Under The Reins

This is a SIM horse game where even though you may not have real horses outside the game, In this game you can own, breed, show, care, and maybe even own a barn later on. Players start as boarders, keeping there horses at the barn of there choice, until they are experienced enough to own there own barn.

Hey everyone! Flame and I will be posting here if we want to alert you to whats going on! Please read it often, as we will be updating it often! *grins* right Flame? *Nudges Her* ~Mumbles a "yes" sleepily~.. I made a 'story' page. So if you have a sad, but true story feel free to right it and email it to me, I will add it to the page promptly, you may change events, names, skip things...

We are in need of a few things! Contact me if you would like to own one of the following!

Real Estate
Bank [For members who wish to play realistically and those whom just wanna keep a bit of money there!]
Many more things!!

Mists:- I've created a members page, on which will have links to pages which have every thing you own on it. Now, you can either make your own pages, or get me to do it. You page will need to include:
Your UTR member name
Your E-mail
Boarding Barn
Horses Starts
Any tack/ Equipment owned
Pets stats
ALSO can all members who are here and active please post their names on the Main Board so I know who's active and who isnt?? Thank you!

Co-owner:Flame Mists



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~*~The Town~*~


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