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Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

Where do I different characters?
The only way you can get characters is by surfing the net through Mugen sites and downloading them. You can get some sites here or here, or you can make your own character.

How do I add new characters to the select screen?
Open the file `data/select.def'. In the `[Characters]' group at the top of that file, add a line that looks like: `PLAYER, STAGES/STAGE.DEF'. Substitute the name of the player's folder(the folder name should be exactly like the `.def' file for the character) for PLAYER, and the name of his stage for STAGE.DEF. If you do not specify a stage, it will be randomly chosen in the game. The comments in `select.def' file have additional information on how to add a character.

How do I increase the number of slots in the character select screen?,
Open up the file `data/system.def' using a text editor, and look at the `[Select Info]'(near the middle of the file) group. Increase the value of `rows' and `columns' to create more slots for additional characters.
If you ad a lot more characters you need to adjust the `pos' parameter to place the newly-sized boxes correctly on the screen. A value of 0,0 represents the upper-left corner, and 319,239 is the lower-right.

How do I get rid of the numbers and letters at the bottom of the screen?
The "numbers and letters" are the debug information for a character. Press `Ctrl-D' until it goes away or for a more permanent fix, open the file `data/mugen.cfg' and in the `[Debug]' group, change `Debug = 1' to `Debug = 0', to get rid of it permanently.

How do I enable my gamepad or Joystick?
Open up the file `data/mugen.cfg' and find the `[Input]' group. Decide whether you want P1 or P2 to use the joystick(the joystick means both a gamepad and joy sitck). For now, let's assume P1 is using the joystick. Change the setting for `P1.UseJoystick' to 1, and specify the appropriate setting for `P1.Joystick.type' (2,4 or 6 buttons).

How can I use two gamepads at the same time?
MUGEN does not support multiple gamepads. However, there are programs available on the web that will map gamepad buttons to keys on the keyboard. If you map the second gamepad to player 2's keys, then you can effectively use a pad for each player.

How do I use my Playstation gamepad?
You need to build a converter to connect your joystick to the computer. MUGEN supports the DirectPad Pro converter; schematics are available at Zip Label. You do not need to download the DirectPad Pro drivers, although they are recommended for testing your converter. The converter connects to the parallel port, so you will need to disconnect your printer cable if you wish to use the pad.
The DirectPad Pro schematics specify a +5V power supply for the main controller electronics, and a +9V power supply for the shock motors. The standard voltages supplied by the Playstation for these purposes are, respectively, +3.5V and +7.6V. It is up to you to decide whether you wish to run at the higher voltages, or build an external power supply to provide the +3.5V and +7.6V inputs. An external power supply, though more inconvenient, may be able to supply more power, to controllers that require it, than the parallel port can. There has been no reports of damage to Playstation controllers from running at +5V/+9V, but that does not mean the possibility does not exist.
In any case, the DirectPad Pro author cannot answer questions about the construction of a PSX converter. Please find a friend knowledgeable in electronics to help you if you have difficulties.
When your converter is completed and functioning, set `P1.UseJoystick' to 1, and `P1.Joystick.type' to 22. The PSX pad buttons are numbered consecutively, starting from 5, as follows: L2, R2, L1, R1, Triangle, Circle, X, Square, Select, L3, R3, Start.
Here is a sample joystick configuration for the Namco PSX joystick.
[P1 Joystick] ;Namco stick
A = 11
B = 10
C = 6m
X = 12
Y = 9
Z = 8
Start = 13
(Note:that you can bind the Start button to any physical button on the PSX joystick, if you choose. The X button functions as a cancel button in most menus. This is not configurable. MUGEN does not support analog input. The L3 and R3 switches aresupported.)

How do I use force feedback with my input device?
The only force feedback device currently supported is the Playstation Dual Shock controller. Force feedback defaults are disabled. To enable it, set `ForceFeedback = 1' in the `[Input]' section.

How do I make a stage and its background?
You need a `.def' and an `.sff' file in the `stages/' directory. The file `stages/stage0.def' has some comments on how to make a background.

