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New .MD members

Alex Dark

October 24, 2001

10:10 PM PST

Say hello to

New Practice Time

Alex Dark

October 21, 2001

5:24 PM PST

I'm changing practice times to Friday at 7:30 EST because it is hard to make practice at regular times for a lot of our members.


Alex Dark

October 16, 2001

10:07 PM PST

I've talken to a skills server owner and he says that we can use his servers for practices :)

Important: All Members Read

Alex Dark

October 14, 2001

9:12 PM PST

Okay, due to all the inctivity of members, including myself, .MD hasn't been going very well in the last few weeks. I've been unfair to all .MD members by going inactive right in the middle of everything. And I'm sorry for that. I'm going to start updating more and more than I ever did before now.
Like all other guilds without servers, .MD will die without one. It is possible to get TFC servers for very little monthly rates. If all our members donate, each member will have to pay very little money. The reason we've stopped practicing is because our DSL server providers have been having computer problems and we've had nowhere to go. Please post on this forum if you would like to commit to server payments. Thank you everyone.
BTW, please welcome our newest members,
Also members, if your need me to change your member info to something different, just email me or post in the forums. :)

New Member

Alex Dark

September, 23 2001

8:41 AM PST

Please welcome our newest member,
|DoP| jagz2001 .MD

The New Guy

Alex Dark

September, 12 2001

7:57 PM PST

Please welcome our newest member,

This morning... :(

Alex Dark

September, 11 2001

4:47 PM PST

Let's all take a minute to reflect on the terrible acts that occured today. For the thousands of people that lost theirs lives, for the 78 police men and the 200 firefights that didn't make it back. Lets take a prayer for all the people who lost their lives, and for the future terrorist ataacks that will occur in the future. My condolances go out today. :(

Newest Member and New Siggy

Alex Dark

September, 10 2001

8:25 PM PST

Hey Quix! Welcome2u! Here'z yo member info.
Also, my ezboard account got all screwed up, so I have a new one. :( I also have a new siggy too. It pwns j00.

Website Make over

Alex Dark

September 9, 2001

8:37 PM PST

Well, I've given the site a make over, now I feel like an HTML whore. :(


Alex Dark

September 4, 2001

6:23 PM PST

Well we've been taking a nice one-week break to let all you kiddies get all situated in school. Practice is still Thursday only the time has changed to 9:30 EST.
Also, welcome our two new members, race-rabbit and [-SoC-]DookiE .

Newest Member

Alex Dark

August 17, 2001

9:45 PM PST

Please welcome our newest member, [-SoC-]Ir0nCl4w

Newest Member

Alex Dark

August 12, 2001

5:35 PM PST

Please welcome our newest member, -=|DeaD|=-$lip-]

We have a server!

Alex Dark

August 8, 2001

4:12 PM PST

More stuff added! We also have a DSL dedicated server thanks to CheapShot. Practices will start August 23rd.

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