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Eleint 29, 1358 (all dates are “DR” or Dale Reckoning)—The Brotherhood is founded

-Brokengulf villa officially turned over to the group

-Time device room is sealed

-Krie’lat defeated


Uktar, 1358—Brokengulf holdings (now the Brotherhood’s) are discovered.


Hammer 9, 1359—First encounter with the Scarlet Conclave.


Hammer 16, 1359—First encounter with Telnorin (Teln) Ummershiv, lizard-man captain of the Brokengulf ships

-First look at a Conclave ice ship

-Captain Mauldin Haim becomes coordinator of Brotherhood missions


Hammer 20, 1359—Grandmaster Pang emerges as being evil in this timeline


Alturiak 1, 1359—Orientals linked to the Conclave


Alturiak 2, 1359—Kaliban accidentally kills 7-year-old boy

            -Plot to resurrect Bhaal using Crown of Horns by Conclave revealed

            -Napftor comes from the future to stop the Chosen One-inside-Brotherhood member


[In this one possible future—Chosen One Crius is expelled from Kaliban’s body by a phaerimm released last year from Anauroch]

            -Elron acquires his boots of flying


Alturiak 6, 1359—Scarlet Conclave attacks Waterdeep


Alturiak 7, 1359—Crown of Horns stolen

            -Brotherhood “borrows” Staff of Spring Dawning to combat the Bhaal artifact, Crystal of Shadowed Deeds

            -Bhaal’s ascension is prevented with some divine aid from Hoar


Alturiak 8, 1359—Crystal of Shadowed Deeds put into the safehouse


Alturiak 15, 1359—Protectorate founded


Ches 1, 1359—Protectorate brought to court for damages incurred defending the city

            -A disgruntled Elron resigns from the Protectorate


Ches 6, 1359—Mental faculties are swapped among Protectorate members


Ches 7, 1359—Phaerimm forces the group to hand over all magical equipment

            -Eldath returns everyone to their proper bodies


Ches 10, 1359—Many Protectorate properties signed over to the Phylund Family by Lucinda, Fury’s girlfriend


Ches 17, 1359—Lucinda and the Phylund heir, Urtos II, are found outside Neverwinter.

            -A remnant of the swapped body curse causes Silivanus to cast a spell that kills Urtos, Lucinda and himself.  He and Urtos are raised soon after.

            -Fury infected with lycanthropy


Ches 19, 1359—First appearance of Daniella of the Night’s Shadow

            -The group Black Hand discovered stealing Crystal of Shadowed Deeds and transporting the group’s stolen magic items


Ches 20, 1359—Kohira recovers his katana (again with Black Hand interference) and resurrects his parents by way of the Dong’chai ritual


Ches 21, 1359—First appearance of the Junior Protectorate


Ches 22, 1359—Junior Protectorate rescued from githzerai in Limbo


Ches 25, 1359—Black Hand turns many Protectorate members into goblins

            -Blackstaff agrees to reverse the magic if they retrieve the Crystal of Shadowed Deeds from the Moonshae Isles (it’s last reported location)


Tarsakh 5, 1359—Protectorate arrives on Moonshaes


Tarsakh 7, 1359—Captured at Highrock by Shadow Thieves

            -Crystal recovered as group escapes, also noting and partaking of a large cache of weapons kept by the Thieves


Tarsakh 14, 1359—Protectorate returned to normal, determined to get back the rest of their items from the Shadow Thieves


Tarsakh 15, 1359—2 month anniversary of the Scarlet Conclave’s defeat

            -Time device destroyed in a Conclave ambush, leaving the villa and many other buildings “displaced” and uninhabitable (half of treasury also displaced)

            -Elron officially rejoins the Protectorate


Tarsakh 16, 1359—First encounter with spelljammer technology


Tarsakh 19, 1359—Fury cured of lycanthropy


Tarsakh 20, 1359—Mystery of a dead oriental crew lead Protectorate to Amn city of Athkatla

            -Napftor tells group that he and Ghentilara are going to have a baby

            -A Sharran artifact called the Nightgem is discovered along with Daniella’s father

            -Black Hand members all slain except for the leader, Belora Shankri


Tarsakh 21, 1359—Elron runs gauntlet in Shadowhouse

            -Plot to kill the Waterdeep Lords at a conference on the Moonshaes by the Shadow Thieves is discovered


Tarsakh 22, 1359—Vantas Elaziim, Napftor’s older brother, joins the group’s efforts

