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  A.J.'s "Halo" Experiences 

  (I began writing down my observations in a notebook in May, I did not post this page until August 12th, 2005.)  

In the early part of 2005, (March or April); I purchased an "X-Box" from Wal-Mart, although I did not set it up right away. (I was very busy, it sat in a corner, un-opened ... for 2-3 weeks.) When I first got it, (and actually played the games for the very first time); I was VERY impressed with the graphics. (3D, the environment looks and feels so real ... often you forget you are just playing a game!) 

I must also note that the boys at MicroSoft have done it again ...  (Love 'em or hate them, you have to admire their ability to innovate!) A technical aspect is that Windows "sees" nothing on an XBox disc, which means they had to come up with a brand new EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!! (A new OS, a new way to store picture files, a new way to make those files move, etc.)  My decision to <finally> get a XBox was motivated by the "Halo2 <internet> trailers" that I saw just before Christmas one year. They blew me away, although at the time we did not have the money to go out and get one immediately.  

To be fair, my experiences with Halo will be VASTLY different than a teenager today, I come from an entirely different generation. (I can remember when TV's were all black-and-white, had three channels, and I was my Daddy's "remote control" unit. "Son, change back to channel ten," he would say. I would turn the knob, clunk-clunk-clunk.) I also did NOT grow up playing Nintendo, and the like ... so I lack the basic skills of "button/joystick co-ordination" that some younger folks have. 

 Halo ... "first contact" 

When I finally got the game set up, I played Halo2 for over an hour. I was very disappointed. (I basically lacked the game skills to appreciate the game, it was simply too difficult for a beginner.) After several tries, it went back in the box, and I did not even attempt anything for a week or two. 

I was unknowingly motivated one morning by my friend Joe Hodge. I carefully explained my plight to him. He slapped me playfully on the back and said: "You can't teach an old dog new tricks." This did not help, it only made me more angry ... and more determined to succeed. 

 Back to basics 

First I decided that I would play a few other games. I started with Spider-Man (number one), and began to try and master the basic art of handling the XBox controls. And while I really liked this game, my daughter was hooked. 

I also played a few other games, like "Scooby-Doo," to experiment and learn, train on the XBox controls ... and try to get the hang of things. I discovered that each game is VERY complex ... and even has its own following! (The guide {for Scooby} is 85 pages long!!!) 

 You have to crawl (!), before you can walk ... 

I decided that - logically - before I tackled Halo2, I should go back to Halo1 and buy a copy. Maybe by playing this game, I could gain a little badly needed experience, I also might gain some insights into the game, that might help me play - and understand - the game a little better. 

I bought a copy of Halo, and got busy. But again ... ... ... I was to be greatly disappointed. My first night, I played for over three hours, {with just  a few breaks}; and NEVER EVEN REACHED THE BRIDGE OF THE "PILLAR OF AUTUMN"!!! Some people might be ashamed of such a revelation, but I am just being honest. I was so disgusted, in fact, that I considered throwing out the Halo discs, and washing my hands of the whole affair. But my parents taught me that, "Quitters NEVER win," so I decided eventually to take another stab at it. 

 First Steps 

I remember how happy I was when I navigated the maze of the ship, (The Pillar of Autumn); and finally reached the bridge. This success did not come cheaply however, I invested many hours of game-play in order to make it this far. The "fun-level" of the game - for me, at least - increased exponentially, as you get your first weapon ... and get to waste some nasty aliens. 

I probably played for a whole month, a little here, and a little there, before I first made it off the ship and completed the first level. (Only in this way do you get to "unlock" or play the next level.) 

Then I was stuck - hopelessly lost - on the second level, ("Halo") for over a month. (Just a quick historical note, the basic concept is not new. A mathematician theorized a  "ring-world"  many years ago, and Larry Niven wrote a famous sci-fi book about it, which I enthusiastically read as a teenager.) 

I nearly quit in frustration ... many times ... at this point. I took a few breaks, one time I did not play at all for nearly a week. But eventually I kept plugging away. "If at first, you don't succeed, try, try ... again!" 

I also was slowly mastering the controls. The more I played, the better I got, the better I got, the more I enjoyed myself. 

 Steady Progress 

I was making slow, (but sure!!); progress at this point. I eventually made it off the Halo level, and found the third level, (The Truth and Reconciliation," I liked to call it the 'The Truth and The WRECK.'); to be my "meat and potatoes." You see, I was trained in the military as a sniper. I never had an armored, power-assisted, biosuit; endless ammo; a motion tracker; (etc.), but I know what is required of a real sniper. To me, it was uncanny how the game developers managed to create "the look and feel" of the actual sniper experience. I can only assume that they consulted a lot of professionals while in the development process of the actual game. 

There are two {main} phases of the third level. In the first, you get to be a sniper - at night! -and waste a lot of baddies, as you work your way through several rocky valleys. Eventually - if you live that long - you make your way onto an alien ship ... that is much worse than "The Pillar of Autumn" ... this thing is a real freaking maze. (I still don't have a good map of it in my head.)

