10 year anniversary (wait, what? I thought they'd shut this place down by now) was this month in February and I'd like to say I'm still here. Except I'm not because I haven't updated in years beyond this front page text so that's all you're getting. And by you I mean you, person that's so obviously not here because nobody ever goes here. I think. But if I still wrote crappy articles I would write one about the "RSoPC 10th Anniversary Edition" and what would be in it. Things like a solid gold Bonus Quarter, a book of some of the lost articles I never posted on this site and a music CD with all the solid Gusman hits from 2001. But nope, you get this instead. Oh well. See you next time.

Also, I admit I sucked at PSO. That's why I died all those times.

It's been over a damn year since I last updated and I stubbornly refuse to let this place die because I put all my hard work and effort in this place back in 2001. All 15 minutes of it. Anyway, instead of a real update, I added a link to my Youtube page down below. It has a slew of nice videos on it if that is your thing. Other than that there is not much more to say. See you next year!

Well, it's been a few months and you all know what that means. It's updating time! I've recently started a new game in Chrono Trigger for the first time in well... ever I guess and it reminded me of this one MSN convo I had years ago. In fact, it was so old that I don't even have it on my conputer anymore. Luckily, I was still able to find it in the cobwebs of this old site. You see, what had happened was that I uploaded a bunch of MSN convos but since then failed to upload them! So as I found the old conversation I also discovered 7 others that had never seen the light of day as well. It makes me wonder whether or not there are more little lost treasures hiding around here somewhere. In fact, I'd probally guarentee it.
So get yourselfs onto the MSN Convo section under the Useless Crap section and read what should have never seen the light of day.

Okay, I think you all know whats the deal with my Gamercard now. And since I play my 360 everyday, then technically I update this site everyday too!
Okay I can see you're smarter than that. But while browsing around in the archives in this place I seem to have discovered certain things... articles and stories that have been lost. Never been posted. Now I don't know how this has happened but it was probally out of sheer laziness. But now on to the point, it is the long lost story of Gusman Hill!
That's right, Gusman Hill. A story I was supposed to put up years ago, forgot, and am only putting it up now. Will I be posting any other lost stuff? Not likely. Once again sheer laziness, remember? But anyway I hope my story will make you cringe like it made me when I re-read it. It's in the stories section for those who can't navigate this place, I don't blame you. I'll see you all later and join us again in a few days for the site's grand 5 year anniversary! Come RSVP now and you may have a chance at getting in.
guests not likely to come

Behold! My Gamercard! I'm only trying this once, hopefully it works. The card's pretty plain right now but once November 22 rolls around, I think we're all gonna see some pretty cool stuff.

My new other minisite on MSN is up. It's called Rayjay's Place of Pure Crap and this is true because it is hosted on MSN.com, the Wallmart of websites.
Anyway, there are 2 cool pic browsers showcasing Michigan life and my other great passion in life. Becoming a Mythbuster. Thats what I am going to school for, by the way. So run there as fast as you can and don't stop until your legs shatter into a thousand pieces. There is a link at the bottom of the page. I'll see what I can do in the meantime, what with updating 2 sites now, or in my case, not updating them.

It's about time, chapters 11-15 have been posted in the Ocarina of Rayjay story. Go do yourself a favor and stay away from it. Oh, wait a minute, I mean read it. Read it. Read it, thats what I meant. No, really thats what I meant! Don't leave! Come back here!

What happens when you take a bad Zelda site and use it for false secrets for Ocarina of Time? More useless crap! Don't delay, be on your way and find out today! Ole!

Damn, I'm hungry. Wait a minute, what am I doing here? I'm getting myself something to eat.

Three updates in the same month? Wha!? Yes, its true but I just had to post my new comic series, The Adventures of the Fox 11 News. Obviously it is found in the comics section, which is in the useless crap section. The comics themselfs are quite crappy but if they weren't then they wouldn't belong on this site! Horray! An excuse to as why everything I do is so crappy!

Whats this? A real update that's more than a link? It seems to be. A new story has been added, Rayjay's Dream, in the stories section. I had this story laying around for a while but I was too lazy to ever post it. But now it's here where it shall spend all enternity here on RSoPC. Oh, lordyloo!

