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New Found Hope by *Pum@*MatriX @ 10:57 pm EST

Welcome clan members and feloow viewers of this site. Well, today was a big day for the *Pum@* clan. I decided to make our first challenge. It will be against [GF]. Also, the members page will be up tomorrow. Email me or make a post in the PUMA ONLY forum. I will then give you the password for the members page which contains your password for your personalized member page. Also, I will be recruiting members tomorrow night, so if your would liek to help, email me and I will give you the information needed to join me. We only have 4 members, Ne0, Matrix, Man, & Staindboy. Be ready to get some newer members!! That is all I have for now.

©2000 Puma Clan Designs, Page Created by MatriX aka TC Berens