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  A solid win ... by a Super-GM  

A few of you have e-mailed me to say ... that since I annotated another game ... that I must be a "Kamsky hater." Nothing could be further from the truth. (I had words with his Father on a few occasions, but I bore Gata Kamsky no ill will at all.) In fact, I was (more than) a little disappointed when he quit chess, talents like his do not come along every day. 

I was very active in chess when Gata first came to this country, and I actually watched him develop as a chess player.  

Here is a game that shows an extremely talented, intelligent, hard working and crafty chess player ...  just doing his thing! 


{This was a "bonus, download game" for my "Game of The Month" website. See the D/L for September, 2005.}  

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 GM Surya Ganguly (2583, IND) - GM Gata Kamsky (2700, USA)  
The 33rd World Open  
 Philadelphia, PA / USA, (R #3) / 30.06.2005 

   [ A.J. Goldsby I ]   

   (Source: TWIC  # 563)  


In a {seemingly} tranquil position, Gata Kamsky finds a nice tactical idea. 

(Pay attention all, these are the kind of tactical ideas that win big points for you.)  


 1.e4 c5; 2.Nf3 e6; 3.d4 cxd4; 4.Nxd4 a6; 5.c4 Qc7; 6.Nc3 Nf6; 7.a3 b6; 8.Be3 Bb7; 9.f3 Nc6;   
A very standard kind of Sicilian game, with a Maroczy-Bind pawn formation.   

 10.Rc1 Nxd4; 11.Qxd4!? Bc5; 12.Qd2 Bxe3; 13.Qxe3 Qc5; 14.Qf2 d6; 15.Be2 a5; 16.Nb5!?,    
Adventurous ... but not fatal. 

     [ (>/=) 16.Rd1!?, "+/=" ]   


 16...Ke7; 17.Nd4 g6; 18.0-0 e5; 19.Nc2 Qxf2+; 20.Kxf2 a4; 21.Rb1 Nd7; 22.b4!?,  (Maybe just '?!')   
This leaves White with some holes in his Pawn structure on the Q-side.   

     [ >/= 22.Ne3, "~" ]   


 22...axb3; 23.Rxb3 Ra5; 24.Rd1 Rd8; 25.Ne3 Bc6!; 26.Rd2 h5!?; 27.h4 Ra7; 28.Bf1 Rb7!?; 29.Rdb2 Ra8;   
Not many people know this, but Kamsky has an innate knack of playing out the most mundane looking positions. He will lure even strong GM's to sleep with some of his maneuvers, and then he will pounce and rip them to shreds. (Count on it.) 

This backfires on White. 

     [ >/= 30.g3 Rba7; "=/+"  etc. ]   


 30...Nxc5; 31.Rxb6 Rxa3; 32.Nc4 Rc3; 33.Be2 Rxb6; 34.Rxb6 Bxe4!; ('!!')  
Boom!! (I wish I could have been there to see the look on GM Ganguly's face ... when Kamsky played this move.) 


35.fxe4!? Nxe4+;  
Now Black wins back the piece, and despite White's best efforts, Kamsky will remain a Pawn (or two) ahead. 



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The tactic is based on the fact that White's light-squared Bishop will not find an adequate way to defend itself, (after the Black Knight moves to g3) - without dropping the Knight on c4. 


 36.Kg1 Ng3; 37.Rb7+ Ke6; 38.Bd1,    
This could be forced.   

     [ Or 38.Kf2 Nxe2; 39.Nxd6 Kxd6; 40.Kxe2 Ke6; "-/+" ]   


 38...Rxc4;  ("/+" or "-/+")   
And just like that, Black has a won game in this position. 


The rest is a matter of technique. (Kamsky has enough for any three normal, human chess players.)  
 39.Bb3 d5!!; 40.Rb6+ Kd7; 41.Bxc4 dxc4; 42.Rb4 c3; 43.Rc4 Nf5; 44.Rxc3 Nxh4; "-/+"  

 45.Kf2 Nf5; 46.Ra3 Nh6; 47.Ra6 Ke7; 48.Kf3 Ng4; 49.Ke4 f5+; 50.Kd5 Kf7; 51.g3 Kg7;    
 52.Ke6 f4!; 53.gxf4 exf4;   (Resigns.)   

A nice win by the GM.   


  Copyright (c) A.J. Goldsby, 2005. All rights reserved.  


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This page was created and posted on the Internet on  Monday; August 22nd, 2005.    Last edit or update on: 06/20/2013


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