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Mario's Realm is now 48% done

-Please Visit Our New Mario Realm Forum-
Progress Report-PLEASE READ!
Mario's Realm is going through a HUGE change! we will soon be moved to a new site, and we will be called "The Realm". The site will then cover STILL all the mario stuff, and we will now have the first ever "Zelda RPG". The zelda rpg is a site where you actually take a role in a online zelda game and battle, have exp, hp, mp, attacks, weapons, adventures, and more! here are the expectations for sites releases.
  • Mario's Realm completion- 2-3 more weeks.
  • The Zelda RPG- 3-4 more weeks.
  • The Realm- 4-5 more weeks.
  • Expection Site FINAL opening- 5-6 more weeks.
    Sorry I must hold back the sites opening once again, but in order to get mario's realm, and the rpg up (AKA: The Realm), it will take me awhile. Who knows, maybe i will get done quicker. Please keep checking back for my next "progress report"!
  • -3.11.01

    Progress Report
    Iv been taking time to think, and i thought "Why not make Mario's Realm even BETTER?!" I was thinking of adding a zelda, sonic, and MAYBE a pkmn section. This is not yet confirmed, but if so, it will take awhile to put it together. By the time mario's realm is done, and my the time the zelda,sonic, and pissible pkmn sections are all done, your looking at a long wait until you see "The Realm", maybe up to 3-4 months.
    But getting down to the site, I fixed up the site a little bit. Got rid of un-neccecary pics that are not needed until the site opens, and fixed up the organization. As mario's realm grows closer and closer to the "100% done" mark, we hope you check by about 3-5 times a week to check out the sites daily "Progress Report", as well as your forum and top site list.
    Staff is basicly all taken, but im desprate need for a mario golf and/or mario party 2 staff member. If you are interseted, please email me Here.
    I may as well warn you before you apply for affilation, here are the rules.
    Must be vido game related.
    10 or more visitors a day(NOT hits!)
    Must have a decent amount of content
    Acceptable layout
    Not to many broken pics/links
    Must display my link in a viable place, and must be in the "Affiliate" section, not links
    If you think you have what it takes, email me, and to greaten the chance of being affiliated with me, join my TopSitesList, which will also bring you more hits.
    Hope you liked todays "progress report!"

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    Affiliates: Pokemon Evolution Central | PkmnCrazy

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