector of space, an ancient Dybuk itself, but a primitive form of it. It is not these ships mission to fight evil, but in time it may. It is their mission to find allies and explore this sector in case the Drahk do arrive here.
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Current Ship Layout:


This is the starship USS Mage, as of Turn 634. This will be updated every 10 turns when possible.
USS Mage (Expeditionary vessel of the Technomage Empirium)
Component Tech Reliability E Yield
Warp Drive-4243 Basic 99% 2
Warp Drive-5759 Primitive 99% 1
Impulse Drive-5907 Basic 99% 3
Impulse Drive-8916 (U) Basic 86% 2
Impulse Drive- 8924 Basic 81% 2
Sensor-9066 Primitive 99% 2
Life Support-8777 Basic 99% 3
Shield-7338 Basic 99% 3
Fighter-8918 Basic 99% 1
Component Capacity Cargo Amount
Pod-7844 2 Steely Knives (!) 2
Holding Troll Medicine Value $50

Mass = 12, Energy Yield = 17, Torpedo Stock = 0, Cargo capacity: 2

Warp 37%, Impulse 45%, Sensor 16%, Cloak 0%, Life Support 28%, Sickbay 0%,Shield 27%, Weapon 27%

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Latest News and Events:

Of the most disturbing news to happen since the USS Mage and its sister ship arrived in this sector is the release of Evil (also known as Dybuk) that is native to this sector. It had happened many times before and after our arrival, but these most recent occurrences have been more pronounced. In the past Evil was released by an individual ship that was tempted by Evil. The ship was punished when possible and the Prophets, as well as the President when possible, hunted Evil down, bound him and placed him back in imprisonment. Now, several ships have begun a sect of followers for Evil. These ships who have turned to the dark side have aided Evil in his release many times recently, chief among them is the ship known as Alpha. This has caused unrest among many in this sector, as well as the alliances, the Prophets, and even the Galactic President and his counsel. These ships, and any found to aid them, are now considered enemies of all alliances, prophets, the President and his counsel. As of this time neither the USS Mage nor the USS Agamemnon declares these followers as enemies as either ships is not equipped to fight them. Also, the USS Agamemnon was severaly attacked by an alien ship. The crew survived and escaped via life pods. They have rendezvoused with the USS Mage and are receiving aid and should be able to depart within the next few turns.

News and Events in Recent History:

Much has happened since cycle (turn) 600. In general there was the Revolution against the Prophets, the first appointment of a Galactic President for this sector, the birth of a new alliance, and several alliance wars, and even the claiming of space under one flag. It would take to much time to list all the events and news by turn. So here is a list of the most prominent events and news:
1. The Birth of the Betelgeuse Empire- The Empire had already existed in the Betelgeuse system, but when its last Emperor had passed, his predecessor had claimed a few of the surrounding star systems as Imperial territory. Now, the systems that surround Betelgeuse are considered their territory. Unfortunately, several ships and alliances contest this. Many of these ships enter the Empire's space without paying the taxes that the Empire demands. In turn, these ships are, or will, become enemies of the Empire, and then be sought after by the 'Imperial Navy'. It is for that reason that the USS Mage has recently become an affiliated member of the Empire, to avoid this potential problem in the future.
2. First Appointment of a Galactic President- The only corporeal Great Old One, Jeremy, had decided that it was time for a mortal leader, someone to fill the gap between him and the mundane. He instated the action of voting for a Galactic President. Each ship in the Sector can campaign at any home world or colony to receive votes for any of the candidates, which are cast every ten cycles. This ship will then appoint a Galactic Counsel to aid him in this most difficult position.
3. The Tauri Blockade- Around cycle 610 the FSP alliance put up a massive blockade at the star system Tauri. It is speculated as to why this was done. This information is only partial as our records were damaged around that same time. If you have insight on these please contact us.
4. The FSP-FORT War- For several turns these two alliances, FORT being one of the oldest, had for reasons unknown, engaged in many battles. The FSP and FORT are now at peace, but an uneasy one from what we have gathered.
5. The Revolution- Several ships in this sector had grown irate with one of the Prophets, ships that aid the Great Old Ones in this sector. These 'Revolutionaries', led by the one known only as Lond Arminius, banded together and mass denounced the Prophet (whose name is being withheld for various reasons). Several ships were excommunicated and even attacked, but in the end the Prophet stepped down and was replaced with someone who now serves the position faithfully.

(If any ship has any information on any of these reports, or wishes to add one, please contact the
USS Mage .)