Hi everyone! I mean, you there whos lost your way. Nobody wants to go to Rayjay's Boards of Pure Crap so I suggest everyone go to Gecko's place instead. No, its not because I'm the new administrator or because I needed to find something to update with...
Now that I think of it, it might be that...

I have nothing funny to say. I know what you're thinking. Its like, "But Rayjay, you never said anything funny before! Its what you did that was funny!" And what might that be you say? Updating this website. It costs me $300 a month and this place blows up if someone visits because its not used to getting so many hits at a time. But still, that doesn't mean I can't have some fun. Goodbye! Its Sonic Heroes time!

The new MSN Convo section can be found in the pile of useless crap I have around here. Come and see what time travel, the lottery and an adder have to do with each other.

Bummed out that the new Tomb Raider movie sucks? Well then what did you expect!? I knew if would suck for many reasons and yet people still went to see it anyway. I'll show everyone that I can make a good movie by posting my ideas for a live-action movie based on Sonic Adventure 2. You will want to see this movie so bad after reading my ideas, you will rip out your stomach and chew it until it loses all the flavor.

What does everyone like? Fruit of course. But what else is it that people like? NDDLES of course. And thats noodles for all the non NDDLE scholars out there, all 2 of you. Read up on the history of this underground beverage in the stories section.

If you are ever in an argument to as why Mr. Neill's site is the worse site ever, now you have 42 reasons to help out your argument. These reasons are even agreed upon by every government is the world.

Chapters 6-10 in the Ocarina of Rayjay have now been posted. Why anyone would care is beyond me.

The forums are back! And why anyone would want to go there is a mystery to me.

Did you ever want to know how to keep a moron busy? Well now you can! And all it takes is some clicking down over to the useless crap section. Next update, September 28, 2042!
Also, I can't add any more polls because the poll site charges 15 bucks a month for that sort of stuff now. But don't worry, its not like I was gonna put up a new poll or anything... no, really I wasn't. I don't even have a poll topic or anything. Do you? Well then make your own poll and see if I care. Because I don't. That is, if you've got the 15 bucks. Do you? If you do then send it to me and I'll make a new poll. Not that I have a poll topic or anything. Do you thing its easy coming up with things like that? Well its not. And you wouldn't know anything about it because you don't run a site of pure crap. I'll tell you what. Just send me the 15 bucks anyway. I could really use the money. No really, I do. Just send it to Rayjay the Fruit Man. Or if you really want then give me more money. Then we can finally come up with that new poll that everyone wants. I don't want one but someone out there probaly does. Is it you? If it is you then you know what I am talking about. But if its not then I doubt that you will send me 15 bucks, or any money at all for that matter. Well, the world would be a better place if everyone in the world gave me the money. Just think about it. There would be so many polls here than just the one useless one. Now that I think of it, doesn't this place have a used poll page? Go use that for all your poll needs. Or better yet, just send me the damn money already. Everyone knows polls make a website.

Boo! Did I scare you? If I don't, then this site's crappiness will. I uploaded a Halloween story in the story section. Go look now, the ending is very scary.

I have decided to do a contest. The first one to tell me the number of mispelled words on this whole site gets a prize. Thats right, a prize! And its a lifetime supply too! Its nothing! Can you believe it? A lifetime supply of nothing! Get counting, because this constest ends January 27, 2807!

A Mr.Neill poem because I can't think of anything else to do to this site. I really can't...

Another small update with a new comic section in the useless crap section.

An update? What? I don't believe it either. But yes its true. The sad truth is that Angelfire has been really sucking as of late. If this comtinues on I would probally just move the whole site somewhere else, or what I would probally do, not move it anywhere at all...
Whats going on is what I added. I don't know what its about or anything. And you don't either. So there. Just go check it out.

Where do you think you're going!?
Rayjay's Game Reviews!
Stories by Rayjay
The Users of the Boards
Useless Crap
Rayjay's Boards of Pure Crap
For Board Intelligence
Rayjay's Place of Pure Crap
Rayjay's Youtube Space

Top Games I Am Playing (As of 8/28/07)

  1. BioShock (Xbox 360)
  2. Space Giraffe (Xbox 360)
So hard to decide... then again, is it even worth voting in this ridiculous Rayjayish poll?-Gecko Mayhem