Metal Gear Solid Fanfiction


The Blood Filled Snowfield;  The Tearful Demise Of Sniper Wolf

   Snake had just stepped out of the second communication tower and onto the quiet snow field.  It was dark out here and there was a terrible wind blowing from the west.  Cold flakes of snow and the icy Alaskan air whipped across Snake’s face.  Finally complete darkness had settled over the entire island.  It had to be at least two maybe three o’clock in the morning.  Also in the distance the sound of howling wolf-dogs could be heard, but none of that mattered now.  Snake was determined to get to the underground base where Metal Gear was being stored.  It appeared that the path was clear for him to simply walk straight across, but he wasn’t going to take any chances, especially since the last battle he had nearly escaped from, involved those fucking Genome soldiers using stealth camouflage.  Snake took out his binoculars and begin to survey the scene.  When he looked to the right he saw a parachute dangling from one of the many pine trees that scattered the serene.

“Someone’s out here.” He thought out loud.

   Snake took one last look through his binoculars to see if anyone was lurking around in the shadows.  He looked everywhere, but he couldn’t see anything, so he placed the binoculars into his inventory and cautiously he began to cross the snowfield.  Snake wasn’t aware that there was someone observing him through a rifle scope, and he was directly in the line of fire.  Just as he began to walk in the middle of the field, a shot rang throughout the silence of the frozen field of white.  That bullet had slightly grazed his cheek, the same cheek that Sniper Wolf had cut him on earlier.

“Shit!” Snake cursed. “Is this more stealth camo?”

As quickly as he could, he ran from the shots and ducked behind a nearby tree for cover.  Then his Codec began to ring, so Snake answered it, thankfully it was Otacon.

“Snake are you okay?” Otacon asks.

“Otacon!” Snake yelled. “Were there any other stealth prototypes?”

“No.” He answered. “There were only five.”

“So.” Snake says. “This isn’t stealth camouflage then.”

“What are you talking about?” Otacon asks him.

“Someone’s aiming at me!” Snake yelled. “In the middle of this blizzard.”

“It’s her!” Otacon says sounding somewhat cheerful.

“Wolf?” Snake questions. “Sniper Wolf.”

“Yes.” He said sounding more and more happy. “It’s her!  It’s definitely her.”

“Otacon.” Snake said sounding annoyed at his happiness. “You sound like you’re happy.”

“No.” He defended. “I’m not.”

“So then what is it?” Snake yelled.

“Snake.” Otacon pleaeded softly. “Please don’t kill her.”

“Are you insane!?” He yelled.

“Please.” Otacon pleaded. “She’s a good person, you’d know that if you’d talk to her.”

“Listen to me kid.” Snake responded angrily. “She’s a merciless killer.”

Suddenly Sniper Wolf interrupted their conversation.

“I can see you perfectly from here.” She said laughing. “I told you.  I never quit the hunt.  Now you’re mine.”

“Wolf.” Otacon begged trying to appeal to her sense of reasoning. “No you can’t!”

“Don’t get between a wolf and its prey!” She yelled to Otacon.

“You’re pretty good if you can hit me in this storm.” Snake complimented.

“You see.” She said coyly. “Women naturally make better soldiers.”

“Wolf.” Otacon continued to plead. “Don’t do this.”

She ignored him and continued to taunt Snake.

“Snake.” She said almost seductively. “I’m near.  Can’t you sense me near you?”

“Its a mistake for a sniper to reveal her location.” Snake said.

“Is that right?” She said retaining her coy tone of voice. “Well I’m going to send you a love letter my dear.  Do you know what that is?  It’s a bullet straight from my gun to your heart.”

“Please Wolf.” Otacon said trying hard to stop these two from killing each other. “Snake no!”

“Quiet!” Wolf yelled at Otacon. “Don’t get in our way!”

“Now I’m going to pay you back for Meryl.” Snake said bitterly.

“You men are so weak.” She said changing her tone from coy to bitter. “You can never finish what you start.”

   Snake clicked out of the Codec’s monitor and he pulled out his inferred goggles to see where exactly Sniper Wolf was hiding herself.  He surveyed the scene for a moment and then he spotted her, she was laying flat on her stomach preparing her rifle.  Quickly, he chucked the goggles down beside him and he pulled out his PSG1 sniping rifle.  Solid Snake laid flat on his stomach, moved slightly away from the tree, and began to pear through the rifle’s scope.

