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Thursday, 26th July 2001
Ok so it's been even more of a while... I've put the intel and the links page up though both are very much lacking in material. This will change hopefully in the near future.

The Intel page will contain just tips and tricks but I suppose thats just putting it in it's basic form. Information about weapons, where and when they are(not) suitable. Stuff about operatives, strengths, personal preferences that kinda stuff. Camouflage uniforms included just for completeness and then theres specialised but still general tactics like room entry and the like.

Feels funny talking to non-readers as I'm almost 100% sure no Rogue Spear players actually read this :) Oh well.


P.S: In case anyone wonders about the background in the header graphics it's Ding Chavez crouching while aiming a very nice looking suppressed MP5-PDW. Yes, you are right, this weapon is not in the game :) I got it from a very good mod over somewhere at fileplanet.

Tuesday, 29th May 2001
Ok so it's been a while :) Well now one of the links works. I've put up a page on The Art, you can find it here. It's basically taking the writings of Sun Tzu and putting them into the situation of planning Rogue Spear missions. Should be helpful for budding mission makers or for those that are wondering why they are getting hammered and how to get around it.

Should be putting up the rest of the pages soon. Oh just in case you were interested, you can contact me at These details will be up soon on the contacts page.


Friday, 4th May 2001
Hi, introductions first. I'm Sorcery, the operator of this page. I've had an interest in Rogue Spear for a while but due to the crappiness of my machine, I haven't been able to play multiplayer so single player was all that was left to me. Unfortunately 28MB RAM doesn't leave much to use when playing Rogue Spear. So to get around this, I planned out the missions and then let the AI's follow the plan while I watched in Observer mode. This is how I came to play the game and my inspiration for making this site. Hope it helps you guys stuck or shows more ways to complete each mission for I've learned that in Rogue Spear there is always more than one way to successfully complete the objectives. And thats what we aim for here.

Started making up the webpage. So I guess I might as well start recording. In case this is still here when I put it up then Welcome to the Art of War. Hopefully it will be updated regularly and all new plans, replays and tactics will be announced here. Please check out the Intel page for information on what goes on here. At the moment I'd like to thank bliP and ArchAngel for their contribution to this page and hopefully they will be a bigger part of this in times to come. For those who don't know, bliP is our techno-weenie(couldn't have done it without ya) and ArchAngel is my support single player tactics guy. That should be all for now.


Last updated by Sorcery, 26/7/2001.