How do I add music to a stage?
Edit the `.def' file for the stage, and go to `[Music]'. For `bgmusic', put in the name of the `.midi', `.mod' (also `.s3m') or `.mp'3 file. For example, if you have `music.mp3' in the `sound/' directory, the line should read:
bgmusic = sound/music.mp3
Or if the file is on another drive, the line should read:
bgmusic = d:/music/mp3/music.mp3

How do I add music to the title, select and VS screens?
Open the file name`data/system.def' with a text editor, and look under `[Music]'. Then add the filename of the `.mp3', `.midi', `.mod', or any other sound file to the appropriate lines.

How do I switch the sounds for the hits and announcers?
You'll need to build your own files `fight.snd' and `common.snd' and place it in a subdirectory under the `data/' folder. You will need to copy the file `data/system.def' into that subdirectory, and you may edit it if necessary. To run with your new `system.def', you will need to use the `-r' switch at the command line. For example, if you put the new files in `data/mymotif', then type:
mugen -r mymotif

How do I change the graphics for supers and hit sparks and life bars?
You'll need to create your own files, `fightfx.sff' and `fightfx.air' in a subdirectory under `data/'. You should download a lifebar/powerbar to change it or you can download your own.

How do I change the title screen and character select graphics?
All the files that are used, are under the `data/' directory. If you would like to use your own, you will need to make a copy those files in a subdirectory under `data/', and edit the necessary files. For example, you will need to edit `system.def' to customize the title screen, and supply the the work files used to make the default motif is available on Elecbyte's web page

Why isn't the AI very competitive?
The AI implementation is incomplete, for now, engine bug fixes and improvements are the priority.

Where are character endings, intros, story mode and other goodies?
These will be worked on when the game engine is more complete.


When I try to run MUGEN it gives me an error "Can't change video mode", even when I hit "yes" to switch

to 640x480. What does it mean?
You need VESA drivers to run MUGEN. It's recommended you run in VESA2, since that is usually faster for 16-bit colour. Check readme.txt for more info on tweaking your graphics settings. The default setting for MUGEN is 320x240 in 16-bit color, using VESA2 in linear mode. Older video cards may need to use banked mode, so be sure to check. Some VESA drivers such as Scitech Dislplay Doctor may need linear mode manually enabled.

When I run in 640x480 I have a tiny screen. How do I make it big?
Go to the file `data/mugen.cfg', and look under the `[Video]' section. Set `stretch' from 0 to 1. If you do this your game will run slower, so it's recommended you find a VESA driver that gives you 320x240x16bit.

Why doesn't MUGEN work with my (INSERT NAME) soundcard?
MUGEN supports SB16 and compatibles. If you have a sound card that has Sound Blaster emulation, but does not work with MUGEN, you can try setting the IRQ to 7 or lower. High IRQs may cause problems. Also, you might want make sure that your `BLASTER' settings are correct. To see that, type `set' at the command prompt. You might see a line:
BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 H7 P330 T6
This is address 220, IRQ 5, DMA 1, High DMA7. You can ignore the other two settings. If this is incorrect, try changing it by typing
SET BLASTER=A??? I? D? H? where the ?'s are replaced with the correct values.

When I try to load a character, MUGEN quits with an error

message saying it can't load the character's `.sff'. What's wrong?
Most likely, you do not have enough memory to load the character. Most characters need at least 16 MB to run, but there are cases where even 32 MB is not enough, especially if the character has an unoptimized sound or sprite file.

I don't have enough memory! Will the next MUGEN support virtual memory?
MUGEN is in fact using virtual memory. However, you can't always solve lack of RAM problems by swapping data back and forth from the hard drive. For instance, swapping character graphics and sounds from the drive causes a considerable amount of "thrashing", making MUGEN run too slow for any level of acceptable gameplay. Further, swapping is automatic, meaning that we have no control what is actually swapped to disk.

MUGEN runs slower with some characters! Do I need more memory?
It is possible the character you are running is unoptimized. Having inefficiently-coded states, lots of constantly-checked states, or overuse of trigger expressions can cause slowdown. Unless you hear your hard drive cranking loudly whenever you are playing, you don't have a RAM problem.

