The Simpsons: Night of the Living Treehouse of Horror Walkthrough by zorak163 4/1/01 - 4/20/01 Version 1.0 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction II. Miscellaneous Info III. Level Walkthroughs 1. Bad Dream House 2. Flying Tonight 3. Plan 9 From Outer Springfield 4. Vlad All Over 5. If I Only Had A Body 6. Nightmare Cafeteria 7. King Homer IV. Acknowledgements V. Links IV. Disclaimer This walkthrough will provide all of the basic information needed to beat each level. Please note that as there are almost always enemies onscreen they will not all be individually addressed. If one is more difficult than the others or must be defeated it will be included. __________________ Miscellaneous Info __________________ *To save the game you must beat a level and then select the trashcan at the bottom left hand side of the Treehouse. You will then receive a password. *Donuts are power-ups and they will usually reappear each time you enter an area that has them. *Each time you kill an enemy you gain points. *The status bar at the bottom of the screen will tell you how many items you still have to find in any given level. *Continuing takes you all the way back to the beginning of the level. It's better to say no and go to your save for the start of the level. Once you've entered your password, it stays there until you turn off the GameBoy. *In the manual the order of levels five and six is switched. --------------------------- Level One: Bad Dream House --------------------------- Objective: You must find four fuses and install them into the fuse box in the basement. Also, you will need to find three keys to open various different doors. Once these tasks are completed it's on to your real mission: saving Santa's Little Helper. Character: Bart A Button = Fire B Button = Fire Sling Shot Control Pad UP = Open Doors Control Pad LEFT/RIGHT = Move Bart in the corresponding direction Press the Control Pad diagonally to move up the stairs Special note on the enemies of the level: If the enemy is on the ground you can jump over it or shoot it (which can actually be difficult as you must be the perfect distance from it to succeed), if it's above you, you might be able to walk under it (but some of them dive) and if it's on your level you can either attack it or, in some cases, jump high over it. =========== WALKTHROUGH =========== At the beginning of the level you will find yourself in the hallway of the Bad Dream House. Go to the right and enter the first door. Here you will keep walking to the right until you're at the third pillar type thing. If you jump up onto the gray thing and then jump up to your left you will obtain the first fuse. Now jump back down and head towards the right, take out the spider (who will reappear each time you revisit this area) and put the fuse into the fuse box. Once this is done, head towards the right, jump up onto the next gray thing and then jump up to the platform where you will find the second fuse. Go back to the left and put this fuse into the box. Now go back to the right and jump back onto the gray thing, then onto the ledge. This time continue jumping up and over amongst the piping until you reach the donut. Now make your way back down and head to the right. Make sure to jump over the hands (you can't kill them), head towards the ladder and then down it. Now you need to jump and hold the control pad towards the right. Bart will fall/slide onto the platform below if your angle is right. From the edge, jump up to the pipe (watch out for the water)and then down to the ledge. Here you will find a key and a ladder. Once you pick up the key the water will start rising so head up the ladder quickly. Now jump to the pipe on the right and then jump over to the ledge on the left. Follow the ladder up. Now make the next three jumps to the left and head up the last ladder. You'll be back in the basement. Pick up a donut if you need it, then head out the way you came in. Now that you're back in the hallway, progress to the next door on the right. Watch out for the vacuum here. It will need to be hit twice to die. Once you've entered the next door head towards the left by jumping onto the counter top. Make your way across the counter, making sure to avoid the hands and the flames. Once you get to the end you'll see a door and a fuse. Pick up the fuse, ignore the door for now and head back the way you came in. Now you know what to do. Head back to the basement, install the fuse and pick up a donut if needed then work your way back to the hall. Once you're there, head to the left. Make sure to defeat the vacuum and then enter the door. Head to the right where you will find a key and then a new door. Entering it will put you back in the kitchen. Make your way to the right on the countertops and then exit through the door. Once you're back in the hall, head to the left and then go up the stairs. If you need a donut or two, enter the first door on the right. Avoid the water and the spider to get one. Otherwise you can skip this door altogether. Head to the next door and then enter it. Go to the right to find the third key. Pick it up and make your way back to the left. Once you exit the room you'll find another donut to the right. Now go to the left, past the stairs. Ignore the first door and head straight to the last one on the left. Enter it and make your way