   Sniper Wolf saw Snake aiming at her past the gigantic pine tree, so she seized her chance while he was totally exposed.  She looked through the rifle’s scope and squeezed off a shot that hit Solid Snake on his shoulder.  Thankfully, he still had on his bullet proof vest from the last encounter on the elevator, so the shot did him no harm.  Snake looked through his rifle scope again and this time Sniper Wolf had gotten up to run behind a tree.   While she was exposed, Snake took that opportunity to squeezed off a two shots into Sniper Wolf’s left hand side.  The shots did manage to hit her, he could tell.  Her white coat now had spots of blood on them.  What would make her do something like that?  She had the perfect position to kill Snake, what would make her change it?

   Wolf managed to run behind another tree, she paused for what seemed like a long while, but as long as she was willing to hide, Snake was willing to wait.  While he was waiting for Sniper to turn and face him, he noticed that his hand was shaking uncontrollably.  The Diazepam that he had taken during their last battle had worn off and now was the worst possible time.  Snake reached into his pocket and pulled out another Diazepam pill and popped the capsule into his mouth.  Wolf saw his preoccupation with the medicine and she proceeded to shoot Snake.  She took aim for his back and she let the laser guide her.  Sniper Wolf pulled the trigger and shot Snake right through the back.  Once again, the body armor protected Snake from what would have been, this time a fatal blow.  Snake felt the pill dissolve into his blood stream, so his hand stopped shaking.  Wolf in the meantime had retreated from the tree that she was hiding behind, and she quickly ran for cover over a large snow bank.

“Damn!” Snake cursed out loud. 

   There was no way he could see her behind that large snow bank.  All he could do is wait for her to reappear.  After a moment of waiting, Sniper Wolf ran out and Snake began to unload four shots into her body.  She was extremely wounded, her white coat was now drenched in blood.  Her running was starting to slow down, she had to have been really hurt from that last attack.

   It seemed that Sniper Wolf was determined not to give up.  She took the classic sniping position, flat on her stomach and proceeded to shoot at Solid Snake.  Wolf squeezed off three rounds at Solid Snake.  One of the shots hit Snake in the arm, that was one place his vest could not protect him against. But Wolf’s other shots missed Snake.  Wolf stood up and hid behind the tree, once again Snake waited for her to make her move.

   Wolf poked her rifle from behind the tree began to squeeze off more rounds from her rifle, but each of her shots had narrowly missed Solid Snake’s body.  Her vision was blurring, she was loosing a lot of blood.  How she could even stand up was a mystery, her entire body was riddled with bullet holes.  Wolf looked through her scope again, but it was too late, Snake had managed to aim and fire his PSG1 before she had gotten the chance to.  The sound of the gunshot echoed throughout the silence of the snowfield.  Sniper Wolf screamed as the hot lead pierced through her body and she fell to the snowy ground.

   Snake got up and brushed the snow off his sneaking suit.  Then he placed his PSG1 sniping rifle into its proper inventory spot and he took off in the direction of where Sniper Wolf’s badly bullet riddled body lay near a small grove of pine trees.  Snake looked at Wolf sorrowfully, kneeled by he side, to see if she was still alive after this brutal battle.  When he kneeled down he saw that she was still alive, none of the wounds that he’d inflicted were enough to kill her instantly, they were only enough to let her linger to a slow painful demise.

“I...” She said looking up at him, with her large glassy blue eyes. “Waited for this moment.  I am a sniper, waiting is my job.  Never moving a muscle....  Concentrating...”

Sniper Wolf broke off from her speech and began to cough up blood.

“I am lung shot.” She said softly. “You cannot save me.  Please, just finish me quick.  I am a Kurd...  I have always dreamed of a peaceful place like this.”

“A Kurd?” Snake questioned. “So that’s why you’re called ‘Wolf’?”

“I was born on the battlefield.” She responded. “Raised on the battlefield.  Gunfire, sirens, and screams... They were my lullabies.  Hunted like dogs day after day, driven from our ragged shelters...  That was my life.”

