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(Drum Role) Here we have Marneus! He is the overall cammander master of the Ultramarines. Just armed with 2 bolters and THE gauntlets of Ultimar, he can can do severe damage. Although ultramarines fight tyranids and Marneus should have tyranid heads on his back, he also despises the Chaos Spacemarine scum so we used them. (They will be painted soon)

My personal favorite squad. The Masters of hand to hand Combat the Assault squad. The Veteran is armed with a plasma pistol. The Left Space marine is equipped with a Melta bomb, and the one to the far right is armed with a plasma pistol also. Together they charge with skill and Bravery.

Perhaps the most powerful squad these are the masters of the battlefield, The Teminators. Storming their way through and crushing anything in their path leaving a bloody trail behind. The veteran is armed with a power sword, and the terminator to the right is armed with a heavy flamer. All the terminators here apart from the Veteran can strike the fatal Blow with their mighty power fists.

There is no Space marine army without these bad boys around. They are master of long range, accuracy firing. Armed with plasma and las cannons, a heavy bolter and a devastating rocket launcher these devestators will let you watch your enemy being blown to peices and turned to black ashes.

Not a favourite of mine, however they do have their advantages. I am hoping soon to get some scouts with sniper rifles that can shower the enemy with accurate bullets. The scouts shown above are armed with bolt pistols and dagger like knives that can inflict the neccesary Wound.


The Night Alite -------------

It was a dark, frosty night as the Choas Space marines were in their sacred resting-place, the temple of khorne.Marching outside were five chaos guards, protecting the temple. "Common there is no one for five kilometres, lets go in, what si the chances that somebody is going to raid us tonight?" "We can't be too careful!"

"WE ARE OVER THE CHAOS BASE NOW!" "Right, deploy the second squads first!" The cargo doors of the thunderhawk ship opened and troop after troop the Ultramaines and Blood Angels deployed.When all troops had made their way to the ground they were given their instructions.

Marneus and Dante spoke to their men, "Our Objective tonight is to destroy the temple of khorne and neutralize the offensive to rid us of the chaos scum that have wreaked our land with evil!" "The temple has an all round armour of 13, so we need to burst through the chaos grounds using as little heavy fire power as possible!" We will need the assault squads to weaken the Beserkers Defensive to create leverage for the Devastators to Fire all their firepower at anything resembling a temple. The tacticals will position themselves here, and here.

When all troops revieved the instructions they procceded to their battle stations.

"Do you here that?" The chaos space marine pointed his gun to the hills infront. His infra red scope locking on to a scout. RRAAPPP!! The guns shots lit up the night sky but it was too dark for enough accuracy to fin a scout in the mist. The Alarms sounded in the temple.

All Chaos marines grabbed their weapons and rushed to fight the intruders. But the space marines had already deployed the last razorback and whirlwind.

The bloodthirsty khorne bezerkers charged at the nearest scout squad riping them from head to foot. A near tactical squad shot into the mob forcing them to turn and look allowing the remaining 2 scouts to quickly plant bombs before retreating to a nearby hill and firing accurate snioer shots. The tactical squad fired another hail of bullets and punctured the armour of 3 bezerkers. Not managing to avoid the bullets the khorne bezerker squad retreated.

The two surviving scouts put their night-vision on and ended the lives of the cowardly monsters.

Beep, Beep Beep Beeeeeeeeeeeep. The whirlwind locking system sustained a good lock at the barrage of khorne bezerkers. FWWEEEEEE. 10 rockets fired in the air, lighting the night sky as they crashed blowing another three bezerkers apart.

A squad of five foolish khorne bezerkers decided to try and destroy the Ultramarines master. They charged with all their fury. Through the mist Marneus noticed them and fired his rappid machine guns. Clips fell at his feet. Three bezerkers fell, their armour pierced. And two fell under the sheer strength of the gauntlets of Ultimar. As Marneus uncleanched his fists he saw the crushed skulls and brains as mush of the last two bezerkers.

The Chaos bikes reved into action, dirt flying everywhere as they charged across the battle field. The Devastator squad alighted the sky with fire as the downpoured the the bike squad with Destruction.

The blood angel assualt squad swooped acroos the sky to slice some plague marine butt. However the tables turned, as the plague marines were far more sophisticated with their plague knives, and they jabbed their spueing weapons in to the chest of the assualt squad. The cries of pain were short lived as they sank to the ground.

The landspeeders flew across the field to help their battle brothers but they found they did not arrive in time. Filled with fury the fired their multi meltas at anything that moved. All Plague Marines in sight were surrounded by lava as they slowly turned to putrid mush.

The Devestators were given the order to fire upon the temple. The temple was hit by the lascannon, and down it came revealing a ball of electricity of some sort.

"I got a good lock, FIRE!!!" A krak missle fired, as it was doing mach three and destroyed the ball on impact, the remaning chaos scums were disintigrated by the blast, and their spirits taken by their gods.


If you were playing any battles and stumbled upon a problem, with rules, or whatever just e-mail us @ (or), will provide answers to any questions that relate to space marines and chaos., will provide answers to any questions that relate to orks, and will also provide information on space marines and chaos.

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