to the right, where you'll find another door. Enter it and make your way to the right to find the last fuse. Now head back out into the hall, down the stairs and back to the fuse box (a reminder, it's the first door on the right at the bottom of the stairs). Once you've installed the last fuse and picked up another donut, head back up to the second floor and go to that door on the left of the stairs that you ignored before. Head to the right and jump up onto the first platform. Here you'll see the game's first boss, a broom. Hit it once right away and then after it flees jump to the next two platforms on the right. Be prepared to fight it again. Once you defeat it, jump up to the left. Keep jumping up and left until you find Santa's Little Helper. This ends the level. ------------------------- Level Two: Flying Tonight ------------------------- Objective: You need to find 3 circuit chips and turn on five electric generators. Then you can go to the transporter at the end of the room to end the level. Character: Maggie B Button = To fly Control Pad = LEFT/RIGHT/UP to move in those directions To move down it's best to just let go of the B Button Special note on the enemies of this level: Since your only resource is flying, getting past the enemies will be tricky. Be especially careful of the Venus Flytraps. =========== WALKTHROUGH =========== Stay low and head to the right. Once you're in-between the first two faucets, head up and collect the first circuit chip. Now continue to the right, up onto the plates, to collect a donut. From the plates head straight up and to the right to get the second chip. Now fly over the Venus Fly Trap to the right. [Head all the way to the top and the right at this point if you want to see a box of Mr. Sparkle detergent.] Now head down and land on the bowl of cherries. Go right and jump off of the ledge to get the third chip. Now head across the pan filled with green goop to the plate with Blinky on it. Head straight up to the box. It's one of the electric generators. Turn the switch on the right on (just fly by it) and get out of the way fast as it will attack anything around. Head back down, past the plate towards the faucets. Get past them and head straight up and go to the right. There is the second generator. Continue to the right, over the Mr. Sparkle box and turn on the third generator. Now head back to the left and go down, following the pipes. Follow along the plates of food until you reach a plate with Blinky on it again. This time head up past the Venus Fly Trap and go slightly towards the left to find the fourth generator. Once you turn it on, stay up and head to the right until you reach the pipes. Follow them down and to the right to find the last generator. Now float down to the stove (if you see steam you missed a generator) and carefully make your way across the pan. Then continue to the right until you find a platform with a transporter. Step into it to end the level. ------------------------------------------ Level Three: Plan 9 From Outer Springfield ------------------------------------------ Objective: Fight your way to the Simpsons house while picking up various bonus items. Character: Marge A Button = Fire Weapon B Button = Strafe (Face the same direction continuously) Control Pad LEFT/RIGHT/UP/DOWN = Move Marge in the corresponding direction Special note on the enemies of this level: There are 4 bosses in this level. Although each boss will require a different amount of hits to die, the standard zombies will die after three hits with a normal weapon, or one hit when it's enhanced. =========== WALKTHROUGH =========== When this level begins you will be in the middle of a road. Head over to the sidewalk on the left. Get to the far left of the sidewalk (while still being on it) and continue going forward. You will soon see the first zombie. Hold very still and shoot him three times. Although Moe will be attacking from your right, if you are in the right position he will not hit you. Once this is completed walk forward a few steps where the same process will pretty much be repeated again. After this continue on and make sure to walk through the puddle. At this point it's best to just avoid any zombies that don't walk directly into your path. If you must shoot them, it should only take once. Ahead of you will be a sack of potatoes in the grass. Pick it up and then head over to the right to battle Apu, the first boss. Make sure to avoid his sprinkles. The best tactic with him is to simply stand in the middle of the road, just to the right of the paint stripe. [While you're standing there you should practice your "Strafe" technique. It allows you to move to either side and up or down while shooting and will keep you facing straight ahead at all times. Simply hold the B button down while you're pressing the other necessary buttons. It's not really needed for this boss, or even the next two, but you will need it for the last boss and you'll want to know how to use it.] Standing there will usually result in your only getting hit once or twice. Shooting him six or seven times should do the trick. Now head forward across the street and be ready to get attacked by another zombie. If you've used up all of your enhanced bullets you'll have to shoot him three times. Head into the park where you'll be attacked by another zombie. Once he's dead