            -Midnight Angel, a spelljammer ship, is handed over by a leg-less former adventurer to combat the Shadow Thieves stolen Halruuan airships

            -Connor Blackthorn lost in an air battle and presumed dead

            -Plot to kill the Lords is a distraction as the Shadow Thieves instead try to steal an artifact called the Cauldron of Doom from a site on the Moonshaes

            -Protectorate defeats the Thieves and retrieves the remainder of their stolen magic items


Mirtul 23, 1359—Temple to Hoar is completed

            -Kaliban passes two-week training period to become an “initiate” in the Order of the Aster (a Lathanderite order)

            -Kohira learns his katana is the equivalent of an elven moonblade, and that more powers will likely surface in the future

            -Funeral held for Connor

            -Marriage of Napftor and Ghentilara (“Big Eyes”) atop the Spires of the Morning


Kythorn 13, 1359—A gnome named Stutts joins the Protectorate as a maintenance person for the Midnight Angel


Kythorn 14, 1359—The grove of Pandora Winterwind is untainted, allowing the Protectorate to park the Angel in it

            -Anadjiin hatchlings aboard the Angel are dispatched

            -Scarlet Conclave’s new weapons—garden clones—are encountered

            -Sharn Communion enhances the group to hunt down and kill the phaerimm they released


Kythorn 15, 1359—Garden clones traced back to the phaerimm at a northern Conclave ice base, where the creature and the base are destroyed

            -Sharn return the group to normal


Kythorn 22, 1359—Black-shadow assigned to the Protectorate for training

            -Marith Alberrim, Maxolt’s daughter, leads a cult of Xvimists in an attempt to slay the dragon impersonating her hated father


Kythorn 23, 1359—Daniella slain but soon resurrected


Kythorn 27, 1359—Kaliban travels back in time to 806DR and rescues Adelphi from a half-orc named Xaxakk, bringing the elven warrior back to the present day


Kythorn 28, 1359—Showdown with Marith Alberim results in the destruction of the Staff of Spring Dawning


Flamerule 1, 1359—Maxolt leaves area to search for Marith

            -Fury and Ebony have dreams of Hoarites being slain

            -Daniella turned to evil by Belora Shankri


Flamerule 5, 1359—Journey to Fury’s native Unther where home town of Messemprar is in civil war

            -Temple to Hoar there is destroyed, a secret shrine to Bane discovered beneath its ruins

            -Banites ousted and are found to be the cause of the riots at the behest of Mourktar’s King Xerxes


Flamerule 6, 1359—Hoarite’s main temple in Mourktar near extinction

            -Enter Banite temple (Lord’s Black Cloak) to kill Xerxes and forced to retreat when a banelich and other Banites spring an ambush


Flamerule 7, 1359—Help sought from benign drow elves at Ebony’s suggestion

            -Portal to Yuirwood in Aglarond used to meet with the wild elves’ leader to ask for help against Xerxes.  A demon and a Hoarite traitor are slain trying to kill the elf leader

            -Battle in Yuirwood results in death of Xerxes


Flamerule 8, 1359—Xerxes’ defiled head left on the steps of the Lord’s Black Cloak

            -Northern Wizards of Messemprar agree to help surviving Hoarites rebuild their headquarters in that city

            -Fury accepts the title of “pope” within the Hoarite faith


Marpenoth 14, 1359—Elron, Kaliban, Fury, Kohira, and Seraphine take the Angel to the Spine of the World in response to a magical call for aid supposedly sent by a capture team


Marpenoth 15, 1359—The capture team is found dead and a Scarlet Conclave ambush imprisons the Protectorate and the Midnight Angel in ice.


Marpenoth 30, 1359—Vantas is granted a keep and acquired followers in recognition of is past service

            -Napftor and other Protectorate members spend a month unsuccessfully searching for the missing members


Nightal 10, 1359—The Elaziim’s baby is born.  A boy that is named Connor after the priest’s fallen comrade


Nightal 30, 1359—Ebony and the other Waterdhavian Hoarites give up hope for Fury’s return.  This is a day of mourning


Hammer 1, 1360—Ebony named highest-ranking cleric of Hoar.  The “pope” title is left vacant in Fury’s honor


Kythorn 8, 1360—Cyric and other Protectorate members join King Azoun’s Western Army in Telflamm to help fight the Tuigan Horde


Flamerule 30, 1360—Protectorate volunteers return to Waterdeep.

