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Other People's Sprite Comics

Other People's Sprite Comics

Here you can find some sprite comics made by people other then me. Yes, I'm not as egotistic as you think, I DO let other people put the sprite comics here. If you would like to put some of your sprite comics here, simply email me at and I'll gladly put them on my site. Don't worry if you think there not good enough, I'll put them here no matter how bad you think they are, I promise. Anyways, below are comics made by others.

BluRobotGirl's Sprite Comics
Calling BlueRobotGirl's sprite somic series Stealing The Show a sprite comic isn't exactly correct. It IS a comic that uses sprites, but it also uses drawings made by her on her computer and cut and pasted pictures from game or movie clips. The result is a hilarious and very well made colaboration comic that tells the story of MegaMan X and Zero and how after their favorite show was stolen by a newer show, they wonder around in new land of strangeness. YOU HAVE to read this comic series, it's hilarious, trust me.
BlueRobotGirl is the creator of Stealing The Show, so if you would like to use her comics in anyway (besides simply reading them) be sure to email her at

Everybody, BlueRobotGirl was nice enough to MAKE a website page specifically for her spot here on my site. You see, she has SO many additions to her super hilarious sprite comic series, that I simply didn't have enough space to hold them all. So, she made her own little area and all I have to do is link to it.

BlueRobotGirl's Stealing the Show and Stealing the Underwear!

Yes that's right, she was even kind enough to put her sequel, Stealing the Underwear, staring Servbot#40, on that page as well. Thank you so much BlueRobotGirl. And if you haven't figured it out by now, BlueRobotGirl is also a member of the Message Board, so if you feel like telling her how much you love her comic series, be sure to talk to her there, or email her.

IceMan's Comics
IceMan's the owner of the following comic(s) (not the REAL IceMan... that's just what he calls himself), so if you would like to put these comics anywhere on the net, please be sure to ask him by emailing him at
Cave. Zero and Sigma, in a cave. This comic uses the "panel of silence" very well, and if I learned one thing from sprite comic making, the panel of silence is hilarious.
Base. I don't know why it's called Base, but it's basically a retelling of the creation of ProtoMan.
Slaveboy. And, now MegaMan's appearance. Not only that, but Roll and Rush as well (oh well, it's a sprite comic, don't take it so seriously).
German. ProtoMan and MegaMan speaking German + a panel of silence = Hilarity!
Snack. Auto's getting a snack... and MegaMan doesn't seem to mind.
Vending. Don't you hate it when vending machines don't work properly? Neither does Duo.
Photo Album. This is my favorite one from IceMan, it's adorable, READ IT!
Fred. Hilarious. Somehow, it reminds me of Bob's strategy of comic making. Oh well, if it works use it.

Amber's Comics
Amber's the owner of the following comic(s), so if you would like to put these comics any where on the net, please ask her by emailing her at
Bass Likes Ciel. I like this one, because it makes no sense. For some odd reason, Ciel, Bass and Zero are in an open field, Zero is playing with some sort of alarm, and Bass is getting slapped around by Ciel. Simply ingenious!
Uh Ohh... X RUN!. Another good one. X sings opera, and Bass... isn't a very good critic.
Zero Calls to X. This one's interesting, Zero is fighting Gate, he ends up getting hurt, and calls for X to come to the rescue, also, this comic ties in with the next few comics listed below.
X Arrives, and So Does Someone Else I don't know what the title of this one is, so I just made that one up. What's cool about this comic is it ties in with my Mixed Formations comic. So, read that one first to get the full enjoyment out of this comic.
Bass is a Chibi. Ignore the title, just read it, it's funny. I promise.
Amber's Series, The RockMan Virus
Amber's has made her own series of sprite comics, The RockMan Virus. Read!
The RockMan Virus, the Intro.Every series needs a beginning, READ!!!
The RockMan Virus part 2. It's getting good now... I think. Not very sure where this series is going, but it looks interesting so far.
The RockMan Virus part 3. Wow, this ones crazy. Sorta reminds me of that RockMan Neo flash animation I saw on the net about a year ago. Pretty cool.
The RockMan Virus part 4. Goodness, there's something totally wrong with X, hopefully Zero can hang in there.
The RockMan Virus part 5. Zero has a wife, her name is Allexa. Although she looks surprisingly like Iris, try not to confuse the two.

Well that's all I got so far. Please, send me yours! NOW!!