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The Ladder
The Sages Clan

Private Sage Board
The Sage Board
European Invasion!
-Psycho Stix, July 18th, 2001, 1:00 PM PST
Hehe, I don't have anything against Europeans, just thought it'd be cool to have that for a headline. =P Anywayz, Istvan has joined, so now we have a trio of those crazy Europeans! =P Watch em all tear it up on the maps with their kickass teamwork!

PS: A few members need to give me their email so I can send em their private board stuff.

New Private Board
-Psycho Stix, July 12th, 2001, 2:30 PM PST
I've setup a new private board. Under no circumstance should anyone give its location to any non-Sage members, members are to post on the public board their email and a password will be sent to them (and I think the location gets sent along with it)... or you can tell me in person on WOL, with a login I know, your email and a pass will be sent to you that way. OR, tell me on ICQ and I will tell you location and pass and stuff.

-Psycho Stix, July 12th, 2001, 1:06 PM PST
The site will be stayin' where it is, nevermind. Anwyayz, setting up the new private board.

Private Board
-Psycho Stix, July 12th, 2001, 1:00 PM PST
Psy has taken control of the private board. Any message posted by me and NOT me, they are by the asshole known as Psy! I will be making a new one with a different email soon (since he got my email, that's how he got my login and shit). So anwyayz, I'll be asking around for your guys emails again, if I don't already have them. LOL, I think it was Psy who called me immature once. *Sigh* what a hipocrit. Well, what do you expect from someone who likes purple pokemon. The private board will be back in a few. Anothing thing, this site will be moving to a different address soon.

Swords, Gyzmo and Dj
-Psycho Stix, July 12th, 2001, 1:00 PM PST
Well, Swords is already in! He joined last night and Gyz and DJ will be joining soon! Welcome them to the clan! =P

Lix and Chadwick
-Psycho Stix, July 10th, 2001, 11:30 PM PST
I know I'm a little late on the Lix part, sorry about that. he joined a while ago, hehe. Chadwick has also joined us! Swordsman and Misfit are other possible members, however, with what Temp told me about Swordsman, I will have to think about that (Temp says the only reason Swords wanted to join was to be in the same clan as Temp, I dunno about that, though). Anwyayz, welcome Chadwick to the clan and if you haven't already welcomed Lix, well then you must be an unobservant freak considering he plays more than all of you!

Our Recent Activity
-Psycho Stix, July 3rd, 2001, 3:45 PM PST
It is July 3rd, three days into the month. There are some members who have reasons why they aren't playing (on vacation or work), but there are some who I know play mess clans all the time and those who aren't even playing. We're gonna start kicking people one by one that don't play at all and that don't have a reason. Sages is dying because there are too many people that are not playing. 295/105! WTF IS THAT? That means that only people playing, really, are ME and TEMP! Rob said he was gonna be gone, and I think I remember Dave sayin' he'd be gone too, but what about the rest of you? AzN still needs to rejoin, I'm sure he'd be playin' if he was in. =\ Come on guys! I can tell you, tho. If I see you on mess over half of the time, you're out. No questions asked, aight? I don't find it fun when people in the clan play mess because then I have to worry about not killing them and I have to get the hell out of their way. YOU KNOW who you are. And I'm sure most of the clan knows who isn't playing. Anywayz, don't be surprised if you're without a clan if you're not playing for us for the majority of the time you're on Nox or if you're not on Nox much at all.

Found the Website Password
-Psycho Stix, July 1st, 2001, 11:00 PM PST
I wrote it down on a piece of paper and then i lost that paper and forgot the pass. Just found it today. =P Anywayz, a lot has happened since last update. KiLL has rejoined, so has Cata. Cappy and KiLLian HAD joined, but KiLLian is goin on vacation or whatever and Cappy is waiting for cable. Dave ALSO joined! Our old clan (tag: Sages) was hacked and we remade the clan with tag: SagesX. Anywayz, everything is all set now. Those that were in Sages may rejoin SagesX, as long as we think you'll be pretty active. Sorry for not having been on Nox recently, I was getting my D2: LoD fix, I got it now and I feel I can split my time betwwen games again. So you'll be seein' SagesX gettin' all the old members and some new ones soon! There's your update for now! Oh ya, see Temp, nat or me for the pass to join SagesX. SHOW US A LOGIN WE KNOW AND TELL US WHAT LOGIN YOU JOIN WITH! There was a login "plz69" that we didn't know who it was, that person was kicked. =\ If that is someone we know that belongs in the clan, PLEASE let us know! If it was a double login, or someone we don't know and don't want to join, well, they get to stay out.

Recent Message Board Activity
-Psycho Stix, July 1st, 2001, 11:00 PM PST
Yo, guys! Our message board seems to have died, DOH! Lets get it back to bein' active!

Sages Win June!
-Psycho Stix, July 1st, 2001, 11:00 PM PST
Sorry, didn't get a screen shot, BUT I do know we won with some 8K points, I think. Even though we were murdered, lol! Good job guys!
DJ Chill

Psycho Stix

DJ Chill
Lord Gyzmo
Masta Mage