Plans for the USS Mage:

As of this time the USS Mage, and its sister ship the USS Agamemnon's, primary mission is to explore this sector in case of a Drahk advance here. As such both ships focus on trading of goods, humanitarian aid, diplomatic relations, officer skill growth, and overall ship growth. If future events and hostile ships denote it, then both ships are prepared to regroup as Battleship-class vessels to defend themselves.


If you wish to trade with the USS Mage in MODs, energy, or information, please contact us at: . Good diplomatic relations with individual ships, or any political entity, is something that both the USS Mage and the USS Agamemnon strive for in this sector.

Current Diplomatic Relations:

Alliances: The USS Mage is currently an Affiliated Member of the Betelgeuse Empire. We thought it a good idea to have this relationship with the Empire to avoid any unnecessary conflict in the future, and we also understand how this will bring about a large amount of criticism as well. We do NOT support the BE's policies, but we also dont want to get on the bad side of ships like Wolverine or Prelude to Peace either. Nor is the USS Mage a member of the Imperial Navy. We also have strong diplomatic relations with all the major alliances like SIR, FORT, FSP and the SN. We have yet to encounter anyone from the Knights of Ormazd or FIST at this time.
Friendly and Allied Ships: Currently there are several ships in this Sector that have good relations with the USS Mage. One in particular is the Prophet Starforth, of which the USS Mage helped put into the position to replace the previous prophet. Also of note is Flying Haddock, who helped greatly when the USS Mage first arrived in this sector in the Wezen system on cycle 507. Other ships who deserve acknowledgment is
Paradox Feline Grace Almost Honest Ally to All
Artemis Annushka Moya Betty Black Pig
Constitution Crazy Horse Dora Dragonblade
Deformed Rabbit Eden Elberon Far Star
Flying Dutchman Heart of Gold FSP Stargazer Frantagol for the info
Llyllen Lug's Belt Lady Black Matrix077 Explorer
Mahar Shalal Hash Baz Mendelssohn M.S. Bounty Optimal Empress
Pequod Plague Bearer Prelude to Peace Rattrap
Rosalind Sac Sauron's Revenge Sands of Time
Song of the Alphabet Soylent Green SpellJammer Spectral Duck
Star Gazer Taco Tatiana Three Horizons
Tiny Truthful All the ships with the USS Destiny prefix Wolverine
And finally the one ship who inspired us most- Titanic. Nothing was more awe inspiring then this massive ship. Now, we would like to give a special thanks to all the little ships out there, because it wasn't that long ago that the USS Mage was also floating through space with a busted Warp Drive hailing frantically hoping someone will help us! LOL If I have left anyone out, forgive us, and email us so we can update the list :)
Enemies: Thankfully the USS Mage doesn't have any non-alien enemies, and we hope to keep it this way for as long as possible. One alien ship that needs to be acknowledged is the ship Weasel 95, for attacking the USS Agamemnon. If any of you see this ship, avoid him at all costs, or if you are equipped to do so, attack it before it strikes any other young ships.
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Ship Log:

This is a cycle by cycle (turn by turn) listing of the events that occurred to the USS Mage during our exploration of this sector. Unfortunately, due to a power overload all information before cycle 601 was lost, and has not been retrieved yet:
636: S#55 system- Engineering officer fixed Impulse Drive-8916. Popcorn detected at Thuban. Found Deep Space Adventure 2 exploring deep space(534). Needs Medical skill level 9. Found Deep Space Adventure 1 exploring deep space(534). Needs Weaponry skill level 20. Jumped to Deneb for $26. USS Mage met M.S. Bounty. M.S Bounty hailed and offered a Module trade, USS Mage accepted.

635: S#55 system- Warp Drive-5759 given to USS Agamemnon. Engineering officer fixed Impulse Drive-8916. Found Deep Space Adventure exploring Deep Space, needs Engineering skill 20. Impulse Drive-8916 broke.

634: Thuban system- Engineering officer maintained Impulse Drive-8924 up to 81%. Medical officer studied at Medical school. Weaponry officer studied at Weaponry school. Jumped to S#55 for $1. $190 given to USS Agamemnon. Guarding USS Agamemnon.

633: Thuban system- All weapons working at increased efficiency throughout turn. $211 given to USS Agamemnon. USS Mage met Groundhog 71.

632: Thuban system- USS Mage attacks Rabbit 112, at distant range, USS Mage receives no damage, Rabbit 112 received considerable damage, and lost MODs Impulses-8916 and 8924 to USS Mage. Rabbit 112 retreated. All weapons working at increased efficiency throughout turn. Collected ore worth $28. $230 given to USS Agamemnon. USS Mage met Spongy Goo, who appears to hold the evil medical ring, USS Mage was put on red alert.