            -Cyric remains in the east to study, and tutor others about, the many dead after the final battle against the Tuigan


Eleint, 1360—With virtual unknowns running the day-to-day activities of the Protectorate, the group falls into social and financial decline.  Napftor and Vantas vow to put their personal lives on hold until the Protectorate is stable again


Marpenoth 17, 1360—The gnome Stutts finishes construction on a new wreckboat.  A spelljamming helm is bought from a hippopotamus headed man in Silverymoon and installed.  Exploration across the Realms begins again after Napftor instructs six members on the helm’s operation


Alturiak, 1361—An average of 52 members is maintained.  The holdings formally signed over to Urtos Phylund 2 years ago are returned when Urtos II manages to claim his rightful place as patriarch


Kythorn, 1361—The Elaziim brothers infuse the Protectorate with Lathanderite beliefs to keep it from stagnating in Waterdeep’s relatively calm atmosphere

            -Napftor invites anyone to join the group who believes in helping others.  The ranks quickly swell and the Elaziim brothers taught what they know best--the basic precepts of Lathander: strive always to aid, foster hope, new ideas, and new prosperity for all mankind.  The brothers seldom speak Lathander’s name, for they know that even though the recruits are not active worshippers, they would still be doing the faith’s good work.  Those recruits that can’t be housed at the villa are shipped with permission to nearby Lathanderite strongholds for training in simple and martial weapons and in “Protectorate doctrine”


Alturiak 6, 1367—Captain Haim dies of natural causes


Mirtul 3, 1369—3 more wreckboats provide easy transport to the growing ranks of the Protectorate.  While the Elaziim brothers remain at the head of the group, they are rarely seen at its gatherings.  The spelljammer activity attracts the attention of a spacefaring race known as the Arcane.  It is on this date that the Elaziims are approached about buying a flying fortress for their organization.  The Arcane are distributors of such structures and the Protectorate’s heavy use of spelljammers makes it a prime candidate


Mirtul 6, 1369—Napftor and Vantas order the sale of nearly every non-land asset the Protectorate owns to purchase the Arcane’s fortress.  The new headquarters for the group is constructed by gnomes, dwarves, humans, and some other races not recognized


Mirtul 17, 1369—Construction of the fortress completed over a mile over Waterdeep


Mirtul 18, 1369—All Protectorate members in the North are gathered to the fortress for the dedication ceremony.  The Elaziims shatter a bottle of elven feywine (much to the chagrin of all elves present) and name the place “Stonecloud.”

            -Leftover moneys are used to purchase a few wreckboats and 4 larger spelljammers from the Arcane before they depart


Kythorn to Marpenoth, 1369—Word of Stonecloud and the Protectorate’s rebirth as an adventuring power cause many hopefuls to sign onto the group.  Membership swells to well over 1,000 persons of varying ages and races.  Stonecloud itself is divided into sections, focusing the present talents.  These sections are designated the “clerical” wing, “arcane” wing, “physical arts” wing and the “guest” wing


Uktar, 1369—Protectorate pins are provided to all members, but only the upper echelons possess the magical versions worn by the Protectorate Prime (as the founding members were called)


Nightal 12-26, 1369—The villa’s upper floors are converted into one large “danger room” and is opened for a fee to the public to use.  Quarters are moved into the basement


Hammer 19, 1370—First major attack on Stonecloud is successfully repelled.  A cabal of low-level Red Wizards on dragonback attempt to enter the fortress to discover its secrets.  A combination of spelljammers and innate defensive magics built into Stonecloud defeat and kill most of the attack force


Tarsakh, 1370 to Eleint, 1371—Red Wizard mercantile expansion is watched closely by the Protectorate.  They match the evil wizards’ movements by erecting counterparts close to the wizards’ enclaves (with permission of the local rulers)


Nightal 20, 1371—A multi-tribe cloud giant celebration weakens the area around the entombed Protectorate Prime.  The giants soon find the people and through strength of body and clerical magic, the original Protectorate and the Midnight Angel are freed this night


Nightal 23, 1371—The Protectorate Prime arrives at Stonecloud after being directed by the villa’s staff.  Their identities are magically verified and a celebration is planned


Hammer 1, 1371—In Waterdeep, both the new year and the missing Protectorate members are welcomed with song and dance.  The founding members reacquaint themselves with old(-er) friends such as Open Lord Piergeiron, Delrick Jhomes, Ebony, and the grown-up members of what was once the Junior Protectorate.  Waterdavians who remember these founders hail their return as a sign of good fortune for the coming year