    Then her gaze went from Snake face, up to the darkened sky.  The blizzard had relented and now snow fell from the sky as if they were tears from heaven.  The frigid Alaskan air too seemed a little warmer as Wolf continued with the tragic story of her life.

“Each morning I’d wake up and find a few more of my family or friends dead beside me.” She continued. “I’d stare at the morning sun and pray to make it through the day.  The governments of the world turned a blind eye to our misery.  But then...  He appeared my hero, Saladin.  He took me away from all that.”

“Saladin?” Snake questioned. “You mean Big Boss.”

Wolf’s gaze turned back to Snake’s face and she proceeded with her story.

“I became a sniper.  Hidden.  Watching everything through a rifle’s scope.” She said softly. “Now I could see war, not from inside, but from the outside as an observer.  I watched the brutality...  The stupidity of mankind through the scope of my rifle.  I joined this group of revolutionaries to take my revenge on the world.”

Wolf paused for a second and then she continued.

“But I have shamed myself and my people.” She said with tears filling her large blue eyes. “I am no longer the wolf I was born to be.  In the name of vengeance I sold my body and my soul.  Now I am nothing more than a dog.”

    The tears began to slowly fall out of Sniper Wolf’s eyes and onto the cold snow.  Snake saw how broken up Wolf was, he had to say something to lift her spirits.  There was no reason she should die unhappy.

“Wolves are noble animals.” Snake responded softly. “They’re not like dogs.  In Yupik the word for wolf is ‘Kegluneq’ and the Aleuts revere them as honorable cousins.  They call mercenaries like us ‘dogs of war’.  It’s true, we’re all for sale at some price or another, you’re different, untamed, solitary, you’re no dog, you’re a wolf.”

“Who are you?” She questioned, staring deeply into his hazel eyes. “Are you Saladin?”

“Wolf.” Snake said softly. “You spared Meryl’s life.”

“She...  She was never my real target.” She said shaking her head. “I don’t kill for sport.”

“Rest easy.” He said kindly. “You’ll die as the proud wolf you are.”

    Wolf sighed and her breath crystallized in the frozen air, then she said gazing longingly into the night sky, “I finally understand.  I wasn’t waiting to kill people.  I was waiting for someone to kill me.”

Once again her gaze shifted from the sky to Solid Snake’s face, then she continued, “A man like you....  You’re a hero.  Please, set me free.”

   Snake stood up and took out his SOCOM pistol and prepared to shoot Sniper Wolf.  Just as he was about the perform this horrible deed, Otacon came running up in the distance.  He had seen his beloved Wolf laying in the snow and Snake standing over her with his gun, he knew what had happened and what was about to take place.  This wasn’t fair.  He wanted to protect her, he wanted to save her from this horrible life, it was too late to save her.

“Why?” He questioned out loud as he removed his stealth camouflage and fell weeping to his knees. “Why?!  I loved you!”

    Wolf heard the soft pleas in the distance, so she turned her head to see who it was.  Once she realized who it was she began to stretch out her arms.

“What is it?” Snake asked.

    She needed a diversion for Otacon to come over, so she found one.  Near where Otacon kneeled laid Sniper Wolf’s rifle.

“My gun!” She said spastically. “Give it to me.”

Otacon got up off the ground and ran to pick up her rifle.

“She’s part of me.”

Otacon placed the large rifle onto Sniper Wolf bullet ridden chest and the tears began to stream out of his eyes. 

“Everyone’s here now.” She said clutching the gun as if it were a teddy bear.

   In the distance the mournful sound of wolf-dogs could be heard howling as if they knew that their mistress was about to die.  An icy but gentle wind begin to blow out of the west and the flakes of snow began to fall onto Sniper Wolf’s desiccated body.

“Okay hero.” She said softly with a slight studder in her sultry voice. “Set me free.”

“Good bye.” Otacon said softly as he turned away and covered his ears.  He couldn’t bare to hear or see the death of his beloved Sniper Wolf.

   Snake took the safety latch off of the SOCOM pistol and aimed for Sniper Wolf’s head.  Then he closed his eyes and pulled the trigger.  The sound of the shot echoed all over Shadow Moses Island, as did the sound of the wolf-dogs howling.  This entire scene left Snake with a knot in the pit of his stomach.  Deep in his heart he knew he didn’t really want to kill anyone, especially a woman, but it was the harsh reality of war.