631: Thuban system- Collected ore worth $32. USS Mage met Rabbit 112, who hailed with unfavorable words.

630: Thuban system- Collected ore worth $32. USS Mage met Elberon. Also guarding USS Agamemnon.

629: Thuban system- Collected ore worth $37. Bought two units of Steely Knives! For $400 each. USS Mage met Rattrap, who hailed to thank us for inadvertently protecting him from a Groundhog ship.

628: Cephei system- Jumped to Thuban for $132. Received distress hail from sister ship USS Agamemnon, they were attacked by Weasel 95, and escaped via life pods. Will rendezvous with USS Mage at Thuban. USS Mage met Groundhog 7.

627: Cephei system- Medical officer healed crew's illness and injuries Average health up to 99.9%. USS Mage met Plague Bearer.

626: Cephei system- Engineering officer maintained impulse drive-5907 up to 99%. Medical officer attempted to research new medicine, failed. Sold Steely Knives! to Cat Colony for $1020. USS Mage met Sauron's Revenge.

625: Cephei system- Engineering officer fixed Impulse Drive-5907. Popcorn detected at Star #39. Medical officer attempted to research new medicine, failed. Sold Steely Knives! to Cat Colony for $980, now an enemy of the Cat government. USS Mage met Rosalind.

624: Thuban system- Engineering officer maintained Impulse Drive-5907 up to 99%. Found Asteroid Belt Adventure exploring belt. Needs Engineering skill level 2. Alliance with USS Agamemnon renounced. Jumped to Cephei for $158. USS Mage met Song Of The Alphabet.

623: Thuban system. Engineering officer fixed Impulse Drive-5907. Bought two units of Steely Knives! For $400. $227 given to USS Agamemnon. USS Agamemnon departed. USS Mage met Matrix007 Explorer.

622: Castor system- Engineering officer maintained Warp Drive-5759 up to 99%. Medical attempts to research new medicine, failed. Jumped to Thuban for $15. USS Mage met Fastillion. Guarding USS Agamemnon.

621: Castor system- The Wise One reveals an adventure at Star #45: Comet Cloud Adventure 1. needs Engineering skill 5. Engineering officer fixed Warp Drive-5759. Medical officer maintained Life Support-8777 up to 99%. Sold Steely Knives! to Monkey Colony for $900, now an enemy of the Monkey government. Impulse Drive-5907 broke. USS Mage met Lobster 42.

620: Spica system- Medical officer maintained Life Support-8777 up to 96%. Jumped to Castor for $2. USS Mage met USS Cold Steel.

619: Spica system- Medical officer maintained Life Support-8777 up to 89%. Warp Drive-5759 broke. Gained access to Starnet Terminal #4. Sold Steely Knives! to Wasp Colony for $540, now an enemy of the Wasp government. USS Mage met Kubrick.

618: Thuban system- Collected ore worth $30. Medical officer fixed Life Support-8777. Jumped to Spica for $14. USS Mage met USS Enterprise.

617: Thuban system- Gained $17 skimming star. Unexpected Flare damages Life Support-8777, is now unusable till repaired! Bought two units of Steely Knives! For $400 each. USS Mage met Fish 38.

616: Castor system- Sold Disruptor-2850 for $49. Jumped to Thuban for $15. USS Mage met Groundhog 103.

615: Castor system- Weaponry officer maintained Fighter-8918 up to 99%. Sold Quad Trees to Cat Colony for $428. USS Mage met Monkey 11.

614: Castor system- Engineering officer studied at Engineering school. USS Mage met Lobster 42.

613: Castor system- Science officer achieves enlightenment. The Wise One appeared to us and said "I will provide a way to predict the actions of Evil", crew was overjoyed and celebrations ensued. Sold Quad Trees to Cat Colony for $476. USS Mage met Lobster 10.

612: Ceti system- Medical maintained life support-8777 to 99%, Sold Shield-7917 for $49. Jumped to Castor for $125. USS Mage met Lobster 10.

611: Ceti system- Attempted to access Starnet Terminal with no success. Bought two units of Quad Trees for $250. USS Mage met Lighting Rod.

610: Lyrae system- Engineering fixed Warp Drive-4243. Medical maintained Life Support-8777 to 98%. Sold Sickbay-8012 for $99. Jumped to Ceti for $61. USS Mage met Lightening Rod.

609: Lyrae system- Discovered Troll medicine worth $50. Bought Life Support-5777 for $200. Discovered Comet Cloud Adventure in Comet Cloud-403, needs Medical skill 21. Warp Drive-4243 broke. USS Mage met K.E.M Great Sword.