you can pick up another sack of potatoes in the grass to your right. Now continue along the path to the right. You can simply avoid the zombie there. Once you get to the sidewalk turn left and you will be attacked again. Go as far as you can and then turn towards the top of the screen. Follow along onto that sidewalk where you will run into another puddle. If you're fast enough you can avoid any fights until you reach a standstill and another boss, Moe. Head to your right and position yourself in front of the first manhole you see. If you place yourself just right, very few of his attacks will hurt you. Be patient and get off two to three good shots as he appears out of the manhole in front of you to defeat him. Go to the center of the road and head forward to pick up a donut and fight a zombie. Now head to the right and get on the sidewalk. When it turns right, follow it. Once you can go no further, head across the road, onto the waiting sidewalk where you will find another puddle. Then advance forward into the schoolyard where you will face the third boss, Skinner. Move around with him (don't forget to Strafe) and land five hits to kill him. Move down the middle of the road for another donut and yet another zombie. Once he's down, head to the sidewalk on the right, walk through another puddle and then speed past all of the zombies. Cross the giant puddle to enter the Simpson yard and face the final boss, Krusty. This will be by far the biggest challenge of the game to this point. His blasts will kill you off very quickly, but yours will only slightly dent him each time. The good news, however, is that once you reach this point you will no longer be required to start at the beginning of the level again if you die. To defeat Krusty you must be very adept at Strafe and dodging. You should keep to the bottom of the screen because it gives his pins a chance to spread out, therefore lessoning the chances of their hitting you. Stick to the center as much as possible and move to the left and right primarily just to dodge. Keep firing as much as you can, but try to time it and be conservative when possible because you can and will run out of enhanced bullets if you're not careful. It took more shots to kill him than I had the patience to count but it was at least twenty, quite possibly more than thirty. Once you succeed in defeating him the level will be over. ------------------------- Level Four: Vlad All Over ------------------------- Objective: Make your way to the basement of the castle and defeat Mr. Burns before he turns you into a vampire. Character: Homer A Button = Garlic Press Attack B Button = Jump Control Pad LEFT/RIGHT = Move in the corresponding direction Control Pad UP/DOWN = Look in the corresponding direction Special note on the enemies of this level: Most of the enemies in this level cannot be defeated, which makes sense when you realize that your only weapon is garlic. If it's a guard, don't even bother trying because it won't work. Once you get into the last two sections of the game you loose your garlic press altogether. =========== WALKTHROUGH =========== Those of you that enjoyed Castlevania on the original Nintendo will probably get a kick out of this level. Start off by going to the right. Once you're past the curtains and the first candle, edge up towards the missing stone. An object will fall down and try to crush you. Once it's safe, jump over to the ledge on your right. From here, jump down onto the candelabra (on the actual candles) then jump down to the left. From whichever platform you land on you can either try to jump down carefully or just go for it and jump, aiming towards the left. Minimal damage will be done (as long as you aim out enough so as not to land on the spikes) when you land and it's simply easier. (However, if you need a donut, you can obtain one by moving your way to the left from the platform that you land on after jumping from the candelabra) From wherever you land simply make your way left. You should find a ledge with a lever on it. Walking by it will pull it and open a door to the left of it. Now you can enter the door and leave this first section behind. Now you need to jump as quickly as possible or you will drown. Jump three times up and to the right, then pivot and jump up once to the left. Pivot again and jump up three times to the right, then pivot and jump up to the left twice this time. Pivot back to the right, and jump up three more times. The second jump is to a salmon colored ledge and will be tricky as the ledge will drop you if you're not quick enough. On the third ledge you will now see a ledge to your right and to your left. Ignore the one on your right, spin and jump up to the left. From there it's a couple more jumps to the left (with another salmon ledge) and then four times to the right where, once again, they will try to trick you with a ledge. As before, ignore it and jump directly to the left. From this ledge you can save yourself some time if you aim right by jumping straight up onto the next ledge. Then it's to the left where there appears to be a long ledge. The middle portion is salmon, though, and can't be trusted. You will only be able to step on it once so be prepared to jump. My advice is to jump over it once you're a step before it and then jump up to the next platform as soon as you land. Then it's