HTML Basics

All HTML script is composed of tags. These tags tell what a certain piece of text should look like and what it should do. Tags are always enclosed by a pair of signs.

Tags usually come in pairs. One tag will represent where the tag starts and a second will represent where it ends. The tag representing the end will be preceded by a /.

The text between the tags is effected by the tags. Whatever the tags say, the text does. If the tags tell the text to become bold, the text is bold. B is the tag for bold lettering.

Multiple tags can be used at once. Both must be closed completely. It makes no difference which is put first or second, but one set should be on the inside and one should be on the outside. I is the tag for italicized lettering.

Tag Examples:
Tags to create headings:
All heading commands are simple. They include the letter h followed by a number between 1 and 8. 8 is the smallest, while 1 is the largest.





Tags to change font size:
The font size commands are a way to have more control over the size of text. There are 12 sizes from -6 to -1 and from +1 to +6. The front tag includes the font size while the back one does not.

Tags to change color:
Color codes are very similar to font size codes. To use the code you must know the hex code of your color. Some hex codes are:

Tags to center text:
The tag to center text is very simple. All text within the tags will be centered.

Tags to create a hyper link:
The link inside the tag is the url the link will go to. The text is what will be displayed for the viewer to click on.

Tags to create backgrounds:
The tag to create a background for your page is only one tag without a pair. To create a blank solid color background you use the same codes that you use for colors.
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The tag to use a picture as wallpaper is also fairly simple. You first have to have an image to use as wallpaper. It should be in the same directory as your page or you will have to tell the computer where to look for it.

The background command goes over any color command you might use for background. If you have both included on your page, the bgcolor command will be useless.

Creating a Page:
The entire document must be enclosed by the tags

The header should be enclosed using the head tags. The title, which will be displayed in the window caption, should be enclosed inside the header in title tags.

All text should be enclosed within the html tags. All embedded or whole page commands should be included at the top, inside the tags, but before the text.
is required to create a line break.

creates a new paragraph. To include html code use the code tags. The code will be contained on the page.

Other commands can be used to create various effects, embed sound, or create tables among dozens of other uses. This is only an introduction into the uses and commands available in html.