608: Lyrae system- Sold Sharp Sticks! to Worm colony for $680. Denounced Starforth, Prophet of the Mighty One, with permission. Found Ocean Adventure in Ocean-1154, needs Medical level 19. Warp Drive-4243 broke. Haiwatha met USS Mage.

607: Lyrae system- Happy 100th Anniversary!!! One hundred cycles ago, the USS Mage hyperjumped into the Orion sector at Wezen 3. Sold Sharp Sticks! to Worm colony for $820. The USS Mage was able to see the starship Dragonblade, the enormous ship was a fitting scene for our 100th anniversary.

606: Arcturus system- USS Mage met USS Opus. Jumped to Lyrae for $50.

605: Arcturus system- Bought two Sharp Sticks! for $400 each. USS Mage met Wanderlust.

604: Sadir system- Worm 123 demands Sensor-9066. USS Mage refused. Worm 123 attacks. 1 round at remote range. Neither ships were damaged, USS Mage fled. Recruited 4 rogues of Medical skill 5, subsequently declared enemy of the Hamster government. Hired Engineering crew. Jumped to Arcturus for $52. USS Mage met Wanderlust.

603: Sadir system- Engineering maintained Impulse Drive-5907 to 99%. Cured planetary plague by 5%. Worm 123 met USS Mage. USS Agamemnon departs.

602: Sadir system- Worm 123 demands Shield-7338, USS Mage refused. Worm 123 attacks, 4 rounds of combat at remote range, neither ships were damaged, USS Mage fled. Bought Impulse Drive-5907 for $198. $128 given to USS Agamemnon, which USS Mage has been guarding for some time. USS Mage met Seeker.

601: Sadir system- Worm 59 demands POD-7844, but USS Mage refused. Worm 59 didn't attempt an attack. Cured planetary plague by 2%. Sold Quad Trees to Weasel colony for $380. Eng. trained to 6, Sci. trained to 5, Weap. trained to 8, Med. still at 8. One Weaponry crew died as well. USS Mage met Worm 123.

600: A power overload in the secondary plasma reserves have blown, causing several power loses and subsequently loosing all ship data of all previous cycles. Engineering will attempt to recover any data given time.

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Here is a list of several useful sites, from TBG mailing lists and groups, to alliance websites:

Official Pages:
To Boldly Go - Introduction
TBG Player pages
Subspace Times

Smugglers Net
The Betelgeuse Empire
Knights of Ormazd

Newbie Guides:
Answers to Newbie Questions
FSP Newbie Guide

Corby's Useful Pages:
SST Archive
"From Ballaster to just Ballast"
TBG Scores

Misc Stuff:
"The Good Empire Triumphs!"
"The Good Temple"
The Alioth Orbiting Oasis Messege Board
The 'Dybuk Empire'
"We Where All Small Once"
W++ Newsgroup
An Index to the Official Rules Page
TBG Safari Club
The SST Archive
A Search Engine for SST Archive

Mailing Lists:
Starnet Hackers
Dybuk something
TBG Design

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Disclaimer and Thanx:

I would like to thank above anyone else in TBG the Great Old One himself, Ron Jeremy, for the great game that he has created and for which he keeps going, despite the pain in the ass it is to maintain ;-) Thanx Big J. I would also like to thank Paradox for the kicks in the ass that I sometimes needed (yet he isn't far behind as we all know by now :-P ) As well as Frantagol, Almost Honest, Star Forth (all the Prophets and their faithful followers actually), and the Galactic President Constitution and his ministers. All the leaders of the major alliances like Wolverine for having the guts to claim TBG space under one name, albeit most ships consider the BE a very good joke ;-) Now for the little disclaimer. As you know most of this is fiction, so I can not truly go by what was said in it. If you have a question or concern about my policies please contact me directly. Also, my actions DO NOT reflect those of the USS Agamemnon, nor vice versa. I will not reveal information on another alliance or a player in an alliance, as I remain neutral in all alliance disputes. I will, however, choose a side when necessary for my own survival. This side will almost always be the 'side of light', or the side of true justice if you will. I will help a ship in need when I can, but I will not help a ship who has done wrong by his own right (I.E. knowingly released Dybuk and was attacked and left for dead). At this time, this is all I have to say, at this time. Depending on future events in TBG, this will be amended/added on to accordingly.
I do thank you for visiting my ship, and please beam on over again or COMM me, as I do enjoy a good email :-) My COMM Frequency is:
Captain PJ Mitchell of the USS Mage. And just in case you are wondering, I got all my material- fiction, pics, sounds, and even my ship name from Babylon 5, one of the greatest sci-fi sagas in television history!
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"Do not try the patience of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.", said Elric, paraphrasing the Great Mage Gandalf.