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Other Annoying Strategies

-Build a Refinery, Assimilator, or Extractor over an enemy geyser, early, like when you get 100 minerals for the first time. This will act as a scout and require them to destroy it.
-Cast lockdown on anything moving so you can kill it. This will multiply your kill rate, especially if against Protoss/Terran
-Use the above with Stasis Field
-Use Stasis Field on your own units so you can get reinforcements there
-Plant lots of Spider mines around your opponent's base
-Place bunkers around your enemy's base, filling them with marines and trapping them inside their own base.
-Plant Spider mines in opponent's bases, around resource spots so SCV's get killed.
-The good old Reaver Drop- Fill A shuttle with a reaver, drop in mineral areas, or anywhere, repeat.
-The Zealot drop- Drop Zealots in resource spots
-Use your first overlord to find your enemy's base, and place it above their Hatchery, Nexus, Command Center, so you can spy. When it gets attacked, move it.
-Move a barracks into enemy territory,( right outside their base) and make lots of marines.
-Move a Factory into enemy territory, and make Goliaths and Siege Tanks
-Build a hatchery in your enemy's base really early so they have to destroy it. Crank out Zerglings.
-Build Creep Colonies on enemy Creep and make sunken colonies.
-Build a Nydus Canal on enemy creep on other islands, behind minerals for example.
-Send scouts, wraiths and scourges to taunt enemies, then send in a gigantic fleet of flyers.