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A little bit about me.

I'm Marc (short for Marcus), and live in a little community outside Göteborg (sometimes called Gothenburg). Göteborg is Swedens second largest city and is full of people like me who call themselves Gôteborgare (gothenburgers).
All over Sweden Gôteborgare are pretty well known for their "great" sense of humour and people love (or hate us) for it.
The little community I live it is called Olofstorp and is inhabited by about 4000 people. Three years ago not many foreigners lived in Olofstorp. There were one single afrikan family, the rest swedes, but as they built more houses and old people died it has moved in more and in my opinion it's very good. Most foreigners in Sweden live in foreigner "ghettos" and have no chance of adapting to swedish ways and society and therefor causes much trouble when they meet swedes, but in Olofstorp we're all friends and they respect us we respect them and they aren't as bad and stupid as some think they are. It's all lies and rasistic BULLSHIT.
As you might have noticed I like expressing my opinions and have quite a few...I'm also a kind of a writer and artistic person.
I write poems, of course, short stories, my opinions on certain matters and such too simply express my feelings, evolve my creativity or share my knowledge and opinions for those who wants to hear it.
I also draw a bit, but I'm bad at it and I don't think anyone knew this so maybe I should take it off my site?!
I also play a few instruments but I've quit doing it for real and now I just sing, and I'm thinking about starting a band up with my friends. Music is my life and I have always been in contact with it. Without music I couldn't live and i don't think thats figurely speaking...
I'm also called the math genious sometimes because I'm raised to count math and be a scientific genious by my dad.

one more word:


please try to understand....
If u have any questions at all you are free to mail me at