MUGEN says it can't load `data\mugen.cfg'. Why not?
MUGEN expects to find several configuration files within a subdirectory called `data'. If this directory was not created when you unzipped the MUGEN archive, you need to unzip again with directories.

MUGEN says it can't load fonts. What's wrong?
MUGEN expects to find its fonts in a subdirectory called `fonts'. If this directory was not created when you unzipped the MUGEN archive, you need to unzip again with directories.

Airview says it can't load fonts. What's wrong?
You need to run Airview in the same directory as MUGEN. It uses the MUGEN fonts.

Creating a Character

How do I make an `.act' file?
You can do it one of several ways:

  1. If you have Adobe Photoshop, you can save `.act' files from a 256 color image.
  2. You can download PCXClean from our homepage (, in the Tools ( section. The package contains the PCXPal tool, which can can be used to extract `.pal' files from a PCX file.
  3. You can get the Paint Shop Pro `.pal' to `.act' converter from the
most recent PCXClean package (v1.5).

How do I make an `.sff' or `.snd' file?
to do this you will need a sprite maker and a sound maker. They are available in the MUGEN Tools package.

How do I make an `.air', `.cns', `.cmd' or `.def' file?
They are all text files, that you can edit with EDIT or Notepad, or something alike. However, `.cns' files can sometimes get too big for Notepad.

How do I open an `.air', `.cns', `.cmd', or `.def' file under Windows?
When you double-click the files under Windows, you can select NotePad or another text editor to open the files.

Heck, how do I make a character?
It's not easy, but here's a brief outline to get started(I've never even tried to make one myself).
- Download KFM from Elecbyte's site. He's a good reference. Also get his work files, which contain his sprites and a `.txt' file for piping into sprmaker.
- Get some sprites ready to use. Even just the standing sprites are enough to get started.
- Make the `.txt' file for the `.sff' of his standing frames.
- Make the `.sff' using sprmaker.
- Make a `.def' file (or copy over and edit KFM's)
- Make an `.air' file (or copy over and edit KFM's)
- Make a `.cns' file (or copy over and edit KFM's)
- Try it out. Tweak the axes in the `.sff' until the animation looks right. Type `MUGEN player player' to test the character.
- Add walking frames to the `.sff', then add frames for animations in the air. Add jumping, getting hit, etc.
- When you're done with basic movement, it's time to add attacks! That's when the fun and real work begins (also lots of frustration).

Making a character is hard! What's the easy way?
To bad there isn't any(if there was I would have acouple of characters myself). MUGEN is very flexible, but with that flexibility comes work. You can try replacing sprites for KFM and tweaking with his `.air' and `.cns' to get started though. Why does my character have a colored box around him?
You need to set the color of that box to color 0 in his palette. Make sure your sprites are all 256 colors, with that same palette.

How do I make an attack move?
You need a couple of things.

  1. Sprites for the attack move (in the `.sff' file).
  2. An animation action for the attack (in the `.air' file).
  3. A move definition specifying the command for the move (in the `.cmd' file).
  4. State entry specifying what state to go to when the command is performed (in the `.cmd' file).
  5. States for the move (in the `.cns' file).

Why doesn't my command work in the `.cmd'?
You need to put state entry for a move (call it Move A) before all other moves that have commands that are subsets of Move A. So if Move A has command `D, F, a' then Move A has to be placed before any move that has command `a' in the `.cmd' file.

My character disappears when he's thrown. What's wrong?
You do not have all the required sprites as specified in `spr.txt'. Make sure you've added all the required sprites with their specified numbers, including the ones that have axes in the middle of the body, as well as at the head.

Can I have a separate palette for certain player or projectile sprites?
Except for the big portrait (9000,1), the answer is no. To see how to use a different palette for the big portrait, download KFM's work files and look at the `.txt' file for his `.sff'.

How do I add a KO sound?
If you have a sound 11,0 (that's group 11, sound 0) in your character's `.snd' file, it will automatically be played as the KO sound.

A character I saw did this cool effect. How was it done?
Take note of which states that character was in, and take a look at it in his `.cns' file. The reason for the open file formats is so that you can share techniques with other developers.

Need further assistance? Go here to get help by e-mail.

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