three jump up to the right, a pivot, and one jump up to the left, then two jumps up to the right (the second one is to a salmon ledge) then twice up and to the left. The second jump to the left will land you on a very unstable salmon ledge. Time it carefully and as soon as you land on it you can jump straight up to the ledge above you. Jump up to the left once more, then pivot and jump up to the right three times. Here you will see steps up to the right. For once you will jump to them and follow all three up. Then spin to the left and jump over to the salmon platform. Now jump down to the left and enter the doorway to head towards the next section. Head to the right and jump up onto the first turret. A soldier will appear below you. Once you're in the clear, jump over him to the next turret (make sure to watch out for his spike). Now jump over two more. A soldier will be below you. The next turret will feature a sword that that shoots upwards from it and then retracts. Time this jump carefully to clear the soldier and the sword. Then make your way over one more turret and land in between it and the next one. An arrow will fly over your head shortly. Once it does, time your jump over the next two turrets very carefully. You'll be dealing with another sword and a walking guard. Once you're past them breeze past the next two turrets and head up and to the right to get a donut. Now jump up into the next section of the castle. Hide between the first two turrets and wait for an arrow to pass. Then carefully jump over the soldier to the next turret and then advance to the one after it. Here Homer's ability to look at things below and above him by angling the control pad up and down will come in handy. The next jump is down to the right. If you miscalculate a soldier will spear you. If you land right an arrow will be heading for you (unless you stay above and wait for the arrow to pass by looking down - it can take a while, though, and this is a timed game) so watch out and try to jump over it. Now jump over the next soldier and be prepared to jump down and to the right again. This time jump a little further out. If you time it right you'll land in-between two turrets and an arrow will fly harmlessly overhead. Then you'll need to hop up quick as a guard will be almost at you. Jump over him to the next turret and then continue jumping (watch out for arrows) until you've jumped onto five in total. Here you'll need to be careful of the guard. Get past him and the next turret will have a sword coming out of it. Get past that one to discover that the next one is the same way. Get past it to the last one and you'll see a bat. Either defeat him or simply avoid him, pick up a donut and head out the doorway to another section. Head to the right and jump down to the ledge. Follow it to it's edge on the left and jump down again, watching out for the rat. Now head down to the ledge below you (watch out for the knight) and move to the right. Jump to the next ledge below you and head left. Jump down to the right, then head to the left and jump down to the left to land on a small platform. Jump out to the right then spin to your left. You will see a ledge below you with a lever. Jump to it, pull the lever and then jump down and head left to exit through a doorway. When you reappear you will need to head right and be very cautious around the hands that will reach out from below you. Jump over to the right and follow the steps down. If you need a donut jump over the lever to get one just below it and then pull the lever. Now quickly head back up the way you came. Keep going to the left and jump up and over amongst the platforms until you see another door. Enter it quickly or the door will close and you will have to repeat all of the previous procedures. Once in the new room follow the platforms all the way up, first to the left, then to the right. Watch out for hands and jump over to the ledge on the right at the end of the platforms. Jump down to the candelabra at the end of the ledge then head down to the next ledge. Now head down to the right to pull the next lever. Once you pull it drop off the ledge to the floor and head to the left to leave out the door you came in. This time head to the left and exit through the first open doorway. Be very quick or you'll be going back to pull the last two levers again. In the new section, head to the right and drop down. Once you land, repeat the process. You'll run into a donut and the next lever. Pull it and then make your way back up (head to the left) and exit out the door. You'll reappear and then go left. You will need to move at breakneck speed to reach the next door. A tip: When you're exiting the previous door hold the control pad towards the left in advance. Once you appear, head to the left and as soon as you're underneath the chandelier, jump up and over as much as you can. If you land it just right you'll be put right in front of the doorway. Enter it immediately or else it will shut right in your face and you'll be back to the beginning again. Once you make it through the door, jump up to the left two times, then up and over to the left to a third platform. Pivot, jump over and to the right (watch out for the hand). Jump to the right again and go to the far end of the platform, jump straight up, pivot, jump to the left. Jump over to the left again (watch out for the rat and salmon platform). Jump straight up to the small platform then jump over to the right (be careful of the bat) jump twice more to the right, then jump down and to the right. Drop off the far right of the platform, where you'll pull a lever, then drop off the left hand side and enter the door. Head to the right, down the stairs. Jump over the pit of spikes and enter the doorway. Head to the left. Jump over to the candelabra. Jump straight up twice. Be very careful of this bat. Once you're in this section you have no weapon. Make several jumps to the left until you see the wall then drop and go to the right, then drop down again into the hole (with a suit of armor on each side). Now you will see Burns. Jump up onto the first platform. Above you to the left there are shutters. Jump on top of them to make sunlight pour into the room. Now get back onto that first platform, wait for Burns to be heading to the right with his back to you. Above you to the right there are more shutters, repeat the process. Drop down into the beam of light on your right (Burns can't harm you there) and once he's heading to the right again follow behind him and then jump onto the next platform. Here there are two more sets of shutters. Get the one to your left and at this point Burns will be trapped in the corner. Now carefully get the last one, to your right, and once the sun floods into the room, Burns disappears into a poof of smoke. -------------------------------- Level Five: If I Only Had a Body -------------------------------- Objective: Mr Burns has taken Homer's head and attached it to a robot. You need to maneuver throughout the power plant and find five bones (each of which represent a different body part) to reassemble the real Homer. Character: Homer A Button = Search (Homer can do this when an eye appears over an area) B Button = Jump Control Pad LEFT/RIGHT = Move in the corresponding direction Control Pad UP/DOWN = Look in the corresponding direction Special note on the enemies of this level: Just like in Flying Tonight you don't have any weapons and will need to defend yourself by avoiding people. If you start soon enough you will be over to jump over most workers. Important Level Note: This level does not feature donuts. Instead, you will run into batteries, spark plugs and oil. Pick them up whenever possible. Also please note that this walkthrough reads repetitiously but there's only so many different way to describe walking left and right or going up or down a ladder. =========== WALKTHROUGH =========== When this level starts you will see a mold of Homer's body at the center of the screen. Head to the left. When you reach the first ladder you need to head down it. Be careful of the worker. At the end of the ladder you'll see another ladder to your left. Head down it. Go to the right and down the slope. When you reach the next ladder, head down it. Once you get to the bottom head to the left. Jump onto the barrel and jump up. Here you need to be careful of two pieces of machinery that will rise and drop at the same time. Once you get past them head down the ladder. Go to the left and, you've got it, down the next ladder. Head to the right across the conveyor belt (be careful of the nuclear waste drops). Head up the ladder and jump over to the right and then down the next ladder. Head to the right until you reach the next ladder and follow it up. Be careful of the worker and head to the right and then down the ladder. Go to right and stop in front of the fire extinguisher where you'll be able to search and get the first bone. Now head all the way back up to the start of the level (if you need help simply follow the walkthrough in reverse). Once you get there place the bone into the mold. Homer's stomach will appear. Head back to the left and down the first ladder. This time head to the right. Jump over the worker and head down to the end of the slope. Now jump over to the right and be careful of the machinery. Make your way across the conveyor belt and watch out for the next moving piece of machinery. Do the same thing one more time and then head down the ladder. Go the left and jump down onto the barrel. Pivot to the right and watch out for the worker. In front of the nuclear waste barrel you will see another eye but there's nothing there. Jump on top of the barrel and then up to the next floor. Follow the conveyor belt to the left and move onto the next barrel. Once again the eye is misleading. Jump on top of the barrel, pivot to the left and jump up and over. Make your way to the next ladder and go up it. Head to the right and go to the ledge. From here you need to jump over to the next ledge. Make your way to the ladder, head up it and go to the left (be careful, the machinery that threatens to flatten you shows up again). Jump over the gap and head to the left until you find the next fire extinguisher and bone. Now head back to the beginning again and fit in the arm you just found. Head to the left, go down the ladder and then go to the left. Now you need to make a long jump over to the left. Jump up onto the barrel and then jump up again. Now you need to head to the left, over conveyor belts and avoiding the machinery. There's a set of three this time. Now head down the ladder and go to the right. Head up the next ladder and go to right (watch out for the worker