One night - almost by accident - I rescued Captain Keyes and made it off the alien ship. This unlocks the fourth level. The fourth level has the very creative name of: "THE SILENT CARTOGRAPHER." Here I got stuck again ... for probably around another month. And as much as I tried, I could not make any progress. (For a long time I believed I was making a mistake. You have an artificial intelligence entity known as "Cortana," in your suit, she speaks directly into your helmet. For far too long, I took everything she said LITERALLY!!!!! She would say stuff like, "Don't let them lock that door," and despite all my best efforts, the door would get locked anyway. I began to think I was an XBox failure.)  

 I need some help! 

After failing at the fourth level quite a few times, I did give up - in a manner of speaking. 

I called a friend, and although I did not let him tell me too much, I discovered to my chagrin, that I wasn't doing anything wrong, and the door gets locked ... no matter what you {as a character/player} manages to do. He also told me that there were many guides, both the free ones and the kind you have to pay for, on the Internet.  [ My favorite guide. ]   

----> A word of caution!  DON'T read the guides if you are one of those players who enjoys doing things on your own, it could ruin the pleasure you would have if you discovered everything for yourself!!! (I only - initially - read the guide for the fourth level. Later, I would refer to them if I got badly stuck ... which happened several more times.) One of the great things about these games is to EXPLORE ... and discover things on your own! I liked to just quickly scan the guide, looking for an answer, I would come back and read it in great detail only after completing a level. 

---> A word of advice. Watch the game demos. Just fire up the XBox, stick in the Halo disc, and let it run. Eventually, if you don't touch any of the controls, you will get to see glimpses of {actual?} game play. These can both educate and motivate you. (Watch them carefully.) 

---> Another word of advice: READ the book! Learn about the various weapons, vehicles and aliens. This knowledge will serve you very well as you progress through the game. 

---> The weapons of Halo: All the weapons have certain uses. My favorite alien weapon is the plasma rifle. Ease of use, firepower, automatic fire if you like. As a beginner, it probably should be your best friend. The plasma pistol and the "needler" all have specific uses. While lacking the all-round utility of the plasma-rifle, they each have both their strong and weak points. And of course, use the plasma grenades sparingly. Nothing beats catching an Elite just walking his post ... and sticking a plasma grenade to his head. The human fragmentation grenades are best used in halls or rocky areas ... and are most effective against Grunts and Jackals. (Please use these wisely.)  


NOT ALL THE GUIDES ARE SET IN STONE:  I discovered that they - at least for me - are just that, guides. I play many of the levels quite differently than the manner proscribed by the guides. (Some levels ... I play them VASTLY different than any on-line guide!) I have discovered - on my own - how to do certain things, (like - just to name one concrete example -  bringing down a Banshee with a plasma pistol); that I never saw in any guide. I also discovered certain "cheats" ... game strategies that seem to work about 95% of the time. But the guides are still very useful, especially if you are lost, or need a hint on finding a cache of supplies or "health-packs." 

  This shows my main Halo character ... sorry, the focus is as good as I could get it.  (Halo1_pic-one.jpg, 402 KB)

 This shows the first three levels, you can clearly see the "badges" that show what level they were completed at. (Halo1_pic-two.jpg, 468 KB)

 The next three levels, I have completed these on the 'easy' ... the 'normal' and the 'Heroic' level. (Halo1_pic-three.jpg, 464 KB)

Levels seven through nine. (Halo1_pic-four.jpg, 467 KB)

Since taking this photo, I have completed the final level ("The Maw") on the 'Heroic' AND the 'Legendary'level of difficulty as well.  (Halo1_pic-five.jpg, 456 KB)

 (The above pictures were added Friday; August 19th, 2005.)  


Addicted to Halo 

Once I had my hands on the rungs of the ladder, no one could stop me. I also discovered that once I picked the game up, I would play for hours at a time, and I got very little work done. (Everything changes every time you play it.) 

Eventually I completed all ten levels. In fact, I would often go back and play one level over and over again ... A.) Because it was great fun; B.) I thought I could use the practice; and C.) I could see real progress. 

Eventually I did the first level <The Pillar of Autumn> on all four levels of difficulty. ('Easy,' 'Normal,' Heroic,' and 'Legendary.') As I write this, (08/12/2005); I have completed ALL TEN levels on both easy and normal, and the first five on easy through heroic. Basically, I am going to have to force myself to take a break ... this game is mental candy to me. 

THE BASIC STORY-LINE:  Here Halo leaves everyone else in the dust. Superb!  (Shhh, I won't tell.) 