    Otacon finally turned around and looked down at Sniper Wolf’s lifeless body.  Then he turned and looked at Snake and said, “Snake, you said that love could bloom on the battlefield.  But I couldn’t save her?”

Then Snake took out Sniper Wolf’s handkerchief and placed it over her face.

“What are you doing?” Otacon asked.

“Returning it to it’s owner.” Snake responded. “I don’t need a handkerchief.”

“Why?” Otacon asked.

“I don’t have anymore tears to shed.” He replied coldly.

Otacon looked at her cold lifeless body once more and he began to weep bitterly.  Snake couldn’t stand seeing a man this weak.

“I’m going to the underground base.” He said coldly. “We’re out of time.”

“I know.” Otacon mummered.

“You’ll have to protect yourself now!” He commanded. “Don’t trust anyone!”

“Yeah.” Otacon answered with his voice shaking a little.

“If I can’t stop Metal Gear, this whole place will probably be bombed to hell!”


“We might not meet again.”

“I’ll hang on to my Codec.” Otacon said rubbing his nose. “I wanna keep helping.”

“You can leave anytime!” Snake yelled. “Get a head-start, a head-start on your new life.”

    Snake turned and walked away.  Otacon stayed on for a moment and he looked at Sniper Wolf’s body once more.  He didn’t understand why all this way happening.  He needed answers to all the questions that raced through his head.

“Snake!” He yelled across the snowfield. “What was she fighting for?!  What am I fighting for?!  What are you fighting for?!”

Snake stopped walking and he turned to meet Otacon’s gaze. 

“If we make it through this I’ll tell you.” Snake responded then he disappeared into the darkness.

    But the truth was Snake had no idea what he was fighting for, but it just seemed like the best answer to give.  Otacon understood Snake’s cryptic response, so he yelled, “Okay!  I’ll be searching too.”

   Otacon rubbed his nose once again, then he clicked his stealth camouflage on, and took off in the opposite direction that Snake went.  He was determined not to let Sniper Wolf’s death go in vain.  It would be painful, but he would have to prevail without her from now on.  In his heart, he knew that she would always be watching him, and the memory of her gentle and compassionate side would live on in his heart forever.

    Meanwhile, Snake had finally stopped walking, Sniper Wolf’s words really messed with his head.  Maybe it wasn’t her words at all, maybe he was going soft in his old age, in either case he wasn’t to thrilled about this last battle.  Snake’s stomach was still in knots and his head pounded a little.  Snake took out his pack of Marlie brand cigarettes, a lighter, and he lit the tip of the cigarette and inhaled the carbon monoxide.  As he breath the smoke out, he began to feel a little more calm.  All those other symptoms must have been from the surge of adrenaline from fighting Wolf.  But her softly spoken words still echoed through his ears.  Maybe talking to someone at the base would ally his conscience, so he dialed 141.80, Master Millers Codec number.

“Master.” Snake said softly as he exhaled more cigarette smoke. “You and I, we’re nothing more than dogs are we?”

“That’s not like you, Snake.” Master said sternly. “Don’t let what Sniper Wolf said bother you.”

Snake exhaled more smoke.

“Listen.” Miller said compassionately. “There isn’t a solider alive that doesn’t question himself, and if there is one, he’s nothing more than a murderer.  But someone like Wolf, a solider who’s looking for nothing more that their own death is no good to anyone either.  Once she started to look for death, it was all over.  That’s how you’ll end up too, Snake.” 

    Master Miller clicked out of the Codec’s monitor.  Snake thought about what the Master had said to him and he was right.  If he lets Wolf’s words eat at him for too long he would be mired down in misery and would never be able to finish the job he was sent there to do, which was to destroy Metal Gear Rex.  While he was relaxing for a bit, Snake figured that he should save his mission data at this point so he contacted Mei Ling.

“In China they say ‘it’s better to live ugly than to die beautiful’.  I think it’s true, once you’re dead you’ll never have another chance to be happy.  I can’t understand people who want to die before their time.  Promise me you won’t end up like that Snake.”