and the radioactive drips) until you reach a fuse box with an eye. Pick up the next bone and head back to the start again and add Homer's other arm into the mold. Head to the left, go down the ladder and then head to the left. Now you need to make a long jump to your left. Jump up onto the barrel and then jump up again. Now you need to head to the left, over conveyor belts and avoiding the machinery. There's a set of three this time. Now head down the ladder and go to the right. Fall off the edge and you will land on top of a barrel. Jump down and head all the way to the right and go down the ladder. Go to the left and up the ladder. Head to the left and drop off of the edge. Head to the left and go up the ladder. Go to the left and jump off onto the barrel. Now head to the left side of the platform and head down the ladder. Head to the right. Jump off to the right and land on a barrel the barrel. Pivot to the left, jump off the barrel and then drop off of the ledge. Head to the left and follow along until you reach the fire extinguisher and the fourth bone. Go back to the start to give Homer a leg. Head to the left and down the ladder again. Go towards the right, avoiding the workers and make your way down the slope. Now drop off the end of the slope and head right. Head down the ladder, go the right and down the next ladder. Go towards the left (watch out for the machinery) and jump over the gap. Head down the ladder and head to the right, to the barrel. Get on top of it, jump up and head right to the ladder. Follow it down and go right across the conveyor belt. Head up the ladder, go right and then go up the next ladder. Head to the left, make your way past the machinery and go up the ladder then down the next one. Jump across the barrels and then up to the left with the green fuse box. Here you will find Homer's final bone. Make your way back to complete the level. ------------------------------ Level Six: Nightmare Cafeteria ------------------------------ Objective: Make your way through Springfield Elementary and rescue your fellow students before all of you are eaten by Skinner and the various staff members. Character: Lisa A Button = Hide/Search/Unlock Cages B Button = Jump Control Pad LEFT/RIGHT = Move in the corresponding direction Special note on the enemies of this level: Once again you're weaponless but this time you have a very useful skill - hiding. Make sure to use it well (you have to hide against blank spots in the wall) against the staff members and jump over the rats. Once you've been spotted hiding won't help so be prepared to run. =========== WALKTHROUGH =========== When you appear on screen take one step to the right and then hide. As Willy walks past you head towards the right, past the first door. Hide again until everything's clear then proceed to the next door and enter it. To your right you'll see an open cabinet. Search it to find the first key (note: the items you need to collect number at the bottom of the screen is not affected by the keys, rather by the students that you set free). If you were to make your way to the left in this room you would find a hostage. Unfortunately you can't save him yet, so exit the room. Walk to the next room and enter it. To the left is a cabinet with another key. Then off to the right is Milhouse. Free him by standing in front of the cage and pressing the A button. When you try to exit the room (he'll just stay standing there) Skinner will appear (it's his office). Hide carefully and make your way past him to the door. Head right in the hallway. Hide between the rows of lockers or Edna will get you. Sneak past her into the next room and go to the cabinet on the right for another key. Exit the room again quickly or you will have to face Edna again. There is another student in there but you can't help yet. Once back in the hallway make your way to the next door on the right. Entering it will take you into the auditorium. Go up the stairs to the left and follow it across the stage, down the next set of stairs and out the door. Be careful of the wasps. Once back in the hallway you'll need to hide quick or Mrs. Hoover will get you. Make your way past you and into the next room. Think quick because she's in here too! Get past her, snag the donut and enter the next door. Go the right, check the cabinet and then continue to the right to free Bart. Now be careful and head back the way you came. Once back in the hall go in the next door on the right. Go to the left to pick up a donut then to the right and an open cabinet to get another key. Exit the way you entered. Now hide quickly again because Mr. Largo is after you. Make your way to the next room and be ready to hide at first and then run very fast while Lunch Lady Doris chases you. Make it to the door on the far right and enter it. Now head left, ignore the first cabinet and make your way past the rats to the next cabinet and another key. Exit through the new door that appears and go left for a donut. Then head back to the right to free Martin. All of these cabinets are empty. Leave the way you came (don't forget about Doris). Once back in the hallway you can go to the last door on the right to get a donut and then head back to the left, down the hall. It's time to free the two you couldn't before. Go to the fourth door (past Mrs. Hoover) and make your way back across the auditorium. Once you exit go to the next door on the left. Head to the right and make your way past Edna to enter the door at the end of her room. Go to the right and free Uter. Now exit the way you came in. Remember as you appear in the hall and make your way to the left that Edna will be there again. Make your way to the second door on the left, then head to the left to free Sherri (or is it Terri?) and end the level. ----------------------- Level Seven: King Homer ----------------------- Objective: Help King Homer find Marge by destroying everything in his path. Character: King Homer A Button = Punch B Button = Jump/Punch Up (while climbing) Control Pad Up + A Button = Punch Up (while not climbing) Control Pad LEFT/RIGHT = Move in the corresponding direction Control Pad Up = Climb Buildings Control Pad Down = Block Attacks Special note on the enemies of this level: Jumping on top of small enemies (for example, tanks) and people will destroy them and gain you points. =========== WALKTHROUGH =========== This level is very reminiscent of Rampage and also, unfortunately, quite monotonous. The main thing to remember is to keep going right and to jump or climb on every building in your path. Also, most buildings that require climbing will drop a missile on you from above so be prepared to punch up. At the beginning you will have a tank firing at you. Jump on it and then up to the small building where you will crush the next tank. Now fall down on top of another tank then jump on top of a very small building, eat the person (note: you won't be able to kill all of the people walking) and then jump down onto yet another tank. Jump up to the next building then off of it, crush the tank (you get the point and I will stop referring to every tank now) and approach the tall building. Climb up one movement and then wait until the missile is within punching distance. Do so then progress to the top of the building and jump off of it (always jump out as far as you can). You should land on another building. Now jump down to the bridge and either destroy or avoid the three missiles. Cross it and then be careful of missiles from above. This is the first place where you should block. Jump up to the next building then down onto the waiting tank. Begin to scale the tall building. Just like before be ready to destroy the falling missile (this time you should climb up three paces). Jump off of the end of the building to land on another one. Jump again, land on another one, jump again to land in-between two, then jump on to the next one. Now you will see a tank and a donut power up above a fake donut. Get the power up, duck to avoid being hit and head to the next building. Drop off it to eat a human and then climb the next building (don't forget about the standard missile). Jump off onto another building, walk across it and drop off. Climb the next building and jump far off of the ledge to land at another tall building to climb. For once there's no falling missile (you can, however, defeat an airplane if you choose) but there is a tank on top of the building. Now drop off and head over to the tallest building yet (it's gray). Climb up it and get prepared to meet a boss. It is an airplane with an endless supply of missiles. Watch for the three lights to appear on the building. They tell you where missiles will soon appear when the plane takes a long distance shot. Make sure to be out of the way. If you die here it's all the way back to the beginning. A tip: climbing upwards takes a while but climbing down can be achieved quickly and easily by simply sliding down. In order to defeat the plane you need to avoid the long distance shots (and watch out for the missiles he will launch at extreme close range, too) and in-between them you should position yourself at the bottom of the screen, with Homer's foot appearing on the bottom section. The best punch to use is the A button punch. If you get there with enough energy and carefully time your punches you can beat him with six to eight hits. Once this is done Homer will take over and climb up to the end of the level. I won't spoil it for you but once you're done watching what happens tap the directional pad to watch the full ending of the game. --------------- Acknowledgments --------------- Many thanks go out to cereslise for helping me find some of the patterns. I'd also like to thank Matt Groening and the entire cast and crew behind The Simpsons, THQ for making a good Simpsons game (and for giving me one free tip), Less Than Jake and Placebo for providing a welcome change of pace from the game music (which is actually better than most GameBoy music), Angelfire for hosting my various websites (including my site for this game) for free and for helping me share this with all of you. ----- Links ----- My Treehouse of Horror site Shameless plug for one of my other sites Shameless plug for cereslise's Sailor Moon manga site Evergreen Terrace - THE best Simpsons site out there ---------- Disclaimer ---------- This walkthrough is the copyrighted property of A. Taylor and as such may not be used, in whole or in part, without prior express written consent on any website (exceptions include and my own site,, print publication or any other media source. If you would like to obtain the permission to use this guide for any means other than private usage please contact