BIG TIME FUN: Driving the tank for the very first time ... and the second, and the third, and the fourth, and the fifth, etc.  Discovering the "knock-down" power of the shotgun, using the rocket-launcher like a hand-gun ... providing you don't kill yourself in the process! Being down to one measly <red> health unit ... and oh joy of all joys! ... finding a health pack that brings you back up to speed. (This is especially rewarding after an all-out melee.) Mastering the art of the "silent kill," knocking off a whole roomful of grunts ... while they are sleeping peacefully. Learning to dodge the bad guys, especially when they start chunking those nasty plasma grenades. Killing your first Hunter with just a pistol ... and you only have three rounds left. Flying a Ghost or a Banshee for the first time. Learning to drive the Warthog ... without flipping it or spinning out all the time. Firing the chain gun in the BACK of the Warthog ... for the very first time. Losing your fear of THE FLOOD ... although they have no redeeming qualities at all. (You really should hate these guys, never lose the "ewww" factor, and just kill them like cockroaches!) All this, and much, much more ... awaits you if you want to give this game a try. (Recommended.)  

The big Finish: Driving a Warthog off the ship. More exhilarating than any other driving game!!! ('Grand Theft Auto' simply STINKS by comparison!) TRULY A RUSH!!! 


Halo1_pic-six-m1.jpg, 719 KB

Halo1_pic-seven-m1.jpg, 687 KB

Halo1_pic-eight-m1.jpg, 669 KB

Halo1_pic-nine-m1.jpg, 730 KB

  As you can clearly see from the series of pictures above ... I am "legendary" across the board!!!  
  (Saturday; September 24th, 2005.)  

  Another try at Halo 2  

  If you save this picture to your hard drive, and then view it on normal size, you should be able to see everything OK.  (Halo2_pic-one-m1.jpg, 247 KB)

aj_halo2-pic1.jpg, 07 KB


After feeling that I had a basic mastery over Halo, I decided to take another stab at Halo2. (I have been playing the game for over a week now, and have completed all fifteen levels, albeit, most on the "easy mode.") My first steps were quite pitiful, however my basic skills acquired playing the first game eventually paid dividends.  

For me, Halo2 is not quite as much fun as the first game. (And I hope that Halo2 fans won't burn me at the stake for heresy for saying this!!) Lots of new toys, new aliens, a more realistic look and feel, but I am not sure if I like it as much as the first game. The "double-wield" is much too cumbersome, and many of the things that you were educated to look for, (health packs, for instance); have been eliminated. Its also VERY UNREAL to be playing the game from the alien perspective. ("The Arbiter.") Having spent most of my Halo (One) time fleeing in pure terror from the "Hunters," it was almost too 'trippy' to be working with (and behind) those guys. More than once, I started slicing up or shooting aliens, only to have them scream at me that we are on the same side. (Halo instinct - if it's ugly ... KILL IT!!!!)  

Maybe ... just maybe ... when I have played Halo2 as much as the first game, I will feel a little differently about this.  
(But not right now.) 

And finally, I can only hope they make a "Halo3." (The place where the second story left off ... just plain sucks.) 

--->  Halo2 Guide (IGN)More Halo2  from "GameDaily,"  More Halo2  from "Rampancy.Net"  

--->  Search Google for Halo 2;   Halo 2, on BungieThe official (X-Box) webpage on Halo 2.  


I now have completed all levels on Halo-2 on the "normal" level, and without question, it is the more difficult of the two games. The "double-wield" (press 'Y' to carrying two weapons at once) is much too clumsy. (One possible improvement is for the character to automatically grab a fresh weapon when he walks by one.) On Halo1 ... IF I play a good round ... I can play an entire level without dying. (On the 'normal' level.) On Halo2, this might be possible, but I do not think it is likely. (Some of the new weapons are cool, but there also seems to be a huge disparity in the effectiveness of some weapons - you seem to die very quickly, but they seem to be less than lethal in the character's hands.) In my opinion, Halo2 is vastly more complicated, but not as much fun to play! (Is the "Flood" now just too hard to kill?) (August 22nd, 2005.)  


I now have completed all the levels on Halo2 on the "Heroic" <phase> of difficulty, a picture (of my character) ... to follow soon. Monday; September 19th, 2005. (Picture - above - posted 09/24/2005.) 


I am not currently an employee of Microsoft or Bungie games. I didn't get paid to say anything here. These are all just my opinions, if you don't like them, simply ignore them. (Please don't write me about any of this, I did this just for fun!)  

Halo and Microsoft are all registered trademarks and copyrighted {company} names, I make no claims of ownership over them. I don't own stock in these companies, and I am not a consultant or a programmer. (I simply bought the games and decided to share my thoughts with other Halo players.)  

I first posted this page in August of 2005, if I change or update anything, I will be sure to date the notes. 

  August, 2009:  I now have an "X-Box 360" and Halo 3. TONS of fun! (More on this later.) 

aj-halo-3_achv.jpg, (59 KB)

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  This page was last edited on:  Thursday, September 09, 2